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The little old man has been busy these days. The emperor and his concubine went to a palace near the capital to relax, leaving her alone to supervise the country. It seemed that he wanted her to adapt to the busy work in advance. This was very painful for the little one. He is old-fashioned, dealing with endless government affairs and memorials every day. Sometimes he even eats in the study room of the East Palace, and it is like this again today.

Zhou Zixuan felt distressed when she saw that the little old-fashioned man was so tired, and asked the maids to bring the food to the study, "Your Highness, no matter how many things you have to do, your health is the most important thing. Come and eat first." "Okay." The little old-fashioned man said while

saying In response, he commented on the memorial a few more times, then got up and went to eat.

Zhou Zixuan looked a little worried about Shen Yining when she saw that the little old-fashioned man was so tired.

"Not even when His Majesty is here. If you are busy all day long like you, you should get more rest. Otherwise, how can your body bear it?" Zhou Zixuan said while using a kerchief on Shen Yining's body. Wiping your forehead gently?

Shen Yining swallowed the food in his mouth and then said: "I have just started to get started with these things. I was inevitably unskilled in the past few days. I have gotten much better these days. It will be almost the same in two hours." I can finish the review."

"It's better to take a nap after dinner. It's still early anyway, so I can finish the review today." Zhou Zixuan advised from the side.

The little old-fashioned boy shook his head, "No, let's deal with it first and then talk about it."

Zhou Zixuan saw that her little pig was so tight, and she was worried that something might happen to the little pig, so she looked at the little pig worriedly.

After Shen Yining had eaten, he returned to the desk to read the memorial. Zhou Zixuan sent someone in to clear away the dishes and chopsticks. She moved a chair and sat next to Shen Yining to accompany Shen Yining. Meet Xiaozhu. After working so hard, Zhou Zixuan was a little worried. She stood up and pinched the tip of the little pig's ear, and asked softly: "Your Highness, you really don't want to go back to take a nap with me." The tip of the little old-fashioned ear was

pinched by Zhou Zixuan. The tip of the ear was slightly red, she said. I was so busy during this period. When I returned to the bedroom at night, I basically fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow. I didn't even have time to get close to Zhou Zixuan. At this moment, the tip of my ear was pinched by the person I liked. I was so old-fashioned. Her heart gradually became itchy, and she thought about it, these memorials were indeed not that urgent, so it would not be impossible to take it slow.

Thinking about this, the little old-fashioned hand held Zhou Zixuan and walked towards her again. She put her arms around Zhou Zixuan's waist and looked at Zhou Zixuan coquettishly, "Sister Xuan, I miss you, don't you?" Okay?"

Zhou Zixuan naturally understood what Xiaozhu meant, and the side of her face immediately turned red. They had not been married for a long time, and it was not that they had never gotten married during the day, but because she was shy, she rarely got married. Do this during the day.

Zhou Zixuan lowered her eyes to look at Shen Yining, and saw Xiaozhu looking pitifully at herself. Zhou Zixuan felt distressed again. She felt that Xiaozhu had been too tight recently and should be combined with labor, so she reluctantly endured it. ?He nodded shyly.

When the little old-fashioned girl heard this, her eyes lit up. She remembered a scene she saw in a picture book again, and couldn't help but blush. She nuzzled Zhou Zixuan again and said softly: "Sister Xuan, can we... Study? I, I want to be here."

After the little old-fashioned said, his face turned red with embarrassment. Zhou Zixuan also opened her eyes wide. She knew that Xiaozhu didn't look as honest as usual, and she didn't expect that Xiaozhu didn't look as honest as usual. Zhou Zixuan was so dishonest that he still wanted to do such a thing at the desk where official business was being handled. Zhou Zixuan blushed all over and pulled at the little old-fashioned girl on her waist and abdomen, but did not pull it away.

"Your Highness, please be careful, it's still clear in the daytime. How can you do those things here? Stop making trouble and let go." Zhou Zixuan blushed and pushed the old boy twice more.

The little old-fashioned man stood up and took Zhou Zixuan into his arms. While holding Zhou Zixuan, he acted coquettishly without any scruples: "Sister Xuan is so pitiful and lonely. There are only two of us in the study, and there is no room in the bedroom." ?What's the difference?"

"No, how can this be? Tell me honestly, are you looking at some weird picture book again?" Zhou Zixuan's breathing was a little unsteady, and she found Xiaozhu kissing her neck.

"No, I just miss my sister." Shen Yining responded softly, and then kissed Zhou Zixuan's lips. After a while, Zhou Zixuan fell into her arms.

Shen Yining pitifully kissed Zhou Zixuan's lips again, coaxing: "Sister, just do it once, just gently." However, Zhou Zixuan's face turned red, and she was too embarrassed to look at it. Shen Yining


Seeing that Zhou Zixuan did not refuse, Shen Yining knew that Zhou Zixuan was shy again, so she quickly hugged Zhou Zixuan and kissed her, "Sister Xuan is so kind to me, I like Sister Xuan the most." Zhou Zixuan said. Xiaozhu almost

laughed angrily. Xiaozhu, who was usually a serious person, was used to coaxing herself at such times. Zhou Zixuan didn't have time to think of anything else before Xiaozhu hugged her and put her on the table. Zhou Zixuan was so embarrassed that she didn't even move her hands. Know where to put it.

Shen Yining hurriedly threw aside the memorials on the table, and then hurriedly returned to Zhou Zixuan. She even reached out to hold Zhou Zixuan's arm, asking Zhou Zixuan to hold her back. Then he kissed her neck.

The two of them stayed inside for about an hour before they came out, and it was Zhou Zixuan who was carried out by Shen Yining. When they came out, Zhou Zixuan was almost buried in Shen Yining's arms with shame, and her legs were weak. She didn't have a trace of strength. On the other hand, Shen Yining's fatigue in the past few days had been wiped away, and he was even a little lively, and his face finally had energy.

When the maids and chamberlains of the East Palace saw the Crown Princess holding the Crown Princess out, they all could only pretend that it was nothing. See, after all, everyone in the East Palace knew that the Crown Princess dotes on the Crown Princess. It's just that I didn't expect to be so pampered, so I hugged her out of the study room.

Shen Yining happily ordered a maid: "Go and ask someone to prepare water. Gu He and the concubine want to take a bath." "Yes, Your Highness."

The maid hurriedly called a few more people to make arrangements, with a smile on her face. Hong, she didn't expect that the Crown Princess, who was so serious on weekdays, would be in the study room with the Crown Princess. Otherwise, how could they take a shower together at this time? But of course the maid didn't dare to think too much and quickly got to work.

The little old-fashioned man happily hugged her sister Xuan back to the bedroom. When she entered the room, she kissed the tip of Zhou Zixuan's ear and coaxed her softly: "Sister, don't be shy, we have already gone back to the bedroom." Zhou Zixuan opened her eyes

. He glanced at the little bad pig with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and gently hammered the little pig's shoulder a few times, and buried his face in the little pig's arms, "You've already learned bad things, bullying me like that, you just said "No, no, you're not obedient."

"Sister is so pretty, can't you hold it back for a while? Sister, please don't be angry, I really won't dare to do it next time." The little lady assured her seriously.

Zhou Zixuan looked at the piggy and felt that her piggy was not as well-behaved as before.

Zhou Zixuan shook her legs and signaled Shen Yining to put her down. Shen Yining leaned over and kissed Zhou Zixuan's lips, saying softly: "Sister, isn't it because your legs can't use you? Are you strong enough? I'm holding you alone." That's good." After saying that, Xiaozhu hugged Zhou Zixuan and sat him on his lap. Zhou Zixuan had never been treated like this before. His face turned red immediately, and he felt that his legs were getting softer. He stretched out his hand to squeeze He pinched the soft meat around the pig's waist.

Shen Yining was dealt with and became more well-behaved.

After a while, the maids brought the bath water over, and Zhou Zixuan had no choice but to bury her face in Shen Yining's arms and not dare to look at anyone. Her little pig was too bad, so holding her like this would let people in.

Later, Shen Yining was very considerate and helped Zhou Zixuan take a bath. In the afternoon, she stopped going to see the memorial. She hugged Zhou Zixuan and slept all afternoon in the bedroom. She did not sleep again until after dinner in the evening. After going to the study to review the memorial, Shen Yining was much more energetic. Sure enough, doing these things with the people he likes can increase the level of excitement. Little Old Man thought, in the future, I will have to pester Sister Xuan more. It's better to be close.

Zhou Zixuan, on the other hand, had been tortured by the little pig all afternoon. Her body was limp and she had no strength. She lay on the bed in the bedroom to rest, thinking about what happened in the afternoon. Zhou Zixuan blushed and blushed. Buried into the quilt.

In the next few days, Shen Yining learned to pay attention to the balance between work and rest. However, Zhou Zixuan was tightly entangled with her and was bullied by Xiaozhu several times every night. Zhou Zixuan could bear it. Anyway, don't be like that First on the desk? That's fine.

In this way, when Shen Kaiyuan and Ye Yuran came back from the palace, Zhou Zixuan was pregnant. Shen Kaiyuan was very happy. Every day, he sent a lot of rare treasures and a lot of supplements to the East Palace. .

The little old-fashioned man was very happy to know that Zhou Zixuan had a baby. After coming back from the next morning, Shen Yining changed her clothes and went to hug Zhou Zixuan, "Sister Xuan, have you been feeling unwell these past few days?" "It's okay. It's not much different from

before." Zhou Zixuan smiled.

Shen Yining k The little guys are not much different, and we should be able to play together, just like my cousin and I."

Zhou Zixuan pinched Xiaozhu's face, smiled and asked, "You and your cousin have been close since childhood. Is that good?"

Xiaozhu shook his head honestly, "That's not true? Yes, my cousin was not very reliable before and made a lot of bad friends. I didn't like her at that time and didn't even want to talk to her. Tell me more, after she invented tofu or something, her whole person has changed. It may be because she likes Sister Su and has changed for Sister Su." Xiao Guban said seriously. ?.

"Yeah, but after our baby is born, we can have a good relationship with the little ears and the little koi. Otherwise, with such a big Beichuan, our baby will be exhausted." Zhou Zixuan said with a smile.

"Neither the little ears nor the little koi can escape. From now on, Beichuan will have to rely on these little guys." Shen Yining thought of the chubby appearance of the little ears and the little koi, and chuckled. I am even more looking forward to the birth of my own cub.

Will her cub be as fleshy as her little ears?

At the same time, the little guy who was still playing with a kitten doll on the bed suddenly sneezed twice. He had no idea that he was being considered for a part-time job when he grew up at such a young age.

When Shen Xingyue saw the little guy sneezing, he wiped Zaizai's nose with a kerchief and said with a smile: "Who missed our little ears? Look at the sneezing." The little guy nodded his head and pinched it

. Holding his own little toy, he responded with a sweet voice: "Yes!"

The little guy made Shen Xingyue and Su Muyu on the side have fun non-stop. Their little ears are really funny.

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