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Shen Xingyue was awakened by a knock on the door. She subconsciously rubbed the thing in her arms, but it was rubbed on Su Muyu's lower back, which made the tips of Su Muyu's ears turn red. She shouted to stop: "Don't rub there, eh~"

Su Muyu grabbed Shen Xingyue's troubled right hand with both hands. Shen Xingyue slowly opened her eyes and felt her thoughts coming back to her. She looked at Su with some sleepiness. Mu Yu: "Good morning, Yu'er."

Su Muyu just fixed her gaze on Shen Xingyue's face. She suspected that Shen Xingyue was deliberately bullying her. She was already sensitive there, and this person always liked to rub it. Su Mu Yu snorted coldly at her, took off Shen Xingyue's arm around her waist, turned her back to Shen Xingyue and ignored everyone.

Shen Xingyue looked innocently at Su Muyu, who had her back turned to her. She clearly didn't do anything. Why is Su Muyu angry again?

Shen Xingyue didn't think about it anymore. There were still knocks on the door intermittently outside. Shen Xingyue raised her eyebrows and said, "Come in, come on. What's the emergency?" Wenyou saw Shen Xingyue in the room

. The bed curtains had not yet been pulled up, and he bowed respectfully, his eyes only dared to look at the ground, "Back to the princess, it's Mr. Li Ergong who came here early in the morning. I followed your instructions and didn't let you go at all. The guards let him into the mansion, but he refused to let go outside the gate, saying that he wanted to see the princess in person and ask the princess to punish us." Shen Xingyue leaned on the bed and sneered, "Where did he get his face

? I'm afraid he went out to have a drink last night but couldn't put it in my account. Are you anxious? Friend Wen, you and Ziyi did a good job in this matter." Friend Wen was about to break out in a cold sweat. Their princess' temperament was uncertain

. The literary friend was afraid that yesterday, the princess asked him to evict people, and today, if he reconciled with Li Minghua again, then he would be dead. Now when he heard what Shen Xingyue said, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Princess The Lord has given you too much praise, and it is our blessing to be able to share the princess' worries."

"This matter will continue to be handled this way from now on. Not only Li Minghua, but also all my old friends. From now on, no one will be allowed to come in. The palace is not a place where those people can come and go at will. Although Just drive them out, I will take care of things for you." Shen Xingyue continued to give instructions, but her eyes fell on Su Muyu. At the moment, those people didn't have anything important. The main thing was to coax her Yu'er well first. Let's talk later.

"Yes, Princess, do you think Mr. Li is still making noise outside the mansion?" Wenyou asked next.

"Just ask Ziyi to take the people and throw him away. He really thinks that the palace is his garden. He can come and leave when he wants." Shen Xingyue's voice became colder. She has only been here for a few days. Look. It seems like it's time to start sorting out the bad things the original owner did.

"Yes, I'll do it now, little one." Wenyou bowed respectfully without daring to raise his head.

Shen Xingyue didn't care about him. After saying that, she came to Su Muyu and coaxed softly: "Don't be angry. I really didn't mean it. I just got used to holding you in my arms. I didn't hold my hand and rubbed it. If you don't like it, I'll pay attention next time, okay?"

Su Muyu had actually been listening to the conversation between Shen Xingyue and Wenyou behind her, but she never heard the sound of the door opening, so she knew that Wenyou hadn't left yet, and she didn't expect that there was another Shen Xingyue had the nerve to say this to outsiders, but the tips of her ears and eyes turned crimson, either from anger or embarrassment.

Su Muyu is no longer as stable as before. She usually maintains a certain degree of control when getting along with Shen Xingyue and does not express everything in her heart. But now she doesn't care and follows her instinct to stretch her legs. Shen Xingyue kicked Shen Xingyue backwards twice, "What are you talking about? There is still someone here."

Shen Xingyue stared at the friend, who couldn't see the movement inside clearly through the bed curtain, but he could feel it. There was a cold gaze from the other side, and the literary friend hurriedly bowed his head and excused himself: "I'm going to do some business first, so I don't want to disturb the princess and the princess's rest." After saying that, he didn't dare to stay any longer and walked away

. He walked out of the door of Shen Xingyue's bedroom, fearing that he would be kicked out of the house by his princess.

Wenyou was still thinking when he ran away. His princess seemed to have really changed her temper, from a dissolute dandy to a henpecked one?

Wenyou hurriedly shook his head and didn't dare to think too much. He couldn't interfere with the princess's affairs. He had better hurry up and have Li Minghua thrown away from the gate of the palace.

Afraid of delaying the matter, he trotted to call Ziyi, the commander of the palace guard, and took a dozen people from the guard to the outside of the palace.

Li Minghua took two young men around him and waited at the door. He thought he would be invited into the tea room to drink tea later as usual. Who knew that this time the people in the palace did an even better job and didn't even enter? Let yourself in.

When Wenyou and Ziyi went out, Li Minghua and his two servants were cursing outside.

"What are you scornful slaves? Are you the only ones worthy of stopping me?" Li Minghua scolded while pointing at the six guards guarding the main gate of the palace.

When he saw Wen You, his eyes lit up, he pointed at Wen You arrogantly, and said to the guards guarding the door: "Did you see that? Your princess asked Wen You to come out and invite me in? Now, you still dare not let me in, I will ask the princess to deal with you bunch of bitches." After saying that

, Li Minghua looked up, smiled contemptuously at the literary friend, and raised his head His legs were about to step up the steps of the palace, and he was still mumbling: "Let's go, lead the way. You didn't see me yesterday. Why don't you send someone to invite me in today?" Just as his right leg was about to step up

. On the steps, the literary friend yelled loudly: "The princess has an order. The palace is not a place where ordinary cats and dogs can come and go at will. Please ask Mr. Li out." "Yes." More than a dozen

palaces The guards surrounded Li Minghua and the two boys beside him. In groups of three or two, they lifted Li Minghua and his boys up.

Li Ming Hua's hands and legs were dragged by three guards. He struggled and shouted: "Okay you bitches, I am a good friend of the princess. How dare you do this to me? I will be sure when I see the princess." Let the princess beat you to death, ah!"

With Li Minghua's scream, he and his boy were thrown several meters away. They were on the street again. Li Minghua had just argued with the guard at the gate, which attracted many people around him. The people are paying attention here. At this moment, Li Minghua was thrown out by the palace guards, which made many people laugh.

"Isn't that Li Er? He's a bad guy. He bullies men and dominates women. I didn't expect that he would be here today." "I never thought that the princess of Ankang Prince's Mansion could do something for a human being?" "What a shitty human


. They are all birds of the same feather. It's just a dog biting a dog." "Keep

it down, let's just watch the excitement, don't get angry."

Li Minghua's face darkened as he listened to the comments around him. The two young men helped him up, and the big boy cursed: "What are you looking at? I don't dare to touch Shen Xingyue, why can't I deal with you?" After saying that, he went towards the crowd watching the fun like crazy

. , the people immediately dispersed when they saw his desperate posture.

Li Ming Hua looked at Prince Ankang's Mansion and gritted his teeth. He took a mouthful of phlegm and cursed in a low voice at the Prince's Mansion: "Shen Xingyue, you are a waste, just wait for me." In the Prince's Mansion,

Shen Chu Zheng and Zhou Yunqing were enjoying tea and reading in the study. At this moment, a servant came to report the movement outside the palace. Yang Qi, the personal guard around Shen Zhengchu, stopped the servant and asked him about the matter. Then he knocked lightly on the study door.

Shen Zhengchu put down the book in his hand and sighed, "Come in, nothing happened in the past two days. I finally got two days of peace. Tell me, what did your princess get into?" What's the matter?"

Yang Qi bowed to Shen Zheng. Then he said, "It's Li Minghua, the second son of the princess's friend, the Minister of Hubu, here." "Well, doesn't he always fool around with Yue'er

? Isn't it a common thing to come to Yue'er?" Shen Zheng initially snorted, accustomed to this kind of thing.

He and his wife Zhou Yunqing have two daughters, one Qianyuan and one Kunze. Both of them are the treasures in his palm. Shen Zheng has always pampered his daughters in Chu Ping, almost giving them whatever they want. Well, so that the things Shen Xingyue did later became more and more outrageous, but the little daughter was always obedient and didn't let him worry too much.

"Your Majesty, the princess did not let him enter the mansion this time, and asked Wenyou and others to throw Young Master Li into the street." Yang Qi reported what the boy had just come to report.

Shen Zheng was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he did not expect that Shen Xingyue would ask someone to throw Li Minghua out. You must know that he was in charge of Shen Xingyue before and prevented Shen Xingyue from fooling around with those unscrupulous people outside. Shen Xingyue Yue almost fell out with her father, but Shen Zhengchu could only turn a blind eye to avoid getting into trouble with his daughter.

"How could it be? Hasn't Yue'er always been on good terms with him? Are you sure the person who came here to pass the message is not talking nonsense?" Shen Zheng asked with an eyebrow at the beginning.

"I'm sure, there is actually something else. Yesterday, the princess asked Wenyou and Ziyi to visit all the entertainment venues in the capital..." "

This rebellious girl! It would save her trouble and let her subordinates help her there. Why don't you step on the spot so that you can take her and those friends over to play, right?" Before Yang Qi could finish his words, he was interrupted by Shen Zhengchu.

"Yue'er is really fooling around. She actually asked the guards in the palace to do such a thing. No, she has to be grounded in the palace for a few days. Hey." Zhou Yunqing was also very angry at what his eldest daughter did.

Seeing that both of them had misunderstood, Yang Qi hurriedly explained: "No, the prince and princess, my subordinates haven't finished speaking yet. The princess asked them to bring people to inform those stores, and no matter who goes there in the future. We are not allowed to use the name of our Ankang Prince's Palace to keep accounts in restaurants for entertainment. Our Prince's Palace will not recognize it."

Shen Zheng initially did not expect his eldest daughter to do this. He and Zhou Yunqing looked at each other and saw it in each other's eyes. The emotion of disbelief.

Shen Zhengchu looked at Yang Qi uncertainly, "You mean Yue'er asked them to notify those restaurants to prevent others from keeping accounts in the name of the palace?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this matter has been spread in the capital. Last night, several dandies wanted to use the name of our palace to record accounts, but they were told not to allow it. In the end, those people paid out of their own pockets." Yang Qi He said with a smile, Yang Qi felt proud when he thought of those people paying out of their own pockets.

Are they being wronged by Prince Ankang? It's been a day or two. Their family is big? The princess has a good face. As soon as she is a friend, she is willing to spend money for others regardless of how much money is spent. She is the only one among the prince and princess? She has a daughter. Qianyuan, the princess will inherit the palace in the future. The prince and princess can only manipulate her in these matters. They are afraid that they will be separated from their daughter because of these things.

A smile appeared on Shen Zheng Chu's face, "I didn't expect Yue'er to be able to do some good things."

Zhou Yunqing glared at Shen Zheng Chu and said with a smile, "What are you talking about? Why did Yue'er do so before? Did he do so many bad things, or is it because he was young and didn't show it when he got married this year? In the past few days, he has become more and more sensible." After speaking, Zhou Yunqing looked at Yang Qi again, "By the way, Yang Qi

, please let someone go. Call Wenyou over. He has been fooling around with Yue'er. I have to ask him what Yue'er has been doing these days." "Yes, I will call someone here.

Go and do it." Yang Qi saluted and quickly had his friend called over.

The literary friend bowed, and when he saw Shen Zhengchu and Zhou Yunqing, he felt a little unsure. After all, he usually followed Shen Xingyue around, and the prince and princess didn't like him. So they called him over this time. Are you going to expel him from the house?

"My lord and princess, I asked you to come over. Do you have anything to explain?" Wenyou asked, forcing a smile.

"Well, what have you, Princess, been doing these days? Tell me all these things in detail." Shen Zheng initially raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Yu.

The literary friend immediately respectfully said yes, and she told the princess how he should treat Mr. Li, and how she went to the restaurant to tell the shopkeepers not to allow people to use the name of Ankang Prince's house for credit. She also explained it in detail. After explaining clearly, he continued tentatively: "The princess has been with the princess and the concubine these days. Just now, I saw..."

"What are you talking about when you see something?" Shen Zheng asked when he first saw him hesitating and glared at him.

"Actually, the little one didn't see it clearly. It was across the bed curtain. In short, when the princess just ordered me to throw Mr. Li into the street, she was coaxing the princess and the concubine. Specifically, the little one didn't dare. Listen more, and go out to do things after receiving the order." Wenyou smiled and replied.

Shen Zhengchu coughed lightly and said, "Well, that's enough. You can go down and persuade the princess more in the future. Don't do those ridiculous things in the past." "Yes, little one.

" Resign." Wenyou breathed a sigh of relief.

After the others went out, Shen Zheng Chucai looked at his princess, coughed lightly and asked, "Yue'er has been particularly interested in Su Muyu recently, didn't you say last time that the two of them were like lovers? ?"

"I'm not the only one who said this. Didn't some literary friends say the same thing just now? In short, Yue'er likes to stick to Su Muyu now, but that's not a bad thing. That's her, her own princess, like As long as we stay together, we will stay together, and the most I can do is give you a few more granddaughters." Zhou Yunqing said with a smile.

"That's right. It's better to have more granddaughters than go out and cause trouble. Our palace can also afford to raise them." Shen Zheng smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this eldest daughter doesn't get into trouble from time to time, she will still have a good life. It's quite satisfying. It would be even more pleasant if I had a little granddaughter to play with in the future.

Thinking about it, Shen Zhengchu looked at Zhou Yunqing again, "Why don't we ask someone to send something to Su Muyu? It can be regarded as our stance. After all, Su Muyu also suffered a lot because of the substitute marriage."

" That's right. Now she is Yue'er after all. She can no longer be looked down upon by the maids and guards in the house like before. Speaking of which, the child has also suffered a lot. Now Yue'er has changed her temper. , it would be nice to make her live a better life." Zhou Yunqing sighed and said, after all, his daughter's reputation was too bad, and the princess of the royal palace could not even marry the legitimate daughter of a fifth-grade official.


On the other side, the two kicks Su Muyu just gave to Shen Xingyue were all on Shen Xingyue's calves. Su Muyu had no strength, and Shen Xingyue only felt two gentle pushes on her calves.

Shen Xingyue didn't know that even her parents knew that she had Li Minghua thrown out. She sat up and reached out to pull the left ankle where Su Muyu had just kicked her. The tip of her thumb gently touched After rubbing Su Muyu's ankle, Shen Xingyue clearly felt Su Muyu's body shaking. The next moment, Shen Xingyue only felt Su Muyu's other foot kicking her twice more.

"Don't touch it, let go." Su Muyu regretted it as soon as she opened her mouth. Kunze's body was already sensitive, and the area like his ankles was extremely private. On weekdays, he wouldn't let others touch him, even look at him. Others have seen it, and it was like being held in Shen Xingyue's hand like this, making his voice sound so soft.

Shen Xingyue chuckled and received a few cat-like scratches from Su Muyu, fearing that she would really make him angry, so she quickly let go and coaxed: "Relax, Yu'er, don't be angry, I think the weather outside is not bad. After breakfast later, I will accompany you to the backyard for a walk. Staying in the room all the time is not good for your health."

Seeing that she had really made people angry, Shen Xingyue hurriedly got up and washed up, preparing to coax Su after a while. Mu Yu, she was a little worried. She asked the system to adjust the favorability level on top of Su Muyu's head and took a look. It showed -150. Shen Xingyue's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, after her unremitting efforts, Su Mu Yu's favorability finally showed signs of recovery.

Shen Xingyue was thinking while putting on her dress. She felt that the reason why her favorability level had risen so much was probably because she gave Su Muyu's mother and sister a lot of things. As for whether she had made someone angry just now or not. Shen Xingyue also didn't know her favorability level.

Su Muyu faced the wall and calmed down for a long time before her legs regained strength. She knew that Shen Xingyue spent all day reading that kind of unorthodox painting book, and people were as unorthodox as the painting book! Especially when Shen Xingyue said such words to herself before her literary friend went out just now, it was really bad.

Su Muyu was a little annoyed at her body's sensitivity, but also a little worried. Did she just go through it? She kicked Shen Xingyue several times with her feet. If it had been before, she might have been kneeling on the snow in the yard.

Su Muyu put on her clothes, but her mind was still thinking about what happened just now. She raised her eyes to see if Shen Xingyue was angry, and saw Shen Xingyue standing in front of her, looking at her with a smile.

When Shen Xingyue saw Su Muyu looking at her, she hurriedly took the towel from Cuizhu's hand, wetted it in another copper basin filled with warm water, wrung it dry and handed it over, coaxing softly. Said: "Don't be angry, I won't dare to do that in front of others next time, okay?"

Su Muyu raised her eyes and glared at Shen Xingyue, but did not pursue it further, followed the steps given by Shen Xingyue, and reached out to take the hand. After holding the towel and wiping her face, Shen Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Su Muyu took it.

Cuizhu watched the interaction between Shen Xingyue and her young lady. A smile appeared on her lips unconsciously. She always felt that the princess in front of her had really changed. How she treated her young lady these days. It was all pampering and coaxing, but there was nothing left of the fierce look before. Cuizhu remembered what Su Muyu said before and sighed. She also hoped that the princess could always be like this, but the lady also said, Maybe in a few days, the princess will change back to her original appearance.

Seeing that Su Muyu had almost finished cleaning up, Shen Xingyue asked Yiliu to arrange for someone to bring breakfast. Su Muyu didn't have to go hungry or cold these days. His body was better than before, especially his appetite. Er was taking small sips of the pork ribs porridge from the bowl.

Shen Xingyue also ate three or four small buns in a row and half a bowl of porridge. Then she felt almost full. She was bored. After eating, she would look at Su Muyu from time to time.

Su Muyu is worthy of being a heroine. Even when eating, she is not in a hurry. She eats in small bites. Unlike herself, she eats casually and has no sense of beauty.

Shen Xingyue put her hands on her face and admired Su Muyu's beauty, but she didn't notice the slightly red tips of Su Muyu's ears.

Although she is a straight woman, it doesn't stop her from enjoying looking at beautiful young ladies.

Su Muyu was eating happily, but he found that Shen Xingyue was staring at him. Su Muyu originally thought that this person would look away after a few glances. Who knew that Shen Xingyue was still looking at her now? Mu Yu felt that her face was about to turn red, and coughed slightly, wanting to remind Shen Xingyue not to stare at him all the time.

"Ahem." Su Muyu covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief and coughed twice symbolically.

Shen Xingyue immediately came back to her senses, leaned over and asked, "Why are you coughing so well? Is your body catching a cold again? It's better to call Zhou Miao over later to have a look. You are not in good health to begin with. You have to pay more attention, otherwise you'd better not go out for a while."

Su Muyu didn't expect that Shen Xingyue would react so much after she just coughed a few words, so she quickly replied: "It's okay, I just choked a little bit, and it's been several times. I haven't gone out yet. I want to go for a walk."

"Okay, then I'll accompany you." Shen Xingyue responded with a smile.

The two of them had breakfast, and just in time, the clothes that Shen Xingyue had made for Su Muyu a few days ago were also delivered to them. In addition, there were two large cloaks, one red and one black, which Shen Xingyue specially ordered. Beichuan This place is cold and windy, so things like coats are really indispensable.

Before going out, Shen Xingyue specially helped Su Muyu put on the red cloak, and helped Su Muyu tie the belt of the cloak, which actually took away Cuizhu's job.

After putting on the cloak for Su Muyu, Shen Xingyue put on the cloak for herself. She opened the door and looked outside. It was a rare sunny day outside. Although there was still a lot of snow on the ground, there was still a lot of snow on the ground. It didn't snow anymore, the sun was shining brightly, it was a rare good weather.

"Let's go to the back garden and take a walk. The sun is good for your health." Shen Xingyue said with a smile.

Su Muyu nodded slightly. They had not been out and about for a few days. In the past, Shen Xingyue hated her and did not allow her to leave Tinglan Pavilion without permission. Speaking of which, she ?Actually, I haven't had a good stroll around the palace.

There was snow on the road. Shen Xingyue was afraid of slipping on Su Muyu, so she put her arms behind Su Muyu to protect her. Su Muyu was in the way and followed many maids. She had to save face for Shen Xingyue, so she had no choice but to let Shen Xingyue do this. Walk with yourself in your arms.

"In the future, you can go out for a walk when the weather gets better. If I'm not in the house, you can let Cuizhu and the others accompany you for a walk." Shen Xingyue said as she walked.

But Su Muyu didn't expect Shen Xingyue to say that, so she raised her eyes and asked, "Is it okay?"

Shen Xingyue chuckled and replied softly: "Of course, there is no place you can't go in this palace. You can go for a walk or go to my study to read. You don't need to tell me anymore." Su Muyu's lips moved

. She pursed her lips slightly and her heart skipped a beat. Is what Shen Xingyue said true? Would she really give herself such a wide degree of freedom?

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu and saw the other person's disbelieving look on her face. She laughed and said, "Really, in the future? You can go wherever you want. I don't think any of them dares to stop you?" Su Muyu looked at Shen

Xing Yue didn't answer, but looked at Shen Xingyue with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

In the past few days, Shen Xingyue has been treating her well. Naturally, these servants dare not stop her, but in a few days, what if Shen Xingyue changes back to the way she was before? He will only be confined in Tinglan Pavilion like before and can't go anywhere. Forget it, just live in the moment, Su Muyu comforted himself like this.

Shen Taotao took several of his maids out to see the snowman they had built a few days ago. From a distance, they saw Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu also in the back garden. Shen Taotao was a little surprised and asked Lan beside him. Lan Hua asked, "Sister, don't you like Sister Su? Why did you come out with Sister Su?" Lan Hua

was the maid in charge of Shen Taotao. When Shen Taotao asked about this, she hurriedly replied: "County The Lord doesn't know. People in the mansion have been spreading rumors in the past few days that the princess and the princess have reconciled. The princess has been with the princess and the concubine these days, and has not left the house for several days in a row. I'm here." "

Can my sister hold back from going out?" Shen Taotao obviously didn't believe it, her fair little face turned red from the cold, like a peach stained with crimson.

"It's true. I heard that Mr. Li came to look for Princess Da?, but Princess Da? ordered someone to throw him into the street." Lan Hua said with a smile.

"Then Li Er deserves it. He was not a good person in the first place, but he actually led his sister to evil. So, has my sister really changed? That day, when we were building a snowman, I felt that my sister was different from before. "Yeah." Shen Taotao didn't say the next words. Although her sister didn't say it explicitly, she knew since she was a child that her sister looked down on Kunze and didn't like to be with Kunze.

She actually liked her sister very much when she was a child and wanted to play with her, but her sister was always cold to her. Even during the Chinese New Year, she didn't treat her well. Shen Taotao pinched the hem of her clothes. He looked at Su Muyu in the distance with some envy.

The elder sister now seems to treat Sister Su differently.

When Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu were walking, a literary friend hurriedly brought a post and informed them.

He took a breath, bowed to Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu, and then said: "Princess Princess, Princess Princess, this is a post sent from the Fifth Princess, the plum garden in the Fifth Princess's village on the outskirts of Beijing, The plum blossoms are in full bloom. The Fifth Princess invites all the ladies and gentlemen of the noble families to come and enjoy the plum blossoms. The time is set for tomorrow morning. This is the post." When Shen Xingyue heard the words "Five Princess", she was heartbroken.

The alarm bell rang loudly, and she reached out to pick up the post, but her eyes were fixed on Su Muyu's face, as if she wanted to see something on Su Muyu's face.

This Shen Yijia is Su Muyu's official concubine in the book. Shen Xingyue doesn't know why, but just thinking about it makes her feel irritable. The book does not detail the friendship between Su Muyu and Shen Yijia. But in the end the two came together.

Shen Xingyue looked at Su Muyu's expression, so at this point in time, do Su Muyu and Shen Yijia know each other?

Su Muyu's expression was still the same as before. She was looking at the snow on the rockery in the distance in a daze, but her heart was beating faster and faster.

When she was in the Su Mansion, she rarely had the opportunity to participate in the gatherings of these official ladies. She only had a two-way relationship with the fifth princess Shen Yijia, but Shen Yijia was also the only powerful person she could speak to. If she wanted to To escape from Prince Ankang's Mansion, she will need help from the outside world, but is Shen Yijia willing to help her? What bargaining chip does she have to make Shen Yijia help her?

When Shen Xingyue saw that Su Muyu didn't have much of a reaction, she looked away. She reached out and opened the post, which roughly contained an invitation for them to spend a day in Meiyuan tomorrow. , Shen Xingyue closed the post, handed it to Su Muyu, narrowed her eyes and asked, "Would Yu'er want to go?"

Su Muyu reached out to take the post, unfolded it and read the content inside, raised her eyes and asked, "Can I go? I haven't been out since I came to the palace." She tried to keep her tone calm, not wanting to

let What flaw did Shen Xingyue see?

Shen Xingyue pursed her lips and glanced at Su Muyu, then nodded and replied: "Yes, I haven't gone out for a long time. I'll ask someone to arrange the carriage and horses, and we will go there tomorrow." Ming Ming knows

. In the original book, Shen Yijia and Su Muyu would meet sooner or later, but Shen Xingyue still felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe it was Su Muyu who spent the most time with her as soon as she crossed paths. Now she has already taken Su Muyu to heart. Mu Yu becomes a friend.

His good friend was going to meet new friends. Shen Xingyue felt that it was a little bit weird. Maybe it was the possessiveness between good friends, right?

Early on the next morning, Wenyou and Ziyi had already prepared a carriage and horses outside the palace gate. The carriage was wrapped in beige silk and satin. From the outside, it looked like there was a lot of space inside, and it could not accommodate four or five people. Too crowded.

Shen Xingyue glanced at the carriage and saw that Wenyou and the others were already prepared as usual. In addition to the two personal maids, Yiliu and Cuizhu, there were also three maids and ten guards, all of whom were already at the palace. Waiting outside.

Shen Xingyue took the lead and stepped onto the wooden bench, then stepped onto the carriage. She did not rush in but stretched out her hand to hold Su Muyu.

Su Muyu originally wanted to refuse, but she was surrounded by servants. She couldn't help but brush Shen Xingyue's face, and handed her right hand into Shen Xingyue's palm.

With a smile in her eyes, Shen Xingyue carefully helped Su Muyu into the carriage. There were seats beside and behind the carriage, and a pot of charcoal had been lit in the middle, so it wouldn't feel cold inside.

Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu sat in the carriage. Shen Xingyue was afraid of her cold hands, so she kept holding Su Muyu's hands to warm her hands. While rubbing her hands, Shen Xingyue murmured: "You still need to take good care of your body. , Why don't you care about anything? Are your hands always so cold?"

The tips of Su Muyu's ears were slightly red. She could still clearly hear the voices of the guards outside, but her hands were still being held and covered by Shen Xingyue. Is this person really worried that she was still eating her own tofu?

But if you really want to talk about eating tofu, Ming? Ming? I took the initiative to consummate the marriage that time, and this person also said that he wanted to take care of his body. Which statement is the truth and which statement is a lie? She really couldn't see through Shen Xingyue.

I don't know if her main purpose of traveling this time was to catch up with Shen Yijia. Su Muyu felt a little guilty inexplicably, so she didn't pull her hand back, but kept asking Shen Xingyue to warm her hands. , and Shen Xingyue's hands were very hot, and her own hand felt a little warm after being held in her hand for a while.

The carriage moved quickly, and the carriage of the Wang Mansion was slowly moving towards the outskirts of Beijing. Su Muyu was now opening the curtain on one side of the carriage and looking out. She rarely had the opportunity to do so when she was in the Su Mansion. After leaving the house, I am now in the mountains and fields. Although it is not spring, I still feel that these trees with no leaves are very cute.

Seeing that she liked it, Shen Xingyue chuckled and said, "If you like it, we can go out often in the future. The palace also has its own village in the suburbs of Beijing. When we have free time, we can stay there for a few days. When spring comes, When the ice and snow melt, we can have a barbecue in the village."

Su Muyu turned around to look at Shen Xingyue, and saw that Shen Xingyue was looking at him with slightly curved eyebrows and undisguised tenderness. Su Muyu was stunned for a moment. She quickly looked away again, it was just Shen Xingyue's casual remarks. Proud girls like them never take these things to heart, but it's just that these days, she sees herself as interesting. In this way, I can't let Shen Xingyue's momentary gentleness cause me to lose control.

Thinking like this, Su Muyu felt that the scenery outside was not as attractive as before, and responded casually: "Okay, I will listen to you." "Why do you listen to me? Do you want to listen to you? That's right

. "Shen Xingyue didn't know that Su Muyu had thought so much, so she replied with a smile.

The carriage drove along the dirt road, and soon, a large gate came into view. Outside the gate stood more than twenty young men, responsible for receiving the distinguished guests coming and going for the fifth princess.

As soon as Shen Xingyue opened the door curtain of the carriage, she felt a gust of cold wind blowing over her. She stepped on the small wooden stool that Yiliu had placed and got out of the carriage, but she remained standing there without moving.

When Su Muyu came out of the car, she saw that Shen Xingyue was still standing there, a little confused. So at this time, Shen Xingyue stretched out her hand, "The ground is a little slippery, I will help you down." Su Muyu didn't

. In order to save Shen Xingyue's face, she handed over her hand. With a smile on her lips, Shen Xingyue carefully helped Su Muyu get out of the carriage, "It's quite cold outside, let's go." Shen Xingyue smiled and stretched out her hand

. Holding Su Muyu's waist, although the snow on the ground had been cleared, there was still a lot of ice. Shen Xingyue was worried, so she simply stood aside to protect Su Muyu.

"Princess, Princess, wait for me."

When Shen Xingyue was protecting Su Muyu and walking into the village, several shouts suddenly came from behind. Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu stopped and frowned. Looking over, he saw Li Ming Hua Zheng running towards him with two boys.

Shen Xingyue's face turned cold and she glanced at Ziyi. Ziyi immediately understood and led people to stand in front of Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu to prevent them from getting close.

Of course, Li Minghua also saw the palace guards in front of Shen Xingyue. He stopped a few steps away, smiled flatteringly at Shen Xingyue, bowed and said, "The princess asked me to It's so hard to find our friends. How many days have we been together? I miss you even though I haven't seen you. Princess, are you still angry because I killed someone with my horse last time? I really know that I was wrong. Thank you, Princess. Help me prepare something? How about later, the princess will reward you and come with us to gather at Chunfeng Tower? I'll be the host." "Oh, you also know that you

killed someone? What is this? Something worth showing off. I don't know how to repent." Shen Xingyue's face suddenly turned cold, and she didn't want to say anything more to this kind of ignorant trash.

"Princess, don't be angry. I really know that I was wrong. Didn't you do it last time?

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