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In the next few days, the imperial court continued to send people to the Qingguang River for disaster relief, and Shen Xingyue took a day to inspect the Yuningwei military camp on the outskirts of Beijing.

The people of Yu Ningwei also knew early that they were assigned to Shen Xingyue by the Empress, and several generals greeted Shen Xingyue outside the gate early.

Because she was going to the military camp, Shen Xingyue simply rode a horse this time and brought Ziyi and several other guards from the palace to the Yu Ning Guard's station.

The leading general bowed to greet Shen Xingyue: "My lord, Commander of the Yu Ning Guards? Lu Xiu has met the princess." Shen Xingyue smiled and replied:

"General Lu, there is no need to be polite. This is also the first time for me to lead a group. Only the army, I'm afraid I will have to trouble General Lu to tell me more about the things in the army." "

Princess, you are serious, what do you think? I know, I will definitely know everything, and I will tell you everything." Lu Xiu looked at it. This princess, who had many rumors in the capital, was afraid that Shen Xingyue would still act as wantonly as before.

Shen Xingyue got off his horse and replied: "Well, I won't be polite. General, please take me to inspect the military camp." "Okay, do you want me to summon all the soldiers to the martial arts field? You go ahead.

" Let's review Yu Ningwei at the martial arts arena." Lu Xiu said with a smile, Shen Xingyue is now the superior officer of their Yu Ningwei, and he also wants to show Shen Xingyue the best side of Yu Ningwei, but he is also afraid of Shen Xingyue. They were just going through the motions according to the order and didn't care about the situation in their military camp.

"Okay? Ah, we have General Lao Lu." Shen Xingyue nodded.

Lu Xiu hurriedly asked the two lieutenants around her to gather the soldiers. Looking at Shen Xingyue, she felt that Shen Xingyue was not impatient and was no longer as repulsive as she was when she first received the news.

"Princess, please, I will take you to look around the camp first. Look at the fields in the distance. Those are the fields planted by the soldiers themselves during the busy farming season. When winter comes, the soldiers will no longer Let's start farming." Lu Xiu introduced as he walked.

Shen Xingyue nodded and started to garrison the fields to raise troops. This practice was common in ancient times. This could greatly reduce the burden on the court. "Has this year's spring plowing started?"

"Yes, Princess, look over there. The large fields have been planted with seeds. They should be able to sprout soon." Lu Xiu explained with a smile.

"Oh, what are the main types of our Yu Ning Guard soldiers? What weapons are generally equipped with the soldiers? What about the horses? What is the armor rate?" Shen Xingyue asked all the questions he wanted to ask.

The smile on Lu Xiu's face was even worse. He was afraid that those people who did not understand or ask would lead the Yuning Guard. You must know that the first thing for those who were selected into the Yuning Guard was to be sincere. The commander of the Yuning Guard Who is in the hand of the token? Who should they be absolutely loyal to? After listening to Shen Xingyue asking these questions, Lu Xiu felt that Shen Xingyue still knew some things in the military camp, and he also asked himself these questions, which showed that Shen Xingyue Yue is still very concerned about Yu Ningwei's affairs.

"Back to the princess, our Yu Ning Guards have 500 cavalrymen, all of whom are heavy cavalry in full armor. The remaining 1,500 are infantry. Among them, 700 use spears. There are four hundred people with long-handled machetes, and four hundred people are archers, responsible for long-range shooting." Lu Xiu replied with a smile.

Shen Xingyue nodded slightly. This small force of 2,000 people has quite a complete range of weapons. However, there are no more powerful large-scale bows and crossbows in this world. A large crossbow arrow can penetrate several people. There are no cannons in this world. Shen Xingyue thought that maybe she could think about these more advanced weapons after going back.

While the two were talking, Lu Xiu took Shen Xingyue to the martial arts arena. A lot of soldiers had already gathered at the martial arts arena, and they were still gathering. Shen Xingyue stood on the martial arts stage and looked down. The soldiers continued to gather in front of him.

Shen Xingyue looked at the armors of the soldiers below and was very satisfied to see that their armors were all new and there was no rust on their spears and knives. It seemed that Yu Ningwei's equipment was also well-equipped, especially for Shen Xingyue. What was surprising was that there were actually five hundred fully armored cavalry inside. It was easy for the cavalry to charge and shoot the infantry on the flat ground, not to mention the fully armored cavalry, whose combat effectiveness increased instantly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Xiu bowed respectfully to Shen Xingyue, "Princess, all the soldiers of our Yu Ning Guard are here, please give us your instructions."

Shen Xingyue nodded and said: "From today on, I will take over everything in Yuningwei. You are all the most outstanding soldiers in Beichuan. Your Majesty has high hopes for you, so you are allowed to serve here." I also hope that I can join you in stationing troops in the suburbs of Beijing, live up to your majesty's trust, and do more for the people. I will often come here to inspect the military camp in the future. I hope that in addition to completing the stationing, you will not waste your martial arts skills. Beichuan may need you at any time. You must be ready at all times to go into battle and kill the enemy. Can you do it?" "

Yes." A deafening voice shouted from the soldiers below. Shen Xingyue knew it by listening to their momentum. This Yu Ning Guard is a small force capable of fighting. No wonder Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia are jealous.

Shen Xingyue nodded happily and said, "Everyone disband in an orderly manner and go about your own business. Don't delay farm work or training because of my coming over." The soldiers below heard Shen Xingyue's words

. After the order, he immediately retreated in an orderly manner. The smile on Lu Xiu's face became more and more obvious. He did not see any look of disgust or impatience in Shen Xingyue's eyes. Seeing Shen Xingyue's serious face, he felt relieved. He also settled down, and finally he didn't really leave Yu Ningwei to the care of a dude.

"Princess, what do you want after seeing it? Let's see where we can go. I will take you there." Lu Xiu said with a smile.

"Take me to see the accounts of the military camp. How much is the food and water flow every month?" Shen Xingyue thought for a moment and said.

After all, she had read a lot of history books in her previous life. Food and grass were the most important part of raising soldiers. Many armies would deduct food and pay from soldiers.

"Okay, I'll let someone get it now." Lu Xiu quickly asked the deputy general to get the account book for Shen Xingyue to review. Their Yu Ning Guards have always had strict military discipline. From top to bottom, they will never deduct food and pay from soldiers. The year before last, a ruler was found to have embezzled soldiers' food and wages, and he was questioned and executed in public.

The appointment and dismissal of generals in the Yuning Guards does not need to be approved by the court. They can be replaced as long as the supreme commander agrees. Therefore, the commander of the Yuning Guards is now Shen Xingyue, and the appointment and dismissal power of the entire team is at Shen Xingyue's disposal.

Shen Xingyue looked through the account book and randomly selected a few places to do the calculations. He found that there were no mistakes and it didn't look like he had made any false accounts. He put the account book aside and said, "Lu General, I am relieved that there is no problem with food and salary. Everything else comes second. The first thing is that Yu Ningwei must be loyal. If I really want to mobilize troops in the future, if anyone of you shirks it, I will definitely Military law will punish you severely."

"Princess, don't worry, the general will obey the orders of the princess." Lu Xiu and several lieutenants around him knelt down again to show their sincerity.

Shen Xingyue nodded, helped the man up, frowned and said: "There is a drought in the middle of Beichuan, and the Qingguang River in the south has burst its banks. You tell the soldiers to be more alert on weekdays, maybe it will be needed soon. They, of course? I will come here from time to time to inspect."

"Yes, I will definitely do it." Lu Xiu said with cupped hands.

After sending Shen Xingyue away, Lu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, the princess was no longer the playboy who harmed everyone, just like the rumors.

It took more than half an hour for Shen Xingyue to ride back on her horse. It was already past noon when she went back. She handed the horse to the boys to take away. Shen Xingyue hurriedly walked to her Feixueyuan. After not seeing her Yu'er for a long time, Shen Xingyue had already given up.

When she returned to the bedroom, Shen Xingyue saw her little kitten leaning on the soft couch and reading a travel journal. Su Muyu's eyes brightened when she saw Shen Xingyue was back, and she reached out and gave Shen Xingyue a hook, thinking? Let Shen Xingyue pick her up.

Shen Xingyue took off her cloak and hung it up, washed her hands again, and then approached Su Muyu. She was afraid that her body would be too cold to hit the kitten, so she did not hug him, but leaned over and kissed Su. Mu Yu's lips.

Su Muyu hooked Shen Xingyue's neck and did not let him go. He kissed Shen Xingyue's lips and said vaguely, "Why don't you hug me." Shen Xingyue dragged the kitten's neck and deepened the kiss

. After a long time, he coaxed softly: "I have been riding a horse for a long time, and my body is cold. I am afraid that I will make you uncomfortable when I hug you. Why don't you wait for me to cover you a little before hugging you properly?" "No, I will help you

. Cover it." Su Muyu hooked Shen Xingyue's neck and refused to let go.

Shen Xingyue smiled and looked at the clingy kitten in her arms, kissed Su Muyu again, and then held the kitten on the soft couch in her arms. She was feeling a little hungry now, so she asked: "At noon What did you eat? I'm a little hungry too. Let Yiliu and the others prepare some food." "

I haven't eaten anything. I'm waiting for you." Su Muyu nuzzled into Shen Xingyue's arms and changed her mind. He leaned in Shen Xingyue's arms in a comfortable position.

Shen Xingyue's heart softened, she leaned over and kissed the kitten's lips, and rubbed the kitten's waist. Shen Xingyue only felt that the person in her arms became softer, "Next time, you will eat it first. What should I do when I get hungry?"

"No, I want to be with you." Su Muyu nuzzled Shen Xingyue softly and acted coquettishly.

Shen Xingyue held Su Muyu in her arms and kissed her for a while, and then she thought about coming to eat. She finally understood why the king would not come to court early from now on. With a lady like Little Kitty, she herself Want to be with the kitten all the time?

Shen Xingyue put down Su Muyu in her arms, walked to the side door of the bedroom and said, "Yiliu, send someone to prepare food." "Yes, I will send someone to do it now." Yiliu responded quickly

. Call and ask someone to prepare meals.

After Shen Xingyue said this, she went to the soft couch again, held Su Muyu on her lap and sat down.

"You went to see Yu Ningwei this morning. How was it?" Su Muyu asked curiously. She didn't expect that her Yue'er could still hold military power.

"It looks like it's well-equipped and well-disciplined. It's a usable army. I'm going to take some time to live in the military camp for a few days, get to know the soldiers, and get to know the rulers inside. , and officers are all familiar with each other, so that when they are needed in the future, we can truly command and move these people." Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said.

"Okay then, I'll wait here for you to come back." Su Muyu buried herself in Shen Xingyue's arms. After all, her Yue'er was doing business, so she naturally had to support him.

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