~This is Halloween~

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(Yes this is a Halloween special , And i will upload other stuff as soon as possible! Sorry for the delay)

Guards are online...

Kenshiro : So who do we have here?

Hajime : Supervisors are me , Kenshiro , nijimasu , kiji , samon and regular guards are seitarou , Yamato , Rukoriki , Hitoshi and Ahato 

Samon : Ok no more adding people to this chat , its already chaotic as is 

Seitarou : I can agree T T


Inmates are online...

Kiji : Say your prayers...

Jyugo : Boys and girls of every age

Samon : We are all males and older then you 

Kiji : LOL

Nijimasu : Dang dog got put in his place

Uno : Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Hajime : Look in the mirror

Kiji : Thats an insult to the mirror

Uno : fuck you all

Nico : Come with us and you will see

Ahato : Hell

Rock : This, our town of Halloween

Nijimasu : Damion?

Samon : The spooky guy?

Seitarou : Who?

Hitoshi : Building 6 Supervisor

Kiji : Don't add him , to many people 

Tsukumo : This is Halloween

Musashi : This is Halloween

Hajime : Yes it is , don't repeat it makes me look dumb having to take care of you guys as inmates

Ruka : Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

Kiji : Bae you having nightmares?

Ahato : Bestie ya good?

Samon : Makeup freaks

Honey : This is Halloween, everybody makes a scene

Samon : You are a whole scene.

Rokuriki : Is that a complimate or insult?

Samon : Insult

Trois : Trick or treat 'til the neighbors gonna die of fright

Hajime : You're in prison, you technically don't have neighbors. 

Liang : It's our town, everybody scream

Hitoshi : ah

Kenshiro : Hitoshi think before you type 

Hitoshi : I do?

Kiji : well not enough

Upa : In this town of Halloween

Yamato : Its not a town dumbo

Qi : I am the one hiding under your bed 

Ahato : Well please leave then

Seitarou : Just don't check the closet

Hajime : But that's where those things are?

Seitarou : Ya but no one wants to see those things

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