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When Shen Xingyue woke up, she only felt a dull pain in her head, and her body was limp and weak. She slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a completely different scene from her bedroom. It looked like something from a costume drama. Only then will there be.

Shen Xingyue propped up her body, covering her still aching forehead and looking around. The first thing that caught her eye was the bed she was sitting on. It was a very large carved wooden bed with curtains hanging on it. It looked like It was expensive, so she reached out to lift the curtain and saw the furnishings of the entire room.

This is an antique room with a dressing table, tables and chairs, and they all look exquisite. Shen Xingyue calmed down for a while, and waited until the pain in his forehead subsided before he stood up and put on his shoes. Only then did he notice the clothes on his body. It also looks like a middle coat worn by ancient people.

Not caring about anything else, Shen Xingyue put on her shoes and hurried towards the bronze mirror in the room. When she saw herself in the bronze mirror, Shen Xingyue was stunned. The person in the bronze mirror looked like herself. They are exactly the same, but they are clearly dressed like ancient people. There is a simple bun on the top of their hair. The long hair behind them hangs down to their waists. There is also a gauze-like thing covering their foreheads. It must be that their foreheads are injured. No wonder. It hurt when I touched it just now.

Just when Shen Xingyue was confused, there were several gentle knocks on the door. Then the door was pushed open from the outside, and four young women walked in from the outside.

When the leader saw Shen Xingyue standing on the ground in unlined clothes, he was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "If the princess has any orders for us to do, why are you getting up in unlined clothes? You should go back to bed and rest quickly, otherwise I will give you a rest." Even if we have a hundred lives, we can't afford it."

Seeing that the man was about to burst into tears, Shen Xingyue had no choice but to suppress the doubts and shock in her heart, and seemed to accidentally return to the bed and lean against the soft cushion behind her. The maids then stood up one after another. Some were carrying small basins, some were carrying handkerchiefs on trays, some were carrying medicine, and some were carrying snacks. The leading maid bowed respectfully to Shen Xingyue and spoke. Said: "Princess, it's time to take medicine."

Shen Xingyue frowned and almost breathed away when she looked at the bowl of dark Chinese medicine in front of her. But now she urgently needed to be alone and figure this matter out, so she simply He picked up the medicine bowl and drank all the dark Chinese medicine. He quickly moistened his throat with the tea in the cup next to him and ate some snacks.

The maid very considerately brought the small basin over for Shen Xingyue to wash her hands. Shen Xingyue washed her hands quickly, dried them and quickly sent the maids away, "You all go down, I want to rest for a while." "Then slave

. We will go down first. If you have any orders, call us anytime. The slaves will be guarding outside." The leading maid respectfully spoke to Shen Xingyue, bowed, and then left with a few others.

Shen Xingyue didn't pay attention to a few people. She was still thinking about where she was now. There was a crisp "ding" in her head, which startled her. After all, she was just a third-year student. That's all, it took a lot of effort to hold it steady just now without revealing the secret.

"System No. 01 is binding to the host, and the merit transmission is being connected, beep beep beep, the binding is successful." The metallic friction sound of the system was a little naughty, and Shen Xingyue felt that it sounded more harsh.

"What are you doing? And what's going on now? I remember I was memorizing an introduction to literature last night. Why did I come here all of a sudden? I still have exams and I don't want to fail." Shen Xingyue

said I often read Lu Jiang's novels, so I am actually not unfamiliar with the system. I just didn't expect that one day such an illusory thing would really happen to me.

"Host, don't worry about failing the class. In that world, you've already failed~" There was a bit of naughtiness in the harsh metal of the system.

But Shen Xingyue couldn't help but laugh. What else could she be happy about if she died?

The system seemed to have captured Shen Xingyue's expression, and explained seriously: "Because the host was an orphan in that world, the bond value with that world was small, so he was selected by our merit system and came to the small world in the book to serve as the host. The protagonist dissipates grievances and accumulates merit."

Shen Xingyue listened to it again but did not understand the meaning of the system, so she could only speak simply and rudely: "Speak in human terms." "Simply put, the

host needs to accumulate the heroine Su of this world within one year. Mu Yu's favorability value and the heroine's favorability are merits for you. When the heroine's favorability value is greater than or equal to 100, the host can complete the merits and choose to continue living in this small world or return to the host. The world we were in before."

Shen Xingyue pursed her lips and asked nervously: "Then what if I don't save enough within a year?" "If I

don't save enough, all the host's merits will be collected by our system, and at the same time, there will no longer be a host in the world. The host Will die completely." The system continued to explain.

Cold sweat broke out on Shen Xingyue's forehead, so the current situation is that his life hangs in the hands of the heroine?

"Then I also want to ask about the relationship between my body and the heroine?"

"The host can be regarded as body time travel, but we have made some minor changes in your body. This body is completely the same as yours before. In this regard, you Don't worry." After the system said this, he hesitated and continued: "But your current status and the relationship with the heroine are not good. In short, you are unilaterally torturing the heroine. It is too late to explain now. The heroine Su Muyu is outside, she has a favorability level on her head, you will understand if you see it yourself."

Shen Xingyue got out of bed, put a fur-collared cloak on herself, and then opened the door.

It was cold and windy outside. Shen Xingyue looked up and saw that the yard was covered with thick snow. A woman was kneeling not far in front of her door. She was only wearing a thin piece of clothing. The woman had an upright figure and a clear gaze. But she was a little dissociated. Even when she was kneeling, her back was still straight, like a cypress that cannot be bent under the weight of heavy snow.

Even though the kneeling woman looked a little embarrassed, her appearance was still beautiful, her crow-feather eyelashes were stained with white frost, her cold white skin was almost connected to the color of the snow behind her, except for the bright peach color on her lips. Incomparably, like plum blossoms dotted in the snow, it makes the woman look even more lovable.

Shen Xingyue stood there blankly, because she now understood what the system had just said, and the relationship between her and Su Muyu could not be described as bad. It was simply bad, and it looked like she was unilaterally committing violence. Hostess, look at the string of red -200 numbers above Su Muyu's head. Shen Xingyue said to the system in her mind with a trembling voice: "Why don't I just close my eyes? I think the favorability level of -200 is already enough. There's no way to save it."

"Oh, how can Qinqin be so negative? Isn't there still one year left? If you work hard, Qinqin, you will definitely be successful. Besides, the heroine is such a lovely little sister, and Qinqin will definitely not be able to bear to see her in the heavy snow. You've been kneeling for so long, right?" Shen Xingyue at least gained some motivation after being pushed through by the system.

Also, there is still one year left, so it can't always be -200, right?

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu who was still kneeling on the ground. Not far from her, there was a ragged maidservant who was blocked by two gorgeously dressed maidservants, preventing her from coming over to see Su Muyu's condition.

Shen Xingyue didn't waste any more time. Kneeling in such heavy snow would probably kill someone. Thinking about this, she couldn't care about anything else. She rushed into the heavy snow and walked to Su Muyu in a few steps. He took off his big cloak and wrapped it around Su Muyu's body. He held Su Muyu's waist with one hand and hooked her legs with the other hand, preparing to pick her up. If he really couldn't hold her, he could ask the person next to him to do so. People help.

Thinking like this, Shen Xingyue used a little force and hugged Su Muyu horizontally. When the maid next to her saw Shen Xingyue coming to hug someone, she hurriedly came over to hold an umbrella for Shen Xingyue, fearing that a snowflake would fall on Shen Xingyue.

"Don't worry about me. Didn't you see that she wasn't feeling well? Don't let her get caught in the snow." Shen Xingyue frowned slightly, instructing the maid to hold an umbrella for Su Muyu.

Shen Xingyue's eyes met Su Muyu's somewhat distracted eyes. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Su Muyu sneered at her before closing her eyes.

Not caring to explore too much at the moment, Shen Xingyue carried the person into the house while instructing the maid beside her: "Go and ask the doctor to come quickly and have someone prepare clean clothes and help her change her clothes." As if thinking of something

. Shen Xingyue paused, turned to look at the ragged maid, and asked the maid next to her, "Who is that person? Why are you stopping her?" A maid next to Shen Xingyue immediately came forward and said:

" Princess, have you forgotten? That is the princess's maid. It was you who asked people to stop her from coming to save the princess. You said you should let the princess kneel a little longer this time to make her grow longer. Remember, don't forget the rules."

Shen Xingyue was confused by the various names that came out of the maid's mouth. This seemed a little different from the names in the ancient novels she read? But since she is Su Muyu's person, Shen Xingyue thought that she should treat her well, so she ordered the maid who had just answered, "Go and take her to change into clean clothes, and then arrange a place for her to live." "Princess Princess, this is it

. How could your low-class maid appear in your yard?" The maid was obviously a little unconvinced and wanted to say a few more words to make Shen Xingyue change her mind.

Shen Xingyue was originally concerned about Su Muyu's body and didn't want to talk nonsense with her. Fortunately, her identity was very useful and she could assign these people at will. Therefore, Shen Xingyue immediately cooled her voice: "What? Now you have the final say here?" "

I don't dare, I will do as you command." The maid named He Xiang took off her clothes in fear. When she turned around and walked towards the ragged maid, her expression changed again and she muttered, "Just Is this low-grade thing worthy of staying in the Feixueyuan where the princess lives? Don't even think about it."

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