Boss Bitch - Building 13

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(I know in the description it says I will upload once a week...Guess not sorry for the delay! But I'm also working on other stories as well)

The Gays are online....

Hitoshi: Why dose it says gay now?

Trois: Its not lying 

Hitoshi: I know but still TT

Kenshiro: It explains this chat perfectly

Rokuriki: I agree

Samon: Shush

Nijimasu: Your not one to talk

Kiji: I thought this was suppossed to be a chat so we know what the inmates were doing?!

Honey: Father, do you not trust us?

Trois: Honey is Kiji's adopted son I guess

Musashi: Thats a weird family tree

Upa: A dumb one

Liang: Normally I wouldn't say this to my bestie but, Please don't get caught up in these idoit's shit


Liang: Shut it old man

Qi went offline to cry in a corner...


Building 13 is online..

Ruka: The whores are back

Samon: And your not?

Kenshiro: Hajime, I need to ask number 15 a few questions

Hajime: Mmm


Samon: Chill he had cocaine or somthing

Hitoshi: OK

Hitoshi: Wait...

Hajime: I was thinking


Uno: I ain't tryna 

Nico: I ain't tryna

Honey: Spell correctly

Rock: I ain't tryna

Honey: DUDE

Uno: Yeah, ain't tryna be cool like you

Honey: Your not cool at all tho?

Uno: Wobblin' around in your high heel shoes

Kenshiro: Thats for you Kiji and Ruka

Kiji: Shush you 2/10

Ruka: Ugly gambler! You dont know style

Nico: I'm clumsy, made friends with the floor

Upa: I remember that one time you were running around and you hit 100 people who were in a line and knocked them down like dominos XD

Yamato: That was funny

Nico: TT

Nico: Two for one, you know a bitch buy four


Samon: shut it no one asked

Samon: Also Rokuriki

Rokuriki: Yes?

Samon: Come to my office, we have work to do

Rokuriki: Ok

Samon: But I'm staying online

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