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4 months later, (features characters from Law And Order: Special Victims Unit. Set Season 19!)
In Manhattan, New York!
Olivia Benson's POV:
"Liv! We've got a case!" Fin calls
I get up from my desk and walk out, putting my glasses on.
"This is Mia Carina! She was raped by a man called Alejandro Marcus!" Rollins exclaims
"Hey Mia," I smile at the girl who looks around 13, "Rollins, you and I can take her statement. Uh, mom, you can join us. Fin, Carisi, Tamin, find out about this Marcus. Check his credentials, financials and DMV and see if he has a rap sheet."
"I'm Jessica!" The mother explains
I smile and guide them into the interview room. We sit down.
"Okay Mia, I'm Olivia, this is Amanda, can you tell us what happened honey?" I ask Mia
"I was home alone after school. Mama finished work at 3 and is usually home by four. At 330, the door opened and I thought it was mama. But in came Alejandro!" Mia explains, crying slightly, "and he...he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room. He forced me to strip and then he pointed his gun to my head while he raped me! And he had a knife at my throat."
"Okay Honey. We're gonna get him. You can go home now." I sign off on the statement
She smiles and she and her mom leave. I walk out.
"Where are we on Marcus?" I ask the others
"Alejandro Marcus, 37, been stalking the Carina Family for around a month now! He's got a rap sheet of Possesion of weapon and sexual assault. Got out of Rikers Island 2 months ago!" Tamin explains, "P.O tells us he lives at 325 West 76th. Apartment 29E!"
"Call Barba! Get us a warrant!" I tell them and go into my office.
Lucy calls me.
"Hey Lucy, what's up?" I answer
"Hey Liv, I just wanted you to know, Noah's come down with a fever, 100.2. I've gotten him in bed and he's asleep." Lucy explains
"Alright, I've just got a case I'm about to arrest the guy on it so I'll be home by, what is it, 4 now, I'll be home by 6!" I tell her. "Thanks Lucy."
"No Problem Liv!" She replies and ends the call.
"Liv, we've got our warrant, we goin?" Fin calls
"Let's move!" I reply, "everyone wear their vests, suspect believed to have many weapons."
"You heard the boss!" Rollins exclaims and we all run out.
We get to the address and I knock, ESU behind me.
"Alejandro Marcus, NYPD!" I call
No reply. ESU bangs down the door. We file in. I have my gun at the ready as I swiftly move into a stairway to a basement. Locked door.
They are brought to me and I cut the lock. I go in and see a girl, no more than 18, legs chained to a bed. She cowers into a corner. I put my gun away and walk over.
"Hey honey, my names Olivia, I'm a police officer. I'm gonna get you outta here." I tell her as I cut the chains off, "what's your name?"
"Jamie, Jamie Casey. I'm from Chicago. I'm 17. I've been here for three months." She points to a wall where she etched marks.
"I know a Sargent there, I'll call him, Hank Voight!" I help her off the bed.
"Grandpa Hank." She nods
"You know him too?" I ask her
"My uncle Antonio works under him. My mom is his sister." Jamie explains to me, "Antonio Dawson."
"Oh, he's been here a couple times with Erin Lindsay." I tell her.
"I miss Auntie Erin. She's FBI here in New York." Jamie tells me
"Oh is she?" I chuckle softly and walk her out.
"Yeah, I have 2 siblings at home. A younger brother, Louie, and a baby sister, Audrey." She smiles
"Wow, I've got a son, He's called Noah and he is 5!" I reply to her
"Cool." I lead her over to the ambulance.
She sits on the gurney, "I really wanna go home? Could you call Uncle Toni or Grandpa Hank."
"Sure sweetheart, I'll FaceTime Antonio and let him talk to you." I tell her as the EMT's check her over.
I sit to the side and FaceTime Antonio. He answers
"Oh, Hey Benson." He chuckles
"Hey Dawson, I've got someone you might wanna see." I tell him and pass the phone to Jamie.
"Uncle Toni!" She giggles
"Jae Lae! Your okay! Your mom and dad and I have been worried sick. Will you be coming home soon?" He sighs
"I'll personally fly her out, I'll message you the details." I tell him
"Okay, I'm so glad you're safe. I'll call your mom and dad huh?" Tonio tells Jamie
"I wanna surprise them and rock up at the door." Jamie smiles, "Bye Uncle Antonio."
"Okay, I won't tell them. Bye JaeLae." He ends the call and Jamie passes me my phone.
"We have no need to take her to the hospital. She is good to go." The EMT explains
"Alright. Come on Jae, I'm gonna take you to mine and talk to my sitter before getting you home huh?" I ruffle her hair and she laughs
"Ok." She hops out.
I take her to my car and drive to mine. We get out and head up. I open the door. Lucy is playing fighting with Noah.
"Seems someone's feeling better eh?" I smile
"Mommy!" Noah runs and hugs me
"Hey sweet boy." I chuckle
"Fever went down around 20 minutes ago and he's back with the energy!" Lucy smiles,
"Alright, Noah, I have to talk to Lucy, can you go play in your room?" I ask Noah
"Ok." He runs off.
"What's up Liv? Who's this?" She gestures to Jamie
"Jamie. She was at a bust I did and I'm flying her home to Chicago Personally. Do you think you could care for Noah for a few extra days. I'll be back on Friday?" I ask her
"Of course, I hope you get home safe Jamie." Lucy tells her
"Thanks." Jamie smiles
It's currently Tuesday. I'm gonna sort stuff out in Chicago while I'm there so I'll take a few days. I go pack some things and get some comfy stuff for Jamie. I go back out. Jamie is laughing with Lucy.
"Alright Jae, here's some comfy stuff." I pass a hoodie and track pants to her and she slides them on, "Noah, Come here!"
Noah runs out, "mommy, you're leaving again?"
"I have to take Jamie home. But it's a plane fly away. I'll be back in three sleeps okay. Can you be a big boy? Be good for Lucy. I'll be back on Friday before you wake up." I tell him
"Okay mommy. Bye Bye!" He hugs me
"Bye Noah." I kiss his head, "I love you. I'll call every night okay?"
He nods. I lead Jamie out and I drive us to the airport. I use my badge to get us on the next flight to Chicago. I message Antonio and he's gonna meet us at O'Hare. I see Jamie fall asleep.

Jamie's POV:
I am woken up by Olivia and realise we're in Chicago. I get up and we get off the plane. I see Uncle Antonio. I run for him.
"Uncle Tonio!" I smile and hug him,
"JaeLae!" He kisses my hair and squeeze hugs me.
I smile as Olivia walks up behind us
"Good to see you Antonio." She smiles
"You too Olivia." He shakes her hand and he leads us to his car once Olivia gets her bag.
He drives us to my house. I see Dad and Uncle Kelly on the Porch. I get out and dad jumps up.
"Jamie!" He runs toward me
"Daddy!" I jump into his arms.
"Hey honey. Hey baby." He kisses my hair as uncle Kelly runs down
"Jam sandwhich!" He smiles, using his nickname for me, as I hug him
"Tinker bell!" I smile
It's what I call him. I called him Kel. That changed to bell. Then Tinkerbell!
"Gabriela, bring the kids out here!" Dad calls, "and Jake."
Mom walks out with my siblings. She sees me and runs down, Holding baby A on her hip. I hug her. Jake follows her
"Mama." I whisper.
"Hey beautiful." She replies
"JaeBae." Jake jogs down
"Jakey." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him
"Hey baby." He whispers
"Jamie!" Louie hugs my waist
"Hey buddy." I chuckle and grab A off mom, "hey Baby A!"
"Sissy." The 6 month old smiles.
"Hey Audrey." I whisper and pass her back to mom
"Awww!" Dad smiles and kisses my hair.
"Mom, Dad, this is Olivia Benson, she's the one who rescued me," I wave Olivia up to us
"How can we repay you for rescuing our daughter? I'm Matt Casey, this is Gabriela Dawson. My wife." Dad shakes Liv's hand
"Just take care of her." Liv smiles, "Jae, on here is my cell number, you can always talk to me."
"Thanks Liv." I take the card off her.
"No problem Jae." We hug before Antonio takes her somewhere and I head inside.

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