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TW: mentions of Self Harm
The next morning.
Jamie's PoV!
We get to the courthouse and there still is no sign of Linda. We walk in and are soon called into court. Linda isn't there. The judge looks confused.
"Where is Mrs Lyford and Caiscys?" She asks
"I'm not sure, she was supposed to bring back my child." I reply
"I'm ruling In your favour. I see her unfit. I'm very sorry I made you take your baby to her." The judge apologises
I look to dad and he calls someone. He walks back in 10 minutes.
"Your honour!" Dad exclaims, "we sent a family member, a member of CPD, to Mrs Lyfords house and there is no one here. All clothes packed. Linda kidnapped Caiscys."
I drop to the ground in tears. Dad runs over and helps me up.
"I'm so very sorry." The judge apologises again.
Dad leads me out and we go home. I run straight to my room and call Liv. She answers.
"Jamie, what's wrong." She asks
"Linda Lyford kidnapped Cay!" I sob
"Oh my god! Hold on, Antonio is calling." She replies, "I'll call you back."
I nod and she ends the call. I lay in bed. Dad and Mom soon come in.
"Hey Jamie Lae." Dad sighs as they sit beside me
"I miss her," I sob
Dad pulls me into his arms. I cry heavily
"Shhh!" He soothes, "it's ok!"
"No it's not!" I scream
"Calm down baby girl." He tells me
"Get out!" I turn away from them
They don't move
"Get out!" I scream
They sigh and leave. I go into my bathroom. I lock the door. I pull the blade out of my razor. I run it lightly over my wrists. It feels so good as the blood drips out. I make a few more and then bandage them up. I walk out of my room and lay in bed. Liv calls me back.
"Hey baby girl. I'm sending through a plane ticket for you, it's for 6pm your time. 3 hours from now. We think Lyford bought Cais here." Liv tells me, "you can stay as long as you like. I've got a room at mine."
"Right, I'll pack." I tell her, "bye Livvie."
"Bye Jae." She ends the call.
I grab a suitcase out of my cupboard and pack some clothes. Dad walks in.
"Going somewhere!" He asks gently
"Liv called. Her team thinks Linda is taking Cay to NY. I'm staying with her. Not sure when I'll be back." I tell him, "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too baby girl. When do you fly out?" He asks
"6pm." I reply, zipping up my suitcase, "drive me?"
"Course baby. You takin Cais's seat?" He replies
"Yeah," I reply, "I'll need it. I'll just pack some stuff for Cay."
"Alright. I'll take down your suitcase." He smiles
I nod and quickly walk to Cay's room. I pack a bag for her and run downstairs. I slip on my shoes. I hug mom.
"I'll miss you mama." I smile
"I'll miss you too. Love you baby." Mom kisses my forehead
"Love you too mama. Louie, come give sissy hug?" I bend down and he runs to hug me
"Bye sissy." He lays his head on my shoulder, "miss you. Wuvs you."
"I'll miss you too. Love you too buddy." I let him go and lift Audrey up.
"Buh bye Sissy." Audrey mumbles
"Bye Audrey," I pass her to mom and dad follows me out. We drive to the airport and Dad helps me get Cay's car seat out. Dad carry's it in and I wheel in the bags. We check in and I hug dad at my gate. I then board cause Liv got me First Class! I love her so much. I sit down and close my cubicle. I settle down and we take off. I scroll on my phone and fall asleep.

Hours later
I'm finally landed and I see Liv and Noah. Noah runs over.
"Jamie!" He squeals
"Noah!" I hug him, "hey buddy."
"Hiii!" The seven year old smiles
"Hey Jamie." Liv walks over
"Hey you." I reply and lay my head on her shoulder.
"Let's get out of here." Liv replies and we walk to the baggage claim. I pull off mine and Cay's Bags and her car seat. We go out to Liv's car and put everything in the boot. We drive to where I'm guessing is her work. We walk in. I see Fin, Amanda and Sonny, I think.
"Jamie!" Fin smiles, "hey baby girl."
"Hey Fin!" I go and hug him, "Hey Amanda, and it's Sonny, right?"
"Hey Jae," Amanda smiles
"Yeah," Sonny replies
I smile and lean against Fin's desk as ADA Barba walks in.
"Liv, Jamie here yet?" He asks
"Right here Mr barba." I smile
"Nice to see you Jamie, how are you?" He smiles
"Good, just want my baby back." I reply, kicking at the ground as a tear slips down my cheek.
"Uh, we've got a ping on her phone Liv!" Amanda calls
"Let's go! Jae, stay here with Noah!" Liv tells me
I nod, "Noah, you wanna go play in the interview room?"
He nods and runs in there. I grab some water from a vending machine and walk towards the interview room.
"Hey Miss!" Is called out
I turn. I see a Uni. A young girl in ripped clothes stands beside him
"Yeah?" I ask
"Can you sit with her in the interview room until the Lieutenant or a detective comes back? I saw you have a relationship with em." He asks, "she hasn't spoken."
"Sure, come here sweetie," I hold out my arms
She walks over. I can tell she is traumatised.
"Hi." She whispers
"Hi, can I hold my arm around you?" I ask and she nods, "I'm Jamie."
"Lily." She whispers as I hold my arm around her, "Lily Maines."
I guide her in and she sits down. Noah looks up. I get my phone out and play a show.
"Go sit in Mama's office?" I pass it to him, "just sit on the couch, nothing else."
He nods and runs in there. I sit next to Lily.
"How old are you Lily?" I ask
"13." She replies, "Daddy hurt me."
"How honey?" I ask
"He picked me up from school and pushed me into his car. He ripped my clothes and he put himself inside me!" She sobs, "he raped me!"
"Ok honey. I'm gonna grab some paper so we can right it down." I tell her
She nods and I quickly get up. I walk into Liv's office and see a notepad and pen. I grab them and then give Noah a book to read cause I'm going to record it. He takes the book and I walk back into the interview room.
"Jamie, what's that for?" She points to my phone, nervously
"I just need to voice record this so no one thinks I made you say it ok!" I smile softly as I sit down.
"Ok. It's just Daddy used to record hurting me. Like he did today." She murmurs
"I'm not gonna hurt you ok?" I reassure her
She nods and I turn on the audio recorder. I set it down.
"Ok Lily, can you tell me what happened today?" I ask,
"Daddy picked me up from school. Led me to his car in an alleyway. He opened the boot. I went to out my bag in but he lifted me up and placed me onto the boot floor. He ripped my clothes and pulled off my pants. He pulled down his pants and inserted his penis into me. He raped me for 2 hours. I the pushed him off and ran here. It's the first station I saw." She explains
"Ok Lily, that's all I needed. Thank you." I end the recording and get her to write her name on the page.
I put them away as I see the team come back in. Liv walks in.
"Hey, Jae, uh," she goes to say something then sees Lily, "who's this?"
"Lily Maines, she is 13. She was raped by her dad. I got a statement and audio recording." I tell her
"Wow. Uh, thanks Jae." She smiles as I see Amanda standing with Cay on her hip.
"CayCay." I smile and gently take her into my arms
"Mama!" She smiles and I kiss her head softly
"Hey baby girl." I soothe, "hey sweet girl."
"Lily, is there anyone we should call for you?" Liv asks
"My Friend's mom. Louise. 631789634." Lily smiles
"Ok sweetie." Liv guides us out.
She gives the number to Fin and takes me, Cay and Noah home. We set Cay's car seat up in her car and I buckle her in. I kiss her head and get in the front. Liv drives us to her apartment and we head in. Noah goes to shower. I sit with Liv on the couch.
"Uh Liv, what would happen if I wanted to move here? With you?" I ask randomly
"Why, are you not happy at home?" She asks
"It's not that, yes I love Louie and Audrey, Mom and Dad but I feel like I have bad luck in Chicago. New Yorks good for me. I was found here, found my baby again." I reason
"Well, once the kids are asleep, we can call your parents and talk ok?" She wraps an arm around me and kisses the side of my head.
We talk till Noah comes back out and Liv starts in dinner. We eat and then I feed Cay and get her to sleep. Liv puts Noah to bed. I sit on Liv's bed and she walks in. She sits beside me. I call Dad, knowing my siblings are asleep. Dad answers.
"Hey Jae, how's it going?" He answers
"Good, we've got her, I'm staying a little longer. But uh, that's what I want to talk to you guys. Is mom there?" I ask
"Gabs, come 'ere." Dad calls
Mom comes into frame.
"Hey mama." I smile
"Hey baby, what's up?" She asks
"Uh, would you guys be ok if I moved to New York and lived with Olivia?" I ask warily
"If that's what you want, but promise you'll come visit," dad shrugs
"Thanks Daddy! Love you guys!" I smile
"Love you too! I'll send over your stuff. Get it there soon." Dad smiles and ends the call.
I put my phone on the bedside table and hug Olivia happily.
"I think I need a bigger place?" Liv chuckle
I nod, "ooh! Maybe a house with a pool!"
"Oh really now?" She tackles me and we play fight.
"alright! I'm heading to sleep!" I surrender and kiss Livs cheek, "night Liv."
"Night." She smiles and I head to my room and head to sleep.

Sorry it's soooooo Lonngggggggg

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