𝗫. Not So Dreamland

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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒙:


❪ attempted sa, character death ❫

"Please. No!" Ten year old Miso heard her mother, Mijoo, beg for mercy from the big man who forced his way into their house just minutes ago. "Please." She heard her mother fall to her knees. "My husband is coming. Please." Her voice desperate for some leniency.

Mijoo was at her wits end. No matter how much overtime she racked up from her job at the local grocery store, the payments didn't even break the surface. She was still spending more than she could afford.

How could she not when she had a sickly daughter? Medication and the right diet were really expensive and the fact that her good for nothing husband upped and dipped leaving her an enormous debt to pay didn't help her at all.

A harsh slap sounded across their small living room, silencing her mother's pleas. The thought of the big, ugly man laying hands on her precious mother made her little body boil with rage.

"It's been four months. You know he's gone." The man let out a sick chuckle. The sudden revelation made Miso's stomach drop to the soles of her feet. Dread immediately seizing at her.

Huh? Her father was gone? But he promised her he'd be back

"It's such a shame too. He had such a pretty wife. Tell me, when was the last time you felt good?"

Miso felt her heart stop. Her mother was in danger; and there was nothing she could do to save her. She badly wanted to jump and kill the man herself but Mijoo made her promise that no matter what she sees or hears, she wouldn't come out of her hiding spot [a space in their kitchen cabinets].

"Please. Just give me more time." Miso's mother cried out. "I swear I'll pay you back."

The sound of a belt swishing made Miso's heart stop. No please, not her precious mother.

In the living room, Mijoo's cries got louder. This was it. She was going to get defiled with her daughter several meters away and there was nothing she could do.

As she looked up at the man in despair, a shiny black tool caught her eye. Her light at end of tunnel in the form of a black pistol outline tucked away in his arm holster.

And suddenly, like a phoenix rising from it's ashes, Miso felt hopeful. She was going to fight to live for her precious baby girl.

The big man drew closer and closer; his pants at knees exposing his. . . unclothed self. A shiver of disgust coursed through the older woman's veins.

As he lowered himself, Mijoo yanked the gun out of his holster and pointed it towards him, a somewhat victorious smirk playing on her lips. She had the upper hand ─for now. If worse comes to worst, Mijoo knew she would have to pull the trigger and it'd be man down.

"Now, now pretty lady." The intruder warned. "Let's not get hasty."

"Don't come near me you pig!" She aimed the gun to his heart; albeit with trembling hands. "One more step and you're dead."

The man chuckled, seemingly unfazed. "We wouldn't want any accidents."

Mijoo's smile slightly fluttered. Why was he so calm? Shouldn't he

WHACK! The gun suddenly got slapped out of her hand.


The intruder quickly jumped on her and immediately started struggling her. Mijoo's fight or flight instincts immediately kicked in. All her mind could think about was protecting her daughter. She wiggled all she could; she kicked and clawed all she could. She needed to live; she had to live.

Fortunately her fingers managed to grasp at the gun and BANG!─ Everything went quiet and the sound of a limp body hitting the floor reached Miso's ears.

If she was scared then, Miso was absolutely terrified now. Was her mother

The bang sounded again; and this time she could feel the bile rise up her throat. Something was wrong; she could feel it.

"AH FUCK─" Miso heard the man loudly mutter; the sound of the gun hitting the floor echoing again in her small eardrums.

It was quite for sometime before their door banged shut. Nervously gulping, Miso found her feet and slowly came out of hiding.

Her eyes met the painful sight of her mother's body laying still in the middle of the strewn living room, crimson red blood pulling near her head and stomach. She let out a choked sob as her knees gave out; sending her to the floor with a painful thud.

''Mummy! Mummy!'' Her feeble voice called out. ''Mummy please wake up. He's gone now."

It was a painful sight to behold for their elderly neighbour, Mr. Han. Stepping into the house filled with the shallow cries of a ten year old girl calling, no begging, for her mother to wake up when really. . . she was gone.

"Mr. Han." Miso sobbed; tears streaming down her face like a faulty tap. "Help me get mummy to the hospital." The girl pleaded with him. "Mummy's hurt. She needs help. . . please. . . help me."

The old man shook his head, somber tears pooling in his own. His heart audibly breaking into a thousand pieces. All he could do was try and calm her down whilst he tried to call for help.

Who would do this? Mijoo was such a lovely neighbour to him; always brought him fruits from the farmer's market and helped mow his lawn on the weekends. Who would be malicious enough to hurt her?

─ ─ ─ ─ ─


Miso woke up with a start. Sweat sticking to the back of her neck like a second skin. Her fingers tightly clutching at her blanket as her eyes peered around the room; her breathing uneven.

"Miso?" A groggy voice called out from beside her. "Are you okay?" Woojin slowly sat up; his warm hand finding her cold ones in an instant.

Miso remained quiet. Her heart still racing a thousand miles per second. The loud thudding of her heart sounding in her ears going du-du, du-du.

"Hey?" The man was now fully awake; somewhat sensing the distraught in the woman. "It's going to be okay." He brought her in for one of his infamous bear hugs. "I won't let anything happen to you. I swear."


"I promise."


✶ 𝗺𝗶𝘂 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 !
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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