Symphony of Shadows

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The morning sun peeked through the gauzy curtains like a lecherous intruder. Each ray felt like a judgmental finger, highlighting the tangled sheets that mirrored the nightmare still clinging to my mind.

A cold sweat clung to my skin, mirroring the chill that slithered down my spine as I saw Vihaan's name chiming on my phone screen.

"What the—" A gasp left my lips. My heart, usually a hummingbird on espresso, turned into a frantic drumbeat against my ribs.

Unlocking the phone felt like opening Pandora's box. The message hissed like a venomous snake coiled on the screen. Gathering every ounce of courage I could muster, I slide the screen open.

"Your fairytale ends at midnight, Komal. Remember, the prince isn't always the hero."

The metallic tang of betrayal mingled with the ash of burning dreams in my mouth.

Panic gnawed at my insides like a famished beast. I fumbled for my glasses, the blurry lines sharpening into a chilling reality, and flickered the lights on.

Fairytale. Midnight. Vihaan.

The pieces clicked, forming a picture I desperately wished to unsee.


The very thought sent a jolt of fear through me.

"Oh god, please not him," I whispered a prayer choked by dread.

The image of his carefree smile, eyes filled with nothing but love twisted the knife further. It was a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside me.

With shivering hands, I dialed his number. Each ring echoed the frantic rhythm of my heart. A shiver of pleasure danced down my spine as his voice, heavy with sleep and rum, washed over me.

He was okay. I sighed.

"Komal, babe, what's keeping you up? Longing for me already? Is my sweetheart feeling horny?" He purred, oblivious to the terror clawing at me. I wanted to scream. Instead, I forced down the urge and choked out,

"Divirath, it's not over. Vi..."

His name got stuck in my throat, like a scary story you don't want to say out loud. I wondered, what's Vihaan hiding? He seemed invincible and, honestly, he scared me.

"What's not over yet? Love, are you alright?" Divirath's anxious tone stirred a knot of guilt in my stomach. I could feel the concern in his voice, and it made me uneasy, knowing I'd been hiding things and putting him in danger.

If something happened to him, I'd never be able to forgive myself.

The week had been a waking nightmare, each sunrise bringing the unwelcome knowledge of Vihaan's twisted obsession. His dark eyes, glinting with a hunger that had nothing to do with love, haunted my sleep. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, and I, a lost lamb wandering into his den.

"Komal, where are you?" Divirath sharper voice cut through my haze, making me sigh.

"I'm just talking about my vacation," I fibbed, desperately wanting this nightmare to be over. I wished I could wake up and erase Vihaan Malhotra, my relationship, and especially the painful breakup five years ago from my memory.

"Your vacation?" Divirath sounded confused. I heard a ruffle of sheets and mentally cursed myself.

He was taking a nap!

"Yeah, um, it's not done yet! I really love the Bahamas. Thinking of staying a bit longer," I stuttered, trying to sound genuinely thankful. All I could do was hope he bought it.

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