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"You're quite an idiot for a senior journalist, you know," I smirked, locking the door behind me with a resounding click. The sound echoed in the tense silence, amplifying my words.

I watched her flinch as I flung the stole of my sherwani to the couch and undid the top buttons. The rigidness of her back was almost imperceptible but enough to widen my grin.

The room pulsed with an intimate darkness. The only light was a gentle moonlit glow that filtered through the balcony and competed with a scattered dance of flickering candlelight. 

It was a blatant assault on my senses. A circular bed, like a luxurious invitation, sat in the center, its plush depths promising a night of uninhibited pleasure. My junior reared it's head, jolting awake from a slumber. 

It had been an eternity since I'd felt the heat of a woman's body pressed against mine, and the sight of it did little to quell the inferno raging in my gut. The air, thick with the heady perfume of mogra, did nothing to help. The jasmine blooms, scattered across the silken sheets like fallen stars, seemed to mock me with their innocence. 

She is yours. They seem to say. 

I knew. I answered. From tonight onwards, Komal would be mine again. Not just in phrases, but mine in the most primal sense. The woman I'd possess, fuck, and claim as mine for the rest of our lives- My wife!

The thought sent a jolt of possessive heat through me. 

I want to hear her scream my name again!

A sudden wave of lust washed over me as our passionate days and nights flashed before my eyes. 

Is her libido intact? I wondered as I paced toward the center. For a second, my little doe froze. Then her back straightened.

"Oh, I merely thought I was relentless," Her retorting husky whisper had me shaking like a dried leaf. Slowly, she turned around. The bright dark eyes glared daggers with a challenge—the silent dare halted my steps.

"Dial it back a notch, Your Highness." I scoffed, the word lacking its usual bite. But it had provided me with the room to resume control. "I think you're mistaking IQ for the number of times you have 'accidentally' tripped and landed in my lap. Let's stick to the topic at hand, shall we?"

I resumed advancing slowly and deliberately until we were no more than a hair's breadth away. The scent of jasmine mingled with the sweetness of her perfume invaded my mind, dizzying the cold rage seething within. But I denied the crack she was tearing in my façade.

"For as much as I admire your impressive feats in bed," I breathed into her face, watching her slump as I traced the softness of her face with my knuckles. "I'm really worried that your one-track mind is helping you survive this game."

Her answering laugh was like a rusty nail scraping a chalkboard — humorless and grating. "So the powerful business tycoon resorts to dick-wagging insults now?" she countered, stepping into my space.

"What's next?" Her face contoured with challenging mockery. Our lips were only inches apart, close enough for me to see the storm in her dark eyes — a cocktail of anger, pain, and something that looked suspiciously like...disappointment. "You are gonna dick shame me for every man—"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you." I growled, clutching her lousy bun in an angry grip. The petals withered under my icy grip as a low hiss of agony escaped her lips.

The thought of all those men, the ones she'd sought solace in after our senseless break, filled me with a rage that choked the air from my lungs. The possessiveness I'd sworn I'd buried, the jealousy I'd tried to extinguish— they all roared back, unleashed by the knowledge that someone else had dared to touch what I knew was rightfully mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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