3:Thank You🍊

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Hyperlaser walks to the bus stop to Blackrock. He holds a box the size of both his hands in his grasp. It had a small note on the tie of it cut into a heart and attached to the tie. It reads: "Take care, friend. -Katana" Hyper stared at it for a while, even while waiting for the bus. Deep down, though, he felt bad. He wanted to do something to show his gratitude to Katana but didn't have much. But when he gets back to Blackrock, he could hopefully think of something. But he physically couldn't even think of what to do. How could he show his gratitude? He wanted to make this equal as if this was a giant crack that could only be filled with another gift. The bus screeched in front of Hyperlaser. He stepped on, rereading the note over and over again. The pink under his helmet spread over his face. His heart tapped in his chest, faster each minute as he rode the bus back to Blackrock.

After a few minutes, the bus stops, People get off the bus, along with Hyperlaser, as they have arrived in Blackrock. It was like a small, gloomy city, only a few buildings with incredibly bright neon lights on signs. As he walked, his shoes clicked onto the concrete ground as he turned off into an apartment. He checks into the apartment, goes up the elevator, and makes sure to hide the bento in case a hooligan kid tries to grab it, steal it, destroy it, or eat it. This was for him and him only- "Hyperlaser! What a surprise to see you here so late?" It was Subspace, with his robot, Biograft at his side like a pitbull. Hyper nods, looking away from Subspace and Biograft as he steps out the elevator. The two follow behind. "Hey! It's proper etiquette to talk to someone who greets you!"

"I'm not in the mood, Sub."


"Bio, I'm not speaking to him." Subspace pouts walking faster and backwards so he's facing Hyperlaser. "...you really are persistent, aren't you?" Subspace nods, a smug grin on his face. Hyper rolls his eyes, but Subspace can't see it. He walks faster, up to his apartment and takes out his key card to the room, lightly waving it over the sensor until it makes a beeping noise before opening the door. Subspace and Biograft follow inside(they live together. Imagine the utter chaos I will bring.). Hyperlaser immediately heads to his room. He locks the door, gently placing the bento on his bed and taking the note off the knot, placing it in a small drawer filled with papers made by Katana, all given to him. He would never throw them out. He believed that if Katana were to disappear, he would have nothing to remember him by other than good memories. He kept the notes as if they were treasures to him. They were. He enjoyed seeing Katana's writing. Whether it was a letter or just a small note saying something like "Take care of yourself" or "Be safe." And on rare occasions, "I love you." It made Hyperlaser smile a bit under his helmet. The smile instantly faded as he heard Biograft's loud voicebox, as well as Subspace working on another one of his inventions. It was loud. It was quiet on the bus, but now it's loud. He was tired. And irritated. He wanted to rest for a bit. Until Katana texted him.

"Are you home yet?"

Hyper's heart didn't know whether to burst or thump in his chest. He took off his suit jacket and sat on his bed, lying on his stomach with his legs up(gay), texting him back.


"Another headache?"

"What gave it away?"

"I don't know. But if you would like to call me, I have time. I'm not training today."

"I don't know..."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"NO I DO, I JUST..."

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