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When Zhang Xinhuai's family came to the Yamen, he still had a look of disdain on his face, "Mr. Wu, your memory is bad? Have you forgotten what happened before? You dare to ask me to go to the Yamen to confront you?" "Okay? No? You didn't say that

. Forget it, we are just following orders, should you go by yourself, or should we take you with us?" The leader of the government officials looked at Zhang Xinhuai coldly and asked.

Seeing what he said, Zhang Xinhuai felt a little bad premonition in his heart, and then continued to threaten: "The princess and I are good friends, if you short-sighted people dare to take me away, you are not afraid of the princess. Are you going to punish you?"

"Whether they are punished or not is not our business. Stop talking nonsense and take the person away." The leader of the yamen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he just asked a few of his men to go and take the person.

Zhang Xinhuai angrily threw away several people's hands, and cursed: "Go away, young master, I can leave by myself, why don't you wait? I'll ask you later. Look." After saying this, Zhang Xinhuai looked at home again

. The young man inside told him: "Go to Prince Ankang's Mansion to ask the princess for help. Just tell me that I was taken away by an official from the Jingzhao Yin Yamen. Go quickly." The leader of the Yamen sneered and looked at him jokingly

. Zhang Xinhuai said, "There's no need to look for it. The princess asked us to take you there." Zhang Xinhuai's

alarm bells rang in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be calm, "No way, you can't lie to me. "The princess and I are good friends. She won't care about my life or death. You can't even try to sow discord between me and the princess." "Isn't it right? You'll know when you come with us. Take her away.

" The yamen servants surrounded Zhang Xinhuai and took him to Jingzhao Yin yamen.

"Go to the princess quickly. Go to the Jingzhao Yin Yamen for help. If it doesn't work, you can ask Li Minghua for help." When Zhang Xinhuai left the house, he was still shouting to the boys. They split up and went to the Wang Mansion and Li Minghua Mansion to find people.

Tian Dong on the other side couldn't believe that Jingzhao Yin Yamen wanted to arrest him. After all, he was released without charge last time under the protection of the princess.

He had the same reaction as Zhang Xinhuai. When he was taken away, he immediately asked Shen Xingyue and a group of other dudes for help.

On the other side, Shen Xingyue was sitting in front of the courtroom, with tea and two plates of pastries placed on the small table next to him. Several shop owners who had been exploited by the two men had already arrived in the courtroom.

Shen Xingyue glanced at a few people and said slowly: "In recent days, there have been people in the capital exploiting people in my name. Did Zhang Xinhuai and Tian Dong rob some of your stores in the past few days? ?, and put all the blame on me, Shen Xingyue?"

One of the middle-aged men in his forties knelt down immediately after hearing what Shen Xingyue said?, and replied tremblingly: "There is no such thing, absolutely not. This matter is because we spontaneously want to give those things to the princess. It is not exploitation. Please ask the princess to show your kindness and spare the little ones." Shen Xingyue frowned at the man and spoke coldly

. ?: "First understand the meaning of my words before replying. I have just made it very clear. I, Shen Xingyue, have never let people exploit people in my name. People like Zhang Xinhuai and Tian Dong use my name. , it is really against the law to do things that prey on the common people all day long, let alone them. They dare to despise the royal family and return all these bad reputations to me. Such people really deserve to be punished. I call you I came here just to correct these two people and not to be confused."

The man kneeling on the ground was so frightened that his mind could not turn around at all, but the woman Qianyuan who ran the rouge shop bowed in return. He said: "Young man, I understand that it was Tian Dong and Zhang Xinhuai who used your name to do all kinds of bad things. Tian Dong took away two hundred taels of high-quality rouge from the villain's shop yesterday. He acted domineeringly. I really have no choice but to ask the princess to make the decision for me."

After saying that, the woman knelt down and saluted Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue nodded, with a smile on his lips, and glanced at the other people: "This is a smart person, he is obedient, and he answers randomly without even understanding the meaning of my words. He is really a fool." Egg."

The man kneeling on the ground almost cried out of fright. He quickly kowtowed to Shen Xingyue, "You are just confused. I understand. Both of them have been to the store to get sweets. Guozi, at least he took something worth more than a hundred taels of silver? Please ask the princess to avenge my grievance."

Shen Xingyue nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will give you an explanation today. I will not let such evil people be so lawless again." "Thank you, Princess, thank you, Princess." Several vendors stood in the


. On one side, they only dared to communicate with each other with their eyes, but at this moment, they finally understood what the princess meant. Although they didn't know why the princess did this, after all, it often happened that those people came to the store to exploit them. However, the princess has always protected those people. Several vendors were still wondering why the princess changed her face today. Zhang Xinhuai and Tian Dong were taken to court by the Yamen servants.

There were already many people outside the court hall watching, especially when they saw Shen Xingyue sitting inside, and the people eating melon outside were even more crowded to see the excitement.

"Hey, why is Shen Xingyue here?"

"I don't know, it should be for her friends to help." "

Those Shen Xingyue's thugs are really not good, they are domineering in the capital, go get some I never give you money to buy things in small shops."

"Aren't they all protected by Shen Xingyue? Let me tell you, not many of these powerful people have good things." "This time it

must be Shen Xingyue's scumbag again. Something has happened. Shen Xingyue has come here to fish for people again." "

I think so, let's go and squeeze forward. Let's also see the excitement."

The noise continued outside, and the government officials went out several times before they reluctantly let the outside The onlookers fell silent. When Zhang Xinhuai and Tian Dong saw Shen Xingyue, they breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Zhang Xinhuai knelt down on the ground and pretended to cry to Shen Xingyue: "Princess, can you please It's finally here. With you here, I have nothing to fear. The people from Jingzhao Yin Yamen just wanted to do something to me. But I am yours. They treat me like this. They obviously don't take you seriously. Here, Princess."

Wu Ren was so frightened by Zhang Xinhuai's words that he was really afraid that Shen Xingyue would be coaxed and then spoke to Zhang Xinhuai again, Wu Ren was sweating on his forehead.

Shen Xingyue sat there quietly, took a sip of tea, and then spoke slowly. When she spoke, the people outside became surprisingly quiet. They all wanted to hear what evil spirit Shen Xingyue, the devil, was going to do. .

"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of being related to me? You trashes, one by one, dare to use my name to exploit people in the capital at will. Do you think that I have too much temper and dare not correct it? What's your crime?" Shen Xingyue leaned straight on the back of the chair, her emotions could not be heard to fluctuate much, and even the walking stick on her head barely swayed, but she still remained calm, and the entire court fell silent. , even the people outside became quiet.

Zhang Xinhuai didn't expect Shen Xingyue to say that. He immediately panicked, knelt on the ground and explained in a panic: "No, I didn't use your name. Princess, I drank with you in a restaurant. We are not friends. Really? Princess, you can't ignore your friends."

Tian Dong was also panicked and helped: "Yes, Princess, these people must have framed us. Princess, you must be aware of it. We are all good people, Princess." Lord."

"Really? Let's talk about it, all of you." Shen Xingyue didn't bother to listen to the two people kneeling on the ground. She raised her eyes and glanced at the small vendors. They had the suggestions just now. Immediate understanding.

"Tian Dong, yesterday you asked the boy to steal two hundred taels of silver from my shop. Yanzhi, and you said that the princess ordered your people to do it." "That's right, you two boys at home

. You also took no less than two hundred taels of sweet fruit from my shop, saying that the princess asked you to do this." "

And me, my snacks? The two of you guys in the shop also go there often, every day. Sometimes I get a few taels or dozens of taels of silver snacks, and when I ask you for money, you all blame the princess." "You, you are talking nonsense, princess, don't believe their nonsense

. , they want to alienate us." Zhang Xinhuai was completely panicked by what he said. For no other reason. These people are telling the truth. Every time they go out to eat for free, they always throw shit into the basin. Shen Xingyue was slapped on the head, but he ended up clean. They and others did evil every day, but their reputations were much better than Shen Xingyue's. This was the reason.

Tian Dong was also frightened. He looked at Shen Xingyue and begged for mercy: "Princess, please don't listen to these people's nonsense. We are friends with you. How could we do something that harms your reputation? Princess, please don't listen to it." These people's rumors."

At this time, the people outside looked at each other more seriously, and whispered from time to time.

"It's really interesting this time. Do you think Shen Xingyue will punish these two people?" "

Hey, it's a no-brainer. Shen Xingyue defended those dandies last time. How could she possibly punish those dandies? To punish them, they must also punish them. A few shops."

"I think so, but it's just for show."

Li Minghua and Feng Wenbin were also invited to help by the servants of Zhang Xinhuai's family. They were watching the situation in the courtroom from the crowd. Yet.

"Brother Li, what do you mean by the princess? Do you really want to punish Zhang Xinhuai and the others?" Feng Wenbin asked with raised eyebrows.

"It stands to reason that no, but the princess has changed her temper these days. I really don't know what she wants to do." Li Minghua replied while watching the movement inside. After all, he himself was thrown by the guards of the palace. After going out, he really couldn't guess what Shen Xingyue wanted to do.

Different from the noise outside, Shen Xingyue listened to the arguments of Zhang Xinhuai and Tian Dong calmly. There was no special expression on his face. Instead, he drank two sips of tea comfortably, and then glanced at the two of them. Slowly spoke?, and the moment Shen Xingyue spoke?, the people outside immediately became quiet, wanting to see what Shen Xingyue wanted to do.

"I know what you people do all day long. I used to be blind to be friends with people like you, but I won't be friends with you in the future. You just rely on your own power to prey on the common people, and you still You put all the faults on me and asked me to take the blame for you people, but I, Shen Xingyue, am also a princess of the royal family. It seems that you don't take the royal family seriously at all?" Shen Xingyue He spoke calmly and without any emotion.

"No, Princess, don't listen to what they are trying to do. I don't do it, I don't do it." Zhang Xinhuai was completely panicked when Shen Xingyue said this, and he hurriedly explained in a panic.

Shen Xingyue glanced at Ziyi, who was looking behind him, and said coldly: "You interrupted me before I finished speaking. It seems you really don't take me seriously." Ziyi immediately understood and walked over in a few steps.

In the court, Zhang Xinhuai was slapped on the face with a "slap". Zhang Xinhuai still wanted to struggle, but the government officials on both sides immediately cut his hands behind his back. Ziyi slapped him twice more, and the only thing heard in the court was Zhang Xinhuai's screams.

"Ah, ah, Princess, please spare your life, I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare anymore." Zhang Xinhuai's voice became sharp because of the pain from being beaten.

Shen Xingyue looked at everything in front of him coldly, and said in a calm tone: "Naochao, when will you shut your mouth, and when will I make people stop again?" Hearing what Shen Xingyue said, Zhang Xinhuai was stunned and held back the killing

. Zhu Bian screamed, and his tears were shed by Qi Ziyi.

Seeing that Zhang Xinhuai was honest, Shen Xingyue waved her hand to signal Ziyi to stop. Shen Xingyue looked at the two of them, raised her red lips slightly, and said lightly: "Next, it's time for us to settle all the previous accounts. Okay. ?Forget it."

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