9:My Flower.💔

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AN: I hope you guys cry really hard from this. This is pretty short because I feel like making you guys cry faster and harder than you ever have before hehe :33

Hyperlaser holds a box behind his back as he sits by the train station. Katana...coming to Blackrock. What a disaster. Hyper sighed as his back pushed against the wall. What was taking him so long? Well, at least he was coming in the first place. He sighed as he leaned against the wall, his eyes getting heavy. No. He couldn't drift off like this. He still needs to wait. But eventually, he falls asleep. His vision clouds up as he drifts into a dream. "Hyper. Wake up."

"Hh...huh...?" Hyper's eyes open up softly. His vision is still clouded. He sighs as he gets up. Katana grabs his hand, pulling him close into a hug. Hyperlaser hugs back, feeling Katana rub his back.

"Your outfit is nice."

"So is yours." The two stand in silence, staring for a bit. Nobody bothered either of the men. Just staring. Blackrock wasn't exactly the best place to have visitors. It was littered with mines in the snow. But Hyper guided him through the snow. This felt so surreal. The two have been together for over a year and a half now. It was Valentine's day. So maybe they'd do something together. The two walk a few blocks to a decent looking apartment complex.

"So the place I saw before was not your home?"

"No. I just help Subspace with his stupid experiments."

"Ah, I see." Hyper pulls a key card out of his pocket, pressing it against the lock of the door. It unlocks after a few seconds of scanning, making a clicking noise. He grabs the doorknob and pushes it down. The inside was tidy. There were one or two stains on the floor. What do you expect from an apartment complex in Blackrock. But all the furniture and surfaces were clean nonetheless. "It's nice in here."

"Is it? I thought it was too messy."

"It's tidy."

"W-Well I panicked when you said we were spending time in BLACKROCK. I had to clean fast."

"I wouldn't judge you for not cleaning. If you wanted me to, I would have helped you clean."

"You could've told me that. There's not much to do in Blackrock. Cleaning is one of the big things I could do here. Everything entertaining is in Crossroads, but it's too loud there because of the Phestival."

"Remind me to help you clean then next time." Katana chuckles, planting a kiss on his cheek. The two look at each other, staring into each other's eyes before lifting off their face accessories and putting a light kiss on each other's lips. Katana gently picks Hyper up and puts him on the couch. He gets on top of him like a big teddy bear and cuddles him as he plants kisses all over his face. Hyper melts into the affection and love he is experiencing. Katana snuggles his torso right between Hyper's legs. The two felt warm and fuzzy being so close ot each other in the comfort of Hyper's place. They sit in silence for minutes at a time just watching TV, sometimes laughing at the things going on in shows. Until Katana gives Hyperlaser a serious look. His Ruby eyes losing some sort of shine he has when Hyper is nearby. "Hyperlaser."


"How...would you handle it if I passed. So suddenly?" Hyperlaser's shark tail stopped wagging as he heard those words. Katana was dead serious. He felt like his heart was about to dry up. It hurt. To think about something like that. Why would he say such;he did not know. Was he to answer? Would this affect them?

"I...would be incredibly heartbroken. Living would be much harder than usual without you by my side. You are a necessity to me."

"Is that so...?" Katana gets up, hovering over Hyperlaser. His heart pattered in his ribcage, practically hitting them so hard he could feel his heart hitting the center of his ribs.

"Katana...what are you getting at...?"

"The mine."


"You need to stop the mine from exploding."

"Please tell me what you mean--"

His eyes shoot open at a crash. Was it all just a dream? One bad dream...? He sighs, getting up as he walks back into the--...



The train is derailed. Survivors are crawling out of the windows. He pictured the worst when he saw several. Except Katana. He ran up to the derailed train. A gruesome sight inside the windows. But nothing he hasn't ever seen. Blackrockian men, women, and children, dead, alive, or anything else. Burnt from exhaust fire. But he didn't focus on them. Katana. Where was-- something hits his back. Rose petals fall around his feet. Small ones, but rose petals. A taller stature covers his shadow in the train. "My...flower..." Katana's voice. The bouquet replaced the flat gift box in Hyper's hands and the roses in Katana's hands were replaced by Hyperlaser's small gift box as he felt the touch of Katana's scarred hands on his scarred hands.


"Happy Valentines Day...Fynn..." Just as he turned, Katana collapsed right next to his feet. He was frozen as others got him out of the train, carrying him away as he held the flowers, standing on dead demon men, women, and children in the train. His heart was slow. Very slow. Others escorted him out of the train, the gift for Katana was clenched loosely in Katana's hands. They took another express to Lost Temple in hopes of healers ready to help them. Despite quarrels happening at the entrance, they were let in, as well as Hyperlaser. Hyper clenched the base of the bouquet as he followed medics, including Medkit.

"You might want to stay back. This isn't something a normal person should see."

"The gift--"

"I'll keep it in a safe place. When he recovers, I'll give it to him." Hyper's face was almost emotionless under his helmet before feeling a hand lift his head up. "Keep your head up. I've seen worse. He should be fine."

"If he's not...?" Silence. Deafening silence. "What to do if he's not."

". . . please stay back." Medkit opens the door to ER, following the medics rushing him into the ER. Hyperlaser couldn't help it, collapsing at the door as he waited with fortitude before bursting into big, silent tears before letting out a heart-twisting wail from the pain in his body of thinking of losing someone so close.

"Don't tell me you're going to be a traitor just to help that boy!!"

AN:I wrote this in school and almost cried. But If I have to suffer, so do you guys. Word count:1097

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