#1 Red flags

128 3 0

(Yamato broke his phone) (Also below is just something random)

WARNING!!! A little dirty humor and implied smut.

(EXTRA)Cell 13 + Guards chat:

Uno: I will type for jyugo because the only words he can type is Jyugo Uno Nico Rock and Hi

Nico: LOL

Rock: At least he can spell something

Seitarou: He can spell at all?!

Uno: He called you rude. 

Seitarou: TWT

Rock: stop crying all the time

Seitarou: it's not like I can help it TWT.

Hajime: Can you inmates stop texting.

Nico: But why else do we have phones? TWT

Hajime: Don't TWT Me

Nico: But Seitarou-Chan can

Hajime: that's an exception

Seitarou: ^^

 ________________________Anyways here is the actual lyric prank__________________

everyone is online:

Qi : If you're wondering why Upa isn't here for now it's because he is on a date with Nico, rock and liang are there too

Honey : idc

Trois : You want to go on a date later Honey?

Honey: ///

Kiji: My adopted children stop flirting please. 

Ruka: Kiji~

Kiji : Not right now ...

Ruka: :^

Samon: where are they on a date?! I CAN'T LET MY CHILDREN GET HURT 

Qi: They are at Nanba's restaurant 

Samon: With the tall chef guy?

Qi: Ya

Samon: OK...

Tsukumo :Where is jyugo and uno

Hajime : Fucking

Seitarou : Caught red handed 

Hajime : Dont worry we will later


Nico + Upa + Liang + Rock  is online.

 Upa: The date started off so well.

Kiji : Spill

Seitarou : You need to be back in your cells soon!

Hajime : Ya hurry up

Tsukumo : Let the ships sail

Liang : Begin my night not expecting the fright of my life

Samon : ? 

Qi : did yall lie and see a horror movie

Seitaou : I hate horror movies

Hajime : Ya you get scared everytime 

Seitarou : TWT

Ruka : :/

Trois : are you guys ok?

Liang : He was perfect from what I could tell

Upa : How could I not see the danger right in front of me?

Qi : Danger ?


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