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Shen Yining's ears were red and she reached out and touched the little white pig sachet gently. She felt extremely happy in her heart, but her face still looked like a little old-fashioned. She really thanked Zhou Zixuan: "I'm lonely." I like it very much. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Your Highness gave me the hairpin. I also like it very much." Zhou Zixuan looked at the little princess with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu came back again. Shen Xingyue saw that the two of them were sitting very far away from each other. She thought that the little lady was not so innocent. She didn't even touch the girl's little hand. Bar?

But she didn't ask too much, and had lunch with Shen Yining and the others. In the afternoon, Shen Yining accompanied Zhou Zixuan to the back garden of the palace for a walk. Shen Yining asked the palace people to stay outside the garden. While waiting, he and Zhou Zixuan built a snowman together.

Zhou Zixuan looked at it and it was almost time. She had been out for most of the day. If she didn't go back, her mother would tell her. So she said to Shen Yining: "Your Highness, it's getting late. I'm almost going back." "

Are you going back so soon?" The little princess was reluctant to leave. Looking at Zhou Zixuan, she couldn't bear to see Zhou Zixuan leave. "Gu, Gu always thinks that the Qintian Supervisor miscalculated the time of our wedding?" We have only stayed for a while and you have to leave."

Zhou Zixuan was also a little reluctant to let go of Shen Yining, but she had no choice. She came out? It took too long. It would be difficult to explain to her mother if she stayed any longer. "How long will it take? If I come here again, His Highness, please don't be unhappy."

"Yes." The little lady responded blankly, but still kept a few steps away from Zhou Zixuan. Although she had read a lot of scripts, but the teacher The etiquette they taught her was ingrained into her bones.

Zhou Zixuan saw the little princess looking reluctant to leave. She walked up to Shen Yining in a few steps, hugged Shen Yining quickly, then turned around and ran away with red ears, leaving only Shen Yining. Ning stood there in a daze, unable to react for a long time.

Another month passed, and Su Muxue sent messages to the fifth princess's house several times, wanting to see Su Muxue, but she was rejected by Su Muxue several times. This time was already the fifth time this month. However, Su Muxue was really embarrassed to shirk it anymore, for fear of being said that she had clung to a high family and ignored her sister at home, so she had no choice but to agree to let Su Muxue go visit her relatives.

Su Muxue dressed up very early that morning and went to the fifth princess's mansion. Because Su Muxue was quite favored in the fifth princess's mansion, the servants did not dare to neglect Su Muxue and welcomed Su Muxue in. In the mansion, a maid led Su Muxue to Su Muxue's bedroom.

As soon as Su Muxue saw her sister, she hurriedly saluted and said hello: "Sister, how are you doing these days? I'm almost worried to death." Su Muxue was still sneering in her heart, but on her face

She was calm? She quickly helped Su Muxue up and replied with a smile: "Everything is fine. Your Highness, she treats me very well." Su Muxue quickly replied: "That's it? Okay, that's it for me and my mother

. Don't worry, my eldest sister must be very busy these days helping His Highness take care of things in the house, right?" "

Fortunately, as you all know, the fifth emperor's concubine Xue Youzhen's health has always been poor, and she became even worse after she got married to His Highness. ?She was seriously ill. His Highness took pity on the Fifth Princess and was afraid that she would be exhausted, so he had to leave these trivial matters in the house to me." Su Muqiu seemed to be complaining that she had many things to do, but in fact She was showing off that she was in charge of everything in the palace, but she was actually exercising the power of the princess.

As expected, Su Muxue fell into the trap, and immediately understood what Su Muxue meant, and complimented: "Eldest sister, can you please do more work? How much trust does His Highness have in you? Which one in the capital? I don't know which one? I don't know. ?"

"Where? I'm just helping the imperial concubine to keep an eye on these servants to avoid causing any trouble. It's nothing." Su Muqiu said with a smile.

"Eldest sister, you are too self-effacing. You and I are close sisters. We are not afraid to say something to my sister. That bitch Su Muyu has occupied the position of the princess princess of the eldest sister. On the outside, you act like a domineering person, but in the end, the eldest sister is still kind-hearted and lets her go. As a result, eldest sister, you have gained the trust and love of the fifth princess. In the future, you will only be worse than Su Muyu. People's lives are much better." Su Muxue lowered her voice and continued: "What's more, His Highness the Fifth Prince has many supporters in the court. Although the current Crown Princess has been decided, it is really When the time comes, it is still unknown whether the person sitting in that position is the Crown Princess." Su Muqiu made a silent gesture and reminded:

"Be careful with your words."

"I know that these are all my thoughts. I want to talk to my eldest sister. If that day really comes in the future, eldest sister, your mother's grace will be great for the world." Don't forget my sister." Su Muxue said with a smile.

How about saying that Su Muxue is a hateful person, but flattering others is also a method of its own. After a while, Su Muxue was so happy that he said with a smile, "Is it really true that you came to see me?" Just to talk about family affairs? The house is very busy these days. If something happens, you and I sisters can talk directly." "I came here to discuss marriage matters. Sister, come here to me.

The people who brought this request are all people from poor family backgrounds. Some of them are not as high-ranking as their father, and they are still concubines. Eldest sister, you are married to the current princess. What should I say? She is also your sister, if it is true? Even if you marry into a small family like that, you are afraid of embarrassing your eldest sister." Su Muxue looked like she was pleading with Su Muxue to save her.

Su Muqiu thought for a while and realized that this was also the case. Moreover, in recent days, the wives of the inner house in the capital seemed to be aware of the poor health of the fifth princess, so they sent her gifts. She has also changed a lot, and she has come into contact with many people. Among them, Feng Wenbin's mother, who had talked to them in Meiyuan before, has become very close to her recently.

Su Muqiu thought for a while and said: "I really do have a candidate, Feng Wenbin, whom we met in the plum garden that time. His mother often comes to see me these days, and it seems that he is secretly He also hinted to me several times that Feng Wenbin has not married yet and has only a few concubines in the house, so he is considered a good candidate."

"But eldest sister, didn't they all say that Feng Wenbin likes to play? He was always with Shen Xingyue before." Su Muxue muttered in a low voice.

"How many of the Qianyuan people in the capital don't like to play? You have to know that his father is a fourth-grade Shaoqing of Dali Temple, in charge of the judiciary, but he is an official with real power, even better than our father. The official rank needs to be one higher, and Feng Wenbin is the legitimate son of their house. You have married, and when your mother-in-law is gone, will you still be the mistress of the house? You should think it over for yourself. Okay." Su Muqiu said with a smile.

She just gave Su Muxue some advice. After all, she was not her biological sister. After all, she didn't care much about Su Muxue. However, Su Muxue was a bit stupid, so to speak. The words still made her feel good. She could still help Su Muxue find a good place to go.

Su Muxue thought for a while, isn't that just this? Does it make sense? The people who proposed marriage to her before were all Qianyuan from the families of sixth- and seventh-rank officials. Some of them were not legitimate sons, so they might as well be Feng Wenbin.

In addition, what Su Muqiu said was right. After marrying her as the head wife, after her mother-in-law is gone, she will be the eldest lady in their house. Isn't she the one who will make the decision by then?

"Then it's all up to elder sister to make the decision for me." Su Muxue said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take care of this in a few days." Su Muqiu replied with a smile.

Maybe it was because he met Su Muxue during the day. When Su Muqiu and Shen Yijia had dinner together in the evening, Su Muqiu casually mentioned: "Your Highness, it has been a while since I married into your house. How many days will it take?" I want to go back to the Su Mansion for a visit. If you don't have much to do, can you accompany me?" Shen Yijia did

n't expect that Su Muqiu would say this. He was stunned for a moment and raised his eyes to look at Su Muqiu. , said: "If you want to go back to visit relatives, just ask the housekeeper in the house to prepare some gifts and take them back with you. I won't go with you. It's not polite." "Yes, Your Highness, I was confused. .

" Su Muqiu hurriedly said, her face not revealing, she was still talking and laughing with Shen Yijia just like before, but what she was thinking about was that she was going back to her home, without the fifth princess accompanying her. , isn't it a bit shorter than Su Muyu?

As if thinking of something, Shen Yijia reminded again: "Su Muyu's mother and sister are still in the Su Mansion. You must not have any conflict with them when you go back this time. Now that the Ankang Prince's Mansion and the General's Mansion are married, they occupy A large part of the power in the court has been eliminated. We cannot have any conflict with the palace. It is best to bring some gifts for me to give to Su Muyu's mother and sister." Shen Yijia looked at Su Muqiu and said : "Qiu'er

, we have been getting along for a while. Now there are only you and me in my bedroom. You also know that my fifth imperial concubine is just a sick beauty. She can't share anything for me at all, that is. Her father is the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and he only helps me in the court. It is up to you to take care of the affairs in this house. You are also the one who understands me best among the Kunze people around me. My gaze is not only I am just a fifth princess. I hope you will do the same. When doing things, you will take a longer view. Do you understand what I mean?" "I understand what His Highness means and I will never cause His Highness any trouble. Trouble." Su

Muqiu hurriedly replied.

"That's good, if one day I can really sit in that position, the only person who will be in charge of the Sixth Palace for me will be you." Shen Yijia said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for being willing to tell me this." Su Muqiu's eyes lit up.

"The two of us have to work together, and maybe we can have greater fortunes in the future." Shen Yijia said with a smile.

Shen Yijia was also very happy with her dinner. The other Kunzes in the house were either spoiled or had not studied for a few years, so Su Muqiu managed the affairs of the inner courtyard for her and managed them surprisingly well. Yes, even though Shen Yijia was unwilling to condescend to accompany her back to her parents' home, she would not give less of the comfort that should be given to Su Muqiu.

A few days later, the marriage of Su Muxue and Feng Wenbin was finalized. Even Shen Xingyue heard about the buzz in the capital. She also heard from the grandmother who took care of Liu Xiang and the others. , Su Muqiu came back to visit relatives, and even brought a lot of gifts to Liu Xiang and the others.

Shen Xingyue thought that Shen Yijia probably wanted to win over their palace again. After all, her sister was now with Han Shu. Winning over their palace was tantamount to wooing Han Shu, even though the princess was not mentioned in the original book. The cause of death was just that he died in an accident while hunting, but how could it be such a coincidence? Shen Xingyue always felt that the person who harmed Shen Yining was either Shen Yiqian or Shen Yijia, or both. Everyone is involved, otherwise, how can accidents happen so easily to the crown princess of a country?

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