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The silence is deafening after that line. Katana felt the frostbite already forming as his feet went numb, pins and needles up and down from his toes to his ankles. He had never fought in the snow. It didn't matter, though. He wanted him DEAD. Katana took a deep breath of the chilly air before dashing right at Subspace. This surprises him and forms a bright pink shield made of his crystals. He blocks the slash of Katana's sword with all his strength.

His weakness.

He was small, fragile, and worst of all; weak.

Without his crystals and such, he's nothing.

Unless that right arm touches Katana. That thing is laced with his poison. Plus there's his scorpion tail. Katana uses his foot to boost back on Subspace's shield which reforms into a bulky bright pink translucent arm with razor-sharp nails as it was dripping with a pink liquid to account for his lack of extreme strength. Katana dashed right back at him, making strategic slashes that were blocked by the strong translucent arm.

Except one straight to the face that barely made a mark, just a small cut that bled a bit, Subspace collected the blood on the back of his hand, licking it back up. It still bled a bit, however. He just took it, dashing right at him, his arm giving him a big boost before lifting his rear up, showing the sharp tip of his tail, diving right at Katana before he blocks it with the side of his katana, grunting as the pressure shuffled his stance. "Fuck-..."

"Keep your distance, loverboy!!" Subspace takes this chance to strike Katana, getting him a quick pierce in the stomach. Katana groans painedly and clenches his slightly bleeding stomach. He saw the red liquid dripping onto his hands. Not too serious. But it felt like he was poisoned. Katana grabs Subspace's tail gripping the sharp tip, before pinning him straight into the snow.

"Bad idea." Before slicing the tip clean off, a pink fluid splurted out as Subspace yowled in pain, the snow burning from the poison-like lava and hardening in the snow. He breathed with a cold breath as he felt the poison on the end of his tail clump up and dry to slowly heal over. Katana gripped the back of Subspace's head, pulling it out of the snow and picking him up by the horns off the ground, his legs dangling off the snow. "Listen here, and listen close you Barbie girl bastard."


"You're gonna tell me how to un-poison myself."

"What's in it for me, you disgraceful little bastard?!"

"I won't kill you." Subspace growls, his scorpion tail incredibly slowly regenerating. No way it'll even be ⅛ of the way done by the time he gets back to Blackrock castle. He didn't want to die but it wasn't like he cared if he did or not. He grumbled, nodding before being thrown down into the snow. Subspace hesitates as he thinks about what just happened before grinning under his mask and poofing away with a cloud of pink smoke following. He escaped. No use in chasing now.

Katana sighed, sheathing his katana as he trudged through the thick, ankle-high snow. Just as he reaches the tunnel back to Crossroads, he feels his heart slow. No way he was about to die here. On Blackrock territory. Or so he thought as he felt something coming up his throat. He coughed, thinking he must've just had a sore throat before looking at his hand and seeing a mix of a neon-pink substance dripping from his chilly hands. He knew what was happening. Unphased from seeing this, he used his sheathed katana as a walking stick, heading back to Thieves' Den.


Hyperlaser stayed up in Katana's room, looking at the cherry blossom tree in his backyard from his window. The sun was rising already. He couldn't see much in the dark, but the light peeking from the trees was obvious. He had his broken helmet right next to him with Katana's mask right on the side of his head. He took it off, looking at the Thieves' Den signature sign on the center of it. This was his new life away from the hell he lived in to save a loved one. 'There goes another one...am I doomed to not create relationships with others to save them...?' he thought to himself as he lowered his head. The wood lining the window stained as small tears dripped from his cheeks. 'Was this feeling inevitable for me...?' He gently touches a dead petal on the vase of roses sitting on his windowsill.

The sound of a door opening behind him is heard. Hyper hastily puts his mask back on, turning around and expecting one of the little rodents Katana rooms with. But no...he is met with a hug, as well as drips of pink liquid on his traditional clothing. As he looked up, he sees the one he had been waiting for.

". . .K-Katana..."

"Hyperlaser..." Hyperlaser freezes up as he looked at Katana's scarred face, a glowing pink liquid dripping down the left side of his mouth. "You look so pretty with my mask..." Hyperlaser grips the windowsill as he knows what that pink substance means.

"You...were poisoned."

"Do you have a cure...?"

"It's nothing too serious. Unless it burns..."

"It doesn't. But my heart was slow when I began heading here."

"You might have a fever."

"I see..."

"I missed you..." Hyper's voice cracks, clear liquid dripping from behind his mask. Katana lifts his mask, seeing his teary face. His dour expression grows as he regrets leaving such a cold, but gentle demon. He kisses him on the lips, Hyperlaser kissing him back. The kiss holds for a bit before something metal drops behind them. They look at the door, seeing Vinestaff, Shurike, and Slingshot, all together and crying as they see Katana.

"K...Katana...?" Vine was the first to step up, holding Katana's cheek before their moment is interrupted.

"KATANA!!!" They are rudely cut off by the younger boys screaming Katana's name and toppling him to the ground with hugs along with Vinestaff. Hyper chuckles, sitting on his knees and propping Katana's head up as he is being attacked by affection. Katana has a shocked expression on his face. The four weren't exactly friends, but Katana seeing how much they missed him made him feel good. His younger successors hugged right on top of him and cried over his arrival.

...He felt a tear run down his face as he hugged back before beginning to silently gry under them.

Word count:1108

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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