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The invitation was like a slap to him.

It arrived like a bolt from the blue, a shimmering promise that could change everything. It wasn't just any invite; it was the kind that made your heart race and your pulse quicken. The kind that whispered secrets of grandeur and destiny.

"This isn't real! This can't be happening!" Vihaan's voice trembled, the royal scroll shivering between his thumb and index finger. In its delicate script lay a tale of futures entwined and choices yet unmade.

Choices that would shatter him irrecoverably, and force him to unlock the darkest corners of his soul.

"Vihaan—" Viraj tried to console, but words faltered for even the Malhotra twin. The whole family could feel the ground shift beneath them. Nobody was prepared for collisions as massive as this.

She did this to him. She turned him into this! And at the moment, he hated nothing more than the man who was to get her as his prized possession.

Prince Divirath Rao Scindia was more than Vihaan's formal acquaintance. The name alone was enough to send ripples through even the most composed hearts, and people would willingly part with an arm and a leg for a glimpse of his royalty. Receiving his engagement invitation was supposed to be a celebratory feast, but not for the opulent Vihaan Malhotra, known for his immense wealth and influence that cast a shadow over the nation.

As the elder twin of Viraj Malhotra, born to Kartik and Gaytri Malhotra, he had already carved a legacy as the founder and owner of an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai—The Herambs.

Yet, the invitation was Divirath's way of extending his hand in a gesture that would rewrite the story of many lives. And Vihaan, now simmering with a mixture of anger, bitterness, and an indomitable passion, knew that this was just the beginning of a battle that would shake the very foundations of his world.

By the gracious command of the Royal Throne of Scindia, it is our esteemed honor to extend a distinguished invitation to The Illustrious Malhotra Family, beseeching the pleasure of your esteemed presence on the auspicious occasion of the betrothal of:

His Royal Highness, Prince Divirath Rao Scindia


The Honorable Ms. Komal Singh Sikarwar

This grand union shall be consecrated on the Wednesday, 4th of September. Your august attendance shall be the crowning jewel of this celebratory affair.

Vihaan couldn't bring himself to read further. The remaining words of the letter sat there, untouched, a testament to the gravity of what it held. It was more than an invitation; it was a ticket to a world Vihaan had once dreamt of sharing with her. A world where palaces touched the sky, where love stories were woven into the fabric of history. It was a world that should have been theirs, a dream torn asunder by her heartless departure.

And what stung even worse was that the reasons behind their breakup remained shrouded in mystery, a puzzle Vihaan couldn't solve.

"I can't do it anymore. It's over!" She had dumped him over a text. Three years of togetherness, of love and promises, shattered with the callousness of those few words. No explanation, no arguments—nothing!

Ironically, it was just after they had celebrated their third anniversary. Vihaan still remembered that day as if it were yesterday, a haunting memory that refused to fade.

Their parents were away, attending some summit in Geneva, leaving the magnificent mansion solely in Viraj and Vihaan's care for the entire week. It was as if the universe had unfurled a green flag of freedom. The two brothers decided to seize the moment and host a quintessential Page 3 bash, with Vihaan and Komal as the dazzling power couple at the heart of it all. Vihaan, in particular, was utterly captivated by her.

He believed Komal felt the same. However, reality couldn't have been further from the truth. The night unfolded in a whirlwind of pounding music, flowing alcohol, impromptu games, and unbridled merriment. But as the first rays of dawn pierced through the lingering haze, something shifted.

Vihaan awoke with a groan, the remnants of the previous night's revelry still throbbing in his head. Disoriented, he staggered from room to room, desperately seeking her presence. Yet, all that met him was silence and empty spaces. She had vanished... forever.

The weight of the realization bore down on him, and the mansion, once vibrant with laughter and life, now echoed with a haunting emptiness. It was a morning etched in his memory, a moment that cleaved his life into a before and after.

"You know, we could always—" Viraj began tentatively, his voice trailing off as he broached the idea. Yet, a single, steely glance from Vihaan silenced any further words.

As the ink on the parchment seemed to dance with untold possibilities, Vihaan found himself at a crossroads of destiny.

For years, he had yearned for her, chased after her, both loving and resenting her—always striving to be near. And now, when her name, once forbidden, echoed in his ears, it was tethered to another man's, a harsh reality that he was on the brink of losing her.

This invitation held more weight than mere paper and ink. It bore the seeds of stories that would reshape lives, testing their resolve and wisdom with harrowing choices. It would demand sacrifices, unveil secrets, and reveal truths that would cut to the core.

"Viraj, make the necessary arrangements. We have an engagement ceremony to attend. And get in touch with Surya. It's time he fulfills his promise."

The name alone sent a shiver down Viraj's spine. Surya Dhanraj wasn't a name uttered lightly. He was the puppeteer of the underworld, a dark force that Vihaan kept close, a dangerous ally in his arsenal. It was grave... and undeniably ominous.


Namaste, My Incredible Story-Lovers! 🙏

Guess who's back? Yes, it's been years, but I've emerged from the whirlwind of my less-than-picture-perfect life, ready to unleash the long-awaited official spin of THE GIFT OF LOVE. And you know whose story it is, right? Vihaan and Komal's, of course!But this time, I've got it all figured out. The story's meticulously outlined, chapter by chapter, and guess what? We're in for WEEKLY WEDNESDAY UPDATES, darlings! XOSo, here's the deal: I'm your storytelling maestro, and I need you right there in the passenger seat, cheering me on. How, you ask? It's a piece of cake:

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With all the love, sass, and a truckload of words,

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