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3 months later:
Jamie's POV:
I wake up at 830 to Cay sitting beside my poking me.
"And what are you doing missy moo?" I ask playfully
"Wakes up mama! Wiv said upsies. We go wif her to pawk." Cay tells me
"Ok baby," I smile and get out of bed.
I let her play in the sheets whilst I get dressed then get her dressed. I do my hair and put hers in two pigtails. I carry her out of our room and into the main area. Liv is making breakfast.
"Hey Liv." I smile
"Hey sweetie," Liv smiles, "I see little miss Cay did what I asked."
"That she did!" I chuckle as I sit Caiscys in her high chair and give her some cereal.
I then eat with Noah and Liv. We then head out. I put Cay in her stroller and we walk down the street. We spend a few hours at the park. Cay falls asleep as it is around her nap time. Noah is still playing.
"Hey Liv, I'm gonna take her home. She's asleep, don't want her waking up from the noise," I tell Liv
"Sure baby, got your key?" She asks
I nod. I start walking home and unlock the door. I push in the stroller and as I undo the straps I am pushed inside. The door slams shut. I grab Cay and hold her to my chest. I turn and see Jake standing there.
"Jake?" I ask
He pushes me backwards and I walk towards the couch and sit down.
"Give me my child." He orders
"No!" I growl, moving Cay away, "what happened to you?
"I changed. YOU! Sent me to prison! I'm getting revenge!" He tells me
"I did that because you could've killed her. You don't understand. When you knocked me out, you stopped some oxygen going to her. You're the reason she has a hole in her heart! You're the reason I almost died during birth. You almost killed both of us!" I tell him, crying.
He looks at me in shock before sitting on the couch, head in hands, "I'm so so sorry Jamie. I'm sorry! I still love you!"
"I don't care! My daughter is worth so much more to me than you ever will! So get out!" I growl, "I will never love you! Cause let me tell you something, I'm Lesbian. I'm not into guys anymore! And I've got a girlfriend."
"Gay Bitch!" He punches me and then runs out.
I gasp and move a hand up to the side of my head near my eye. I feel a little bit of blood and there probably a bruise. I grab a Band-Aid and put it over the cut before placing some ice on my eye. I lay Cay in her crib whilst i sit on the couch. Soon Liv walks in with Noah.
"Jae, what happened?" She asks
"Jake." I murmur
"Noah, go to your room." Liv tells her son
Noah runs off. Liv sits beside me
"He pushed me inside when I was unbuckling Caiscys and then he wanted her. I told him no and explained it. He said he was sorry and he wanted me back but I told him I'm lesbian and I have a girlfriend." I explain, "please don't hate me!"
"Why would I hate you baby?" She asks
I shrug and I lay my head on her shoulder as cries erupt. Male cries.
"Noah!" Liv and I immediately rise and run to his room.
We go in and see him stuck in a dip in the bed, wood poking through. He tries to wiggle but he's got a piece of wood next to his head that's already cut his head open.
"Noah, bud, stop moving." I tell him
He looks at me Panicked. I walk over and lift him up gently, holding him close to my chest. I pass the seven year old to his mother and Liv holds him close. I grab a first aid kit from the kitchen and grab a bandage, padding and steriliser. I walk into the main room where Liv is with Noah. I start sterilising the wound but he cries.
"Shhh! I know baby, I know it hurts." Liv soothes as I put on the padding and Bandage it on.
"Good job Noah!" I murmured and kiss his head
He cuddles against Liv, "can we have ice cream mommy?"
"Hmmm? I don't know? Have you been good?" She playfully asks
Noah nods, "yes Mommy."
I smile, "he has been very brave too,"
"Ok then," Liv smiles as my phone rings.
I see the caller ID. Unknown. I step into the hallway outside the apartment.
"Hello?" I ask
"Hi, is this Jamie Casey?" The caller asks
"Yes," I reply, "can I help you?"
"There is no easy way to say this but some people have been murdered." The caller replies, "it is Matthew Casey, Gabriela Casey, Louie Thompson Casey and Audrey Casey. And Antonio Dawson."
"Oh my god. That's my dad, mom, siblings and Uncle." I cry
"I'm so very sorry." The caller ends the call.
I run back inside and right past Liv and Noah and into my room. I see Cay sitting in her crib so I lift her out and lay in my bed with her.
"Mama?" She asks
"Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Toni, Uncle Louie and Auntie Audrey aren't with us anymore." I whisper to her
She looks confused, "cwuddle?"
I nod and she lays down. I hold her close. Soon, Liv walks in.
"JaeJae?" She asks as she sits down beside me
I latch onto her, sobbing, "Livvie!"
"What's wrong baby?" She asks
"Mom, Dad, Louie Audrey and Toni were killed." I sob
"Oh baby girl," she soothes, "shhh! Shhh!"
I quieten down and cuddle her. She kisses my hair as Noah creeps in.
"JaeJae sad," he frowns, "can I cuddle?"
I open my arms a little and he climbs up. Liv grabs Cay and we all lay together.

Dramatic. Yes I know, I'm a very dramatic person. So don't shoot me! -H💗

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