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Soon, the originally noisy Qinzheng Hall became quiet. Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

Shen Kaiyuan sighed heavily, not daring to look at the son and daughter lying on the ground, and slowly said: "Wen Jing, the people from the Ministry of Ceremonies will bury them properly according to the etiquette of the prince and princess. Well, let's wait until Ning'er wakes up to talk about the rest."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing bowed respectfully and had Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia carried out.

Wenjing looked at Wu Ren on the stretcher over there, and then spoke again: "Your Majesty, what about Mr. Wu?" "Wu Ren sacrificed his life for his country in order to quell the chaos, and sent

people from the Ministry of Rites to discuss and seal him as appropriate. I will reward his wife and children with a thousand taels of gold, and take them away for a proper burial." "

Yes, I will send someone to make arrangements right now." Wen Jing said quickly.

What happened in the Qinzheng Palace quickly reached Queen Ye Yuran. When Ye Yuran heard that something happened to her daughter, she hurried to the Qinzheng Palace with a group of palace people. She hurriedly brought people to Shen Kai ?Yuan saluted and asked hurriedly: "How is Ning'er? How is she doing?" "The imperial doctor

is watching inside. He has given medicine and is still asleep." Shen Kai?Yuan was a little worried about Ye Yu. Ran's body was still intact and he hurriedly said.

"I'm going to see Ning'er." After Ye Yuran said that, he anxiously entered the lounge inside.

When she saw Shen Yining, who was lying on the bed with a pale face, she burst into tears. Her daughter had been sensible since she was a child, and she was the crown princess. She had been cared for and cared for since she was a child. How could she ever suffer such hardships?

Ye Yuran sat on the edge of the boat and carefully touched her daughter's face, "Ning'er, you must get better and don't scare your mother." "Why is Ning'er's face so pale?" Ye Yuran wiped the tears from his eyes

. , asked.

"Back to the Queen, Your Highness was hit by two arrows in the shoulder. He lost so much blood that he turned pale." The leading physician responded quickly.

Ye Yuran nodded slightly, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her daughter for a moment.

Ye Yuran was not the only one who came after hearing the news. Shen Yijia's mother-in-law Cui Yazhen and Shen Yiqian's mother-in-law Wang Shuhui also rushed to the Qinzheng Palace after hearing that their children were tied up by the imperial guards. People still don't know that their children have been sentenced to death.

Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui both bowed to the empress. Cui Yazhen was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, I heard that you had someone kidnapped Jia'er into the palace? There must be a misunderstanding. This child Jia'er has herself You are sensible at a young age, your majesty, please don't listen to the instigation of villains, your majesty." Shen

Kaiyuan looked at Cui Yazhen, showing a trace of unbearability in her heart. She still felt that she owed something to these two concubines, but He still told the truth: "Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia openly sent people to murder the Crown Princess. There are all witnesses and physical evidence. They have been dealt with by me." When Cui Yazhen heard this, her legs trembled. He softened

, knelt down on the ground, and asked urgently: "Disposal? How did Your Majesty handle it? Jia'er would not do this, she would not do this, it must be a mistake, it must be a mistake. "

Yes, Your Majesty, Qian'er is a good boy, how could he go back and murder His Royal Highness? You must have been instigated by a villain, it must be like this." Wang Shuhui hurriedly knelt down and cried together with Cui Yazhen.

"Those tied men in black were sent by Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia respectively. They brothers and sisters were really united in murdering Ning'er. Ning'er was sent by them. They were shot by a shooter, and they are still being treated inside. I have given them some poisonous wine and sent them away." Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth and said, tightly clenching his hands together.

"Poisonous wine? No, Your Majesty, you won't do this, right? Jia'er is also your own flesh and blood. No matter how wrong she does, you can't kill your biological daughter." Cui Yazhen was lying on the ground. , cried loudly and bitterly.

Wang Shuhui obviously still didn't believe it, "No, you won't be so cruel. Gan'er is your first child. You also loved Gan'er very much when Shen Yining was not there. , you won't kill him? No, no."

"This is not the first time they have taken action against Ning'er. When they were hunting in Qingqiu Paddock, the two of them had already taken action to kill Ning'er. But that time, fortunately Yue'er was alert and allowed people to They checked Ning'er's saddle again to avoid causing a catastrophe, but this time they almost killed Ning'er. Shen Yijia saved the trouble and incited the refugees, causing many innocent people and soldiers to also They both lost their lives, and I will never regret what I did to them today." Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth and said.

"No regrets? Your Majesty, do you really not owe us mother and daughter? Since you had the queen, why have you ever cared about the life and death of me and the royal concubine? You only have the queen and the crown princess in your eyes and heart. "The reason why I can survive until now is entirely for Jia'er. No matter how big a mistake she makes, she is still your daughter. I don't accept it, I don't accept it." Cui Yazhen continued to cry, she didn't Dare to believe that my daughter is dead.

"Yes, Your Majesty, after you had the queen, you seemed to have forgotten your concubine and Sister Cui. We are also your concubines, so why did you ever care about us? Since you had the crown princess, you have I haven't paid much attention to Qian'er for years, but Qian'er is also your child, how can you? You can be so cruel, and now you kill Qian'er, why do you do this?" Wang Shuhui burst into tears and almost fainted from crying.

"I'm sorry for you two, but it's not those two. The reason why evil spirits can harm Ning'er again and again is that the matter has come to this, I will not embarrass you, and I will still allow you to live in the original palace. I still allow you to live in fine clothes and fine food, but one thing is that you and your two palace residents are not allowed to leave the place where you live without my will, let alone have any contact with people outside the palace," Shen Kaiyuan gritted his teeth. said.

There is nothing wrong with her two concubines, but now Shen Yiqian and Shen Yijia are dead. If they are not controlled by others, Shen Kaiyuan is afraid that Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui will do something irrational.

"Your Majesty wants to imprison us, right? Okay, these more than ten years have resulted in Jia'er's death and imprisonment. Your Majesty is really cruel, but that's not entirely the case. His Majesty only treats us. Irrelevant people are cruel. In your heart, only Ye Yuran and Shen Yining are, right?" Cui Yazhen's eyes were red and her face was stained with tears.

Shen Kaiyuan closed his eyes, opened them again, looked at Wen Jing, and ordered: "Send the two noble concubines back to the palace, and ask the guards to guard the two noble concubines outside the palace. Without me, We ordered that the two of them, including the people in their palace, are not allowed to leave the palace at will." "

Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Jing asked more than a dozen chamberlains to surround Cui Yazhen and Wang Shuhui, but the two still refused. He left, and was finally pushed out by the servants, half-helping and half-dragging him.

After everyone left, Shen Kaiyuan relaxed a little, but I'm afraid this matter won't be so easy to pass, and the mother's family behind these two people may also want to ask for an explanation.

Shen Kaiyuan felt that his head was about to explode, so he had to send someone to keep an eye on the archers first, so that he could silence the courtiers this time.

Shen Kaiyuan pinched his eyebrows and ordered: "Detain all these assassins in the palace, and send heavy troops to guard them. If they make any mistakes, I will behead you together." "

Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will be more careful." The commander of the Imperial Army immediately asked the soldiers to take away the archers.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at the several ministers in the store, sighed and said, "Wen Jing, it's too chaotic outside now. Please send someone to send these ministers back to the house safely." "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration.

" Several courtiers hurriedly bowed their hands and saluted.

Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue, who was wearing armor again, and saw her haggard face, and couldn't help but feel weak. This time, she lost two children who murdered her sister regardless of human ethics, but she also couldn't help but feel sad. Knowing that Yue'er is reliable, she can be said to be Ning'er's savior.

Shen Kaiyuan patted Shen Xingyue on the shoulder and said: "It's already getting late, and there are still people running around in the capital. It's not very safe. Don't go back today. There are several more rooms behind the Qinzheng Hall. Piandian, you stay here tonight and go back when the situation calms down a bit tomorrow." Immediately,

Shen Kaiyuan told Wen Jing, "Go and send someone to prepare some hot water for Yue'er. If you want to wear clothes, wear mine first." , you can ask someone to prepare."

Shen Xingyue was still a little worried about Su Muyu and wanted to go back, but she didn't want to do this. At that time, she refuted the empress's kindness. After all, the empress was the most unhappy person in her heart today, so she simply retreated and said: " Aunt, Yu'er and the others should still be worried about me. Can you send someone back to report the letter to them? I won't be going back today." "Okay, I will arrange for someone to go to the palace to report the letter. You have been tired for the whole day.

Go Take a shower, eat something and rest early." Shen Kaiyuan looked at Shen Xingyue and said.

"Aunt, don't be too tired. I'm going to change my armor. I'll come over to see Ning'er later." Shen Xingyue bowed her hands and then left with a few servants.

She didn't feel it just now. After she breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Xingyue felt that her body was about to fall apart in pain. She had never worn armor for such a long time. In the meantime, she was galloping on her horse. She was shocked and shocked. I was so frightened that I was sweating all over, and my body didn't smell very good at the moment.

The chamberlains in the palace were trained quickly and quickly prepared bath water for Shen Xingyue. They also prepared several sets of regular clothes that Shen Kaiyuan left in the side hall for Shen Xingyue to change into. Shen Xingyue asked the chamberlains to go out. , he took off his armor and took a few breaths of fresh air. It was strange that he felt better with such a heavy thing on his body.

Shen Xingyue took a good hot bath, washing all the sides of her face and hair. Then she got out of the tub and changed into a set of aqua blue clothes. She wiped her hair halfway with a towel. Then he asked the waiter to help him pull up his hair in a simple bun.

Shen Xingyue left the side hall again and returned to the Qinzheng Hall. At this time, there were only a few chamberlains left in the Qinzheng Hall. The Empress and the Empress were guarding Shen Yining in the lounge.

Shen Xingyue is also a little worried about the little old-fashioned body. Even with the help of the system, being hit by two arrows can still be painful. Moreover, there was no good way to deal with fever in ancient times. Fever can really burn people to death. of.

Shen Xingyue also entered the lounge and saw Shen Yining still lying on the bed with a pale face. She didn't know whether it was sweating from exhaustion or cold sweat. She looked like she was not sleeping peacefully.

Shen Xingyue was about to salute Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran, but Shen Kaiyuan held him back, "No need to kneel."

When Ye Yuran saw Shen Xingyue coming, he also stood up. He took Shen Xingyue's wrist and spoke: "Ning'er, thanks to you being here today, otherwise I wouldn't know what it would be like. Your Majesty, you must remember to reward me well." Yue'er."

"Don't worry, I remember it all. Don't cry. Just watch Ning'er for a while and then go back to rest. I'm here to guard you." Shen Kaiyuan was afraid that the queen was in poor health and something would happen again.

"No, I also want to guard Ning'er." Ye Yuran's eyes were red from crying.

Shen Xingyue looked at the imperial physician on the side and asked, "Does Your Highness have a fever?"

The imperial physician saluted Shen Xingyue and then said: "Back to the princess, there are indeed some signs of fever, but I have just sent someone to see you. I added the medicine, hoping to keep His Highness safe."

Shen Xingyue nodded. People tend to have a fever whenever there is a wound. Shen Xingyue was afraid that there were few methods of treating diseases in ancient times and that Shen Yining would not be able to survive the fever.

As if she had thought of something, Shen Xingyue took out the little white pig sachet from her arms and placed it next to the little old-fashioned bedside.

Shen Xingyue thought about it for a moment, and then said what she wanted to say to Shen Kaiyuan: "Aunt, that sachet was given to His Highness by Miss Zhou. Now His Highness is in a complicated situation. I thought, if there is someone who likes it, Having someone by your side may make His Highness feel better. It's late today and the situation outside has not settled down yet. If the situation is stable tomorrow, it would be good to let Miss Zhou enter the palace and let her meet His Highness."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded frequently, "Okay, I will send someone to invite Zhou Zixuan to the palace early tomorrow morning. It's already time, and I don't care about those false gifts." Shen Xingyue also nodded

, Her eyes fell on Xiao Guban's pale face, thinking that if Zhou Zixuan stayed with Xiao Guban, Xiao Guban would have more desire to survive and would not die so easily.

After saying a few more words, Shen Kaiyuan asked the chamberlain to take Shen Xingyue to eat something. She had also worn armor herself and knew that wearing armor consumes physical strength. She also knew that their Yue'er used to be just a... It's really not easy for a dandy who eats and drinks to withstand such great pressure and stabilize the situation today.

Shen Xingyue was indeed hungry at this moment, so she breathed a sigh of relief and followed the servants out.

Shen Xingyue was not too worried about the fact that the food in the palace would be tested for poison with silver needles before being put on the table, and she hurriedly started eating. However, while eating, Shen Xingyue was still thinking about her kitten. I wonder? I wonder how her Yu'er is doing. With the chaos in the capital today, her kitten won't be frightened, right?

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the doors of Ankang Prince's Mansion were tightly closed, fearing that refugees might suddenly break in. Su Muyu, Shen Zhengchu, and Zhou Yunqing were all in the front hall of the Prince's Mansion, anxiously Waiting for news from Shen Xingyue.

Su Muyu was pacing back and forth in the room with red eyes. She didn't know how many times she cried secretly all afternoon. The literary friend came back and reported in the afternoon that there was a mutiny at the south gate. It was getting dark now, but the sound of horse hooves could still be heard from outside the palace from time to time, and it continued continuously, indicating that the rebellion of the refugees outside had not been completely quelled.

The longer Su Muyu waited, the more her nose felt sore, but in the current situation, if she went out to look for someone, she might cause trouble to Shen Xingyue, so she had to wait anxiously.

Wenyou sent someone out to inquire about the situation, and now two royal guards came back.

Su Muyu hurriedly asked: "How is it? Have you heard about the princess?" "

Back to the princess, I heard from the soldiers guarding the city at the south gate that the princess seems to have entered the palace. When Xiao Xiao came back, the chaos at the south gate had been controlled. Marshal Han led the Han family troops to guard the south gate to stabilize the situation. Now there are only a small group of refugees fleeing in the capital, and there is no trouble. Here we come." The guard hurriedly replied.

"Entering the palace? How about entering the palace? If you don't come back at this late hour, the palace door will be locked any later." Shen Zhengchu was also very anxious. His eldest daughter had never led troops before. He? Really? I am worried that something will happen to my eldest daughter.

"Yeah, it's about time, it's time to come back." Su Muyu asked with red eyes. She finally met the person she liked, and Shen Xingyue was so good to her. Su Muyu didn't dare to Think about what she would do if something happened to Shen Xingyue.

Just when the three of them were anxious, Wenyou brought in several more servants from outside.

The three leading servants bowed and then spoke: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is afraid that you will be worried, so he specially sent a few young people to tell you that the princess is staying in the side hall of Qinzheng Hall tonight. Now. There are still some refugees outside. Your Majesty is afraid that it will not be safe for the princess to come back at this time. Please rest assured, the prince, princess and princess." "Really, is Yue'er okay?" Shen Zhengchu asked quickly


"Don't worry, Your Majesty. The princess's holy love is strong. She has made great achievements today. Everything is fine." The chamberlain hurriedly replied.

"That's good, that's good. I will go to the palace tomorrow to meet the emperor. Yang Qi, go see some adults off." "Your Majesty, you're welcome." Several chamberlains took the tip that Yang Qi handed over and rushed back. Shen Zhengchu

and the others saluted again and left.

Shen Zhengchu sighed, seeing that Su Muyu was still worried, and comforted him: "Yu'er, you don't have to be too impatient. Since someone from the palace has reported that she is safe, it means that Yue'er is fine. Don't worry, I will enter the palace early tomorrow morning. , I must bring her back to you well, and go back and rest."

Then Shen Zhengchu said to Zhou Yunqing: "Let's go back and rest too, everything will be clear to me when I enter the palace tomorrow morning." "

Father. King, there is so much chaos outside right now, do you think it will happen in the palace as well?" Su Muyu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Shen Zhengchu hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, it shouldn't happen. If the palace is really in chaos, how can the chamberlains have time to come out to report the news? Go back and eat something and rest early, otherwise Yue'er will come back tomorrow and you will be sick again. ."

Su Muyu was still worried, but she could only nodded slightly and went back to Feixueyuan with Yiliu, Cuizhu and the others.

Yiliu asked someone in the small kitchen to prepare food. Su Muyu put down her chopsticks after taking a few bites. She was worried that Shen Xingyue would not be able to eat at all, so she asked Yiliu and the others to take away the food early, leaving her alone. On the soft couch, I wanted to wait for Shen Xingyue to come back. I wanted Shen Xingyue to throw down his cloak and come over to hug her like he had done so many times in the past.

When thinking of Shen Xingyue, Su Muyu's eyes turned red again.

In addition to Su Muyu, there was also Zhou Zixuan pacing back and forth in the room. Her father, Zhou Yuanzhen, had just been discussing matters in the Qinzheng Hall. He had just been escorted back home by the palace guards, not long after he came back.

Zhou Zixuan learned the news about Shen Yining's life and death from her father. She was extremely anxious in the room. There were tears hanging on her face, and she held tightly the piece of jade that Shen Yining gave her. card, and murmured in a low voice: "Your Highness, nothing will happen to you. I have embroidered several of them? I haven't given you the little piggy sachet yet. You promised me that we will get married this year." Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."

Zhou Zixuan was very anxious, but he couldn't enter the palace, so he had to worry.


Shen Xingyue went to see Shen Yining again before going to bed, and saw Shen Kaiyuan sitting next to Shen Yining, constantly changing Shen Yining's towels to physically cool down Shen Yining.

Shen Xingyue thought for a while and said: "You can have someone bring some liquor over, wet it with a handkerchief and wipe it on Ning'er's neck, armpits, thighs, palms and soles. This can also cool down the temperature, and she might feel better. These are folk methods for reducing fever. We can try them too." "

Yes, there are good folk methods too. Wen Jing, hurry up and get someone to prepare liquor and towels. I'll help Ning'er scrub her well." Shen Kaiyuan said quickly.

Seeing her anxious look, Shen Xingyue felt that the Ninth Five Emperor who was on the fourteenth step was just Shen Yining's mother at this moment, and no longer had the airs of an emperor.

"Aunt, you've been tired all afternoon. Why don't you go and take a rest? I'll keep an eye on Ning'er here." Ancient people's bodies were inherently fragile, and Shen Kaiyuan's mood was ups and downs today. He killed a son and a daughter, and imprisoned two noble concubines. I don't know if all the refugees in the capital have been caught at the moment. Moreover, tomorrow the empress will probably have to explain to the courtiers why she gave birth to a son and a daughter. , in short, it is a mess. The position of the emperor is really not suitable for ordinary people. Shen Xingyue is afraid that if something happens to Shen Kaiyuan, Beichuan will be in chaos.

"It's rare that you have such a heart, but how can I sleep? Let's try the method you just mentioned together again." Shen Kaiyuan was also exhausted, but he still managed to hold on.

Seeing her like this, Shen Xingyue couldn't persuade her any more, so she asked Wen Jing on the side to send someone to bring some ginseng soup.

Wenjing understood immediately and hurriedly followed suit.

Soon the liquor came, and Shen Xingyue and Shen Kaiyuan helped Shen Yining wipe several places on his body.

After a while, Shen Xingyue sent someone to boil the ginseng soup and brought it over. Shen Xingyue took a bowl and brought it to the empress, "Aunt, if you don't want to eat, you should drink some ginseng soup to refresh yourself? Just think of it as a drink. Just water."

Shen Kaiyuan nodded and drank the ginseng soup handed over by Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue was originally worried about Little Stylish, and since the Empress hadn't left at the moment, it was obviously inappropriate for her to go out to rest by herself, so she simply moved a chair over to guard Little Stylish.

But Shen Xingyue didn't bother much this afternoon. After sitting for an hour, she fell asleep leaning on the bed. Shen Kaiyuan woke her up and asked the servants to help her go to the side hall to rest. She still remained Guard Shen Yining.

After Shen Xingyue returned, she almost fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed. She experienced too many things that day. It was the first time he led troops to suppress the rioters, the first time he made the decision and asked the soldiers to shoot the rioters, and the first time he was alone. It was the first time for a person to preside over such a situation and experience the separation of life and death. Fortunately, she brought back half of her cousin's life. Shen Xingyue fell into a deep sleep before she had time to think too much.

In the second half of the night, I don't know whether it was the traditional Chinese medicine that worked or the rubbing of white wine on the body. In short, Shen Yining's fever subsided, and several imperial doctors took turns urging the empress to go. After sleeping for a while, the empress saw that her daughter's condition had indeed improved, so she went to another side hall to rest.

Shen Xingyue slept peacefully all night. When she got up in the morning, she remembered that she was in the palace and asked the palace people to prepare things for washing. Shen Xingyue simply washed up, asked the palace people to comb her hair, and simply inserted He tied a jade hairpin in place and then walked out.

Wen Jing and the others were already standing there in the Qinzheng Hall. Shen Xingyue went over to ask and found out that the empress was still resting. She took another look at the little old-fashioned man and made sure that the little old-fashioned man was no longer burned, and then returned to the side hall. Let someone bring some food over and prepare to eat before doing anything else.

As for those messy things, with her aunt here, she didn't have to worry too much.

As a result, Shen Xingyue didn't wake up even after breakfast. She had to check at the Qinzheng Hall from time to time to see if the little old man was awake. After a while, she saw her father and several other ministers hurriedly arrived. Enter the Qinzheng Hall.

Shen Zhengchu looked at the clothes Shen Xingyue was wearing. The more he looked at it, the more he thought he had seen it somewhere before. As if he remembered something, his face turned pale with fright. He pointed at Shen Xingyue with trembling fingers: "Who asked you to wear His Majesty's clothes? You unfilial daughter, if you don't take it off quickly, you want to piss me off."

Shen Xingyue was scolded by her father, and she was also very innocent, okay? There is no change of clothes for her here. They were all so messed up last night. She can't ask the chambermaids to bring her new clothes, right? That's too blind.

Fortunately, the empress came out from the side hall on the other side. Shen Zhengchu and others hurriedly saluted Shen Kaiyuan. Shen Zhengchu was about to pull Shen Xingyue to plead guilty, but was interrupted by Shen Kaiyuan. She also said what she just said He heard, "Don't blame Yue'er, I asked her to wear it. It's just a few clothes, no need to make a fuss, what's more? If there was no Yue'er yesterday, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see Ning'er today, my imperial brother. , Yue'er is such a good child."

Shen Zhengchu was still not sure what happened yesterday, and was stunned by the empress's random praise to his daughter.

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