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While on the carriage, Shen Taotao kept her arms around Han Shu's waist, rubbing her forehead between Han Shu's shoulders and neck so coquettishly that Qin Wei didn't even look at her friend.

Before in Xingcui Building, she was worried that Shen Taotao was being taken advantage of by others, but now it seemed that it was Shen Taotao who was taking advantage of others. She suddenly felt that Han Shu was also quite pitiful. When you get married, your head will turn a little green.

After finally arriving at the gate of Prince Ankang's Mansion, Qin Wei wanted to help Shen Taotao, but Shen Taotao insisted on staying in his arms and kept muttering: "I don't want you, I want my sister to hold me." Han Shu I looked at

the little girl in my arms. I didn't know that the little girl was so clingy. She chuckled and coaxed: "Be good, wait. Next time, my sister will take you out to play. I am Qianyuan. I will help you get off the bus. Yu Li?" If you don't agree, be obedient and let your friend help you."

Shen Taotao looked at Han Shu with misty eyes, and then rubbed her neck aggrievedly and coquettishly: "Then it's agreed, you get off. Come with me next time." The little girl was helped up by Qin Wei reluctantly.

Before leaving, Qin Wei apologized to Han Shu again: "I'm sorry, my friend really drank too much. I'm so sorry." Han Shu smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, you two be careful,

Jiang Zhao, you help me outside."

"Okay, Master." Jiang Zhao helped Shen Taotao, who had drunk too much, outside.

When the guards of Ankang Palace saw that the little princess had drunk too much, they hurriedly carried Ruanjiao out and carried Shen Taotao in.

Qin Wei exchanged pleasantries with Han Shu and declined Han Shu's offer to send her back.

There was a smile on Han Shu's lips. He thought of the little girl who was acting coquettishly in her arms just now, and suddenly felt that His Majesty's offer of marriage was not that good and he didn't want to accept it.

Shen Taotao was drunk and unconscious. Zhou Yunqing and the others found out and went to Shen Taotao's yard to take care of Shen Taotao. The little girl lay on the bed and was still mumbling.


Another three days passed. Su Muyu was dealing with Shen Xingyue's private property in the study, while Shen Xingyue was talking to literary friends in the palace garden.

It was said to be a garden, covered with ice and snow, but there were only a few plum blossom trees. Shen Xingyue asked the other maids who followed him to retreat far away, leaving only Wenyou alone, and asked: "What? How is it? What did you find? "

Returning to the princess, the princess gathered more than a dozen refugees in Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing a few days ago. I asked someone to find out that some of the refugees went to Jiangzhou for business a few days ago and asked Manager Sun. , Manager Sun doesn't know exactly what these people are doing in Jiangzhou." Wenyou said cautiously.

"I know, is there anything else?" Shen Xingyue asked again.

"In addition, when welcoming Marshal Han Shu that day, some servants in the palace saw the princess and the fifth princess having a brief exchange outside the Liangyi Palace. The specific content of the conversation is unknown. "The literary friend said more carefully, because Shen Xingyue's face turned extremely cold when he heard about the fifth princess.

After a long while, Shen Xingyue nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand. From now on, I will continue to send people to keep an eye on the movements of the princesses and concubines. If you have anything, come and tell me." "Yes, princess." Wenyou saw

. Shen Xingyue looked as usual, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

After the literary friend left, Shen Xingyue sighed heavily at the ice in the pond in the back garden, so no matter how hard she tried, would she still be unconsciously attracted to the two heroines in the original book? But she felt that Shen Yijia was not a good man at all. What happened to her kitten? Did she come into contact with Shen Yijia again?

Shen Xingyue sighed, always feeling that it might be a coincidence that Su Muyu and Shen Yijia met and exchanged a few words, but the matter of letting people go to Jiangzhou might not be that simple. Her little kitten has its own secret.

Shen Xingyue didn't stay in the backyard for a while when Shen Zhengchu's bodyguard Yang Qi came over and said, "Princess Princess, I don't know where the little Princess went. Your Majesty is afraid that something will happen to her, so I want you to take someone out to look for her."

Shen Xingyue nodded slightly, and asked Ziyi and Wenyou to take some people and search in various restaurants in the capital.

Shen Taotao came to Xingcui Tower alone this time. She was very drunk that day. She vaguely remembered that she met a very beautiful sister Qianyuan that day. The sister was very gentle and coaxed her to come. Later, she I also asked Qin Wei, there was indeed such a person that day. Her father had not allowed her to leave the palace in the past few days. Today, it was she who got the chance to sneak out through the back door when the guards weren't paying attention. It wasn't like that. What do you want to do? I just want to see that sister again.

It was almost sunset now. Shen Taotao waited here for an hour without waiting for the person she wanted to see. Seeing that there were gradually more people in Xingcui Building, she just heard that there was someone there. Several new girls were going to be shot tonight, so a lot of people gathered in Xingcui Tower. She just saw several officials from the court ministers' families, Dai Qianyuan, and those people seemed to have seen them too. Shen Taotao was stunned, covering her face, with a tacit understanding that no one would come over to say hello.

Shen Taotao ordered some dishes and tea, thinking of eating while waiting. She just heard that there will be a show soon. It would be good to watch the show to relax.

In fact, in the next two days, Han Shu would come over every afternoon and ask for some food and tea. She was afraid that the little girl would come over again to give up drinking and relieve her worries, and others would take advantage of her. But what happened next? After two or three days without waiting for anyone, Han Shu stopped waiting.

She was also busy with official duties when she returned to the capital. The army stationed in the suburbs of Beijing asked her to preside over and patrol. She spent the entire day today in the military camp in the suburbs of Beijing. She had no idea that the little girl was waiting for her at Xingcui Tower. .

Another half an hour passed, but the sister she wanted to see was not seen. Her own sister came with someone. Shen Xingyue thought that she also wanted to do business, so she did not let the guards who brought her go. Everyone go in.

She walked straight to Shen Taotao's table and asked with a smile: "Taotao, are you coming out? You have to at least explain to the people in your yard? I have been looking for you all afternoon, for fear that you Something happened."

"What can happen to me? I just came out to relax." Shen Taotao glanced at his sister, still not very happy.

"Okay, come out later to relax, and bring at least one or two people with you. What if something happens?" Shen Xingyue coaxed her sister in a good-tempered way, sat down, and took a sip of hot tea. It's been freezing outside all afternoon to find someone, and my hands are still cold even now.

"Don't worry? I know nothing will happen to me, and I won't harm you, your father, your mother, and your concubine." The little girl sniffed and looked at Shen Xingyue with a pitiful look.

Shen Xingyue sighed and coaxed: "Okay, let's not talk about that. Come out? It's been all afternoon. Come back to your house with me." "No, I heard there will be a performance here later. You are here? You should feel relieved.

" "Is nothing going to happen to me? Sister, please stay with me for a while, I don't want to go back to the palace." The little girl sniffed and acted coquettishly.

Shen Xingyue couldn't see the pitiful look on her sister's face, and ordered Ziyi beside her: "Let the guards want to go back. You and Wenyou will stay here? That's fine." "Yes, Princess." Ziyi received the message

. After giving the order, he immediately dismissed the guards outside the restaurant and asked them to go to the palace on their own, then returned to stand behind Shen Xingyue.

Shen Xingyue was wondering when he would be able to leave, so he asked Wenyou and Ziyi to sit at the table behind him and served them a table full of dishes.

The little girl plucked at the rice in the bowl and couldn't swallow it for a long time. How about a few mouthfuls? After a while, it was said that tonight's performance was about to start, and the guests in the building became excited. Look from the stage in the lobby.

The little girl occupies an excellent position at the table and can clearly see the performance on the stage.

The performance of the ancients was nothing more than singing and dancing. Shen Xingyue lost interest after just two glances. The little girl looked sideways for a while, enjoying the performance and wanted to divert her attention. She had a headache when she thought about the marriage.

After the song and dance performance, the highlight of the night at Xingcui Tower was to bid to find out who these girls would spend the night with. Shen Xingyue knew that this kind of place had always been legal in ancient times, but she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. , if we are not forced, who will come? To engage in this kind of profession.

Soon several newcomers showed off their talents on the stage. Some danced, some played the pipa, and some recited poems. In short, they were doing anything. Shen Xingyue had already seen a lot of officials' children. I'm eager to try it out there.

The mother from before, now acting as the host, said: "We will start bidding one by one later. Young men and girls, please seize the opportunity. If it passes, you will miss it. Let's invite the first girl now. Yuan'er comes out. You are ready to bid. The starting price is three hundred taels of silver." "Four hundred taels." "


hundred and fifty taels."

"Six hundred taels."

... . ..The

crowd was as enthusiastic as a boiling oil pot, and rounds of bidding started one after another.

"Now we are bidding for our girl Feng Yan. The starting price is four hundred and fifty taels." Mom will adjust the price appropriately based on the mood of the people present and the girl's appearance.

"Five hundred taels."

"Seven hundred taels."

"One thousand taels."

At this time, many people shout and get drunk, and it is easy to spend more than their inner budget.

Shen Xingyue herself didn't like this kind of exploiting people. She and Shen Taotao just sat and ate melons. They never asked the price once. However, they always felt that the name Feng Yan was a bit familiar, but they didn't think of it for a while. , Shen Xingyue didn't think any more.

"Two thousand one hundred and two times, two thousand one hundred and two times..."

Just when her mother was about to shout a deal, Feng Yan shouted: "Wait a minute."

She looked at the mother and said: "Mom , I still want to fight for myself, I just saw a familiar person, please let me go and come."

Mom looked unhappy, and it was hard to be violent at this time, so she had to click impatiently. nod.

"I'll go back to the room to get a token and come out. Please wait for a moment." Feng Yan looked at the highest bidder with a smile to appease her. She quickly returned to the room, and after a while she sighed again. She walked out with a smile. She has a delicate appearance. Among the girls today, she is one of the best.

I saw Feng Yan slowly walking up to the second floor. Many people were watching Feng Yan, wanting to see who the old friend Feng Yan was talking about was.

Shen Xingyue and Shen Taotao were also curious, but they saw Feng Yan getting closer and closer until she reached Shen Xingyue's table.

Feng Yan smiled at Shen Xingyue and spoke slowly: "Princess, do you still remember me?"

Shen Xingyue shook her head. She had almost the same impression of the original owner. She should be able to find it, but it really doesn't matter to Feng Yan. Impressed, he said: "I don't remember, I have met the girl?" "

I have met, Princess, you are a noble person? I just forgot something, I saw that the Princess did not bid once in the bidding just now, because she felt that Yan Is your son okay?" Feng Yan's eyes were slightly red and she looked at Shen Xingyue aggrievedly.

Shen Xingyue shook his head: "I already have a wife at home, and I don't want to delay other girls, so please come back." "If that's the case, then risk your life?" Feng Yan suddenly took out her sleeve and didn't know when to hide it

. The knife stabbed straight into Shen Xingyue's chest.

Shen Xingyue was unprepared, and the sudden knife tip was heading straight towards her. At this time, she could no longer dodge, so she had to hold the dagger directly with her right hand, and pinched the woman's wrist with her other hand to prevent her from continuing to stab herself with the dagger. .

Ziyi, who was behind Shen Xingyue, was so excited that he turned over and pinned the woman down from behind, and then restrained the woman.

A cut was made on the palm of Shen Xingyue's right hand. Although it was not deep, the wound still looked hideous.

She wrapped her palms with a kerchief, looked at the woman with frowning eyebrows, and asked, "Who are you? I have no enmity with you. Why? Do this?"

"No injustice or enmity? How can you Huang nobles these days remember who we ants are? Shen Xingyue, you should have died a long time ago. Why? It was my father who was killed by the horse that day, not you and Li Minghua. , I will kill you, I will kill you and Li Minghua to avenge my father." Feng Yan roared at the top of her lungs, and Ziyi pushed the person to the floor hard behind her.

Shen Xingyue suddenly realized that Feng Yan just now was the daughter of Feng Carpenter who was killed that day.

Li Minghua killed a man in the street, but he lived peacefully under the protection of the original owner, while Feng Yan ended up living in a brothel.

Shen Xingyue frowned and asked, "Why are you in Xingcui Building?"

"Why am I here? Hahahahaha, I know you and Li Minghua like to come to places like this, so I sold myself , since the government won't help me seek justice, then I will do it myself? I can just ask for my life from you people." Feng Yan's voice was sad.

Shen Xingyue felt a little intolerable. Indeed, what was wrong with Feng Yan? His father died unjustly, and Li Minghua, who killed his father, is still at large. No one can bear it, but he didn't expect Feng Yanxinzhi to be so determined and willing to take revenge even if he sold himself. Indeed, if it was the original person, They might have fallen for the bait just now. If Feng Yan returns to the room, then Feng Yan's chances of succeeding will increase even more.

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