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"YOU DID THIS!! YOU DID THIS TO HIM!!" Hyper grabs him by the collar, ruthlessly beating the shit out of Subspace as other Blackrockians tried holding him back, pure rage and spite in his eyes as the light once given to him by Katana was now gone, in place of a void in his obscure heart. Subspace, however, loved feeling his rage, laughing like a psycho as he degraded him.

"You were too distracted with that waste! Your priorities lie in Blackrock!!~" Hyper kept mercilessly punching him in the face, tears rolling down his face and out of his helmet. The pain in his voice just made Subspace cackle even more. Security eventually comes, pulling the two apart as Subspace fixes his cracked mask. Subspace is escorted out, employees knowing he is an enemy. They were about to before a few told them not to.

"They're both of the enemy. Get them out of here immediately!!" the front desk lady orders.

"But ma'am--"

"Now!! Not another word!"

"Don't!! He's here for the train wreck boy!!" The room goes silent before Hyperlaser is let go. They apologize before standing by the doors of the ER. As Hyperlaser sits down in the waiting room, his eyelids grow heavy. He didn't want to fall asleep again. That's how this all started the first time. Instead, he clenched the base of the bouquet, slowly wilting. Clear liquid drops slowly run down some of the petals as he sniffles under his helmet. He cried to the point he felt sleeping was just an activity. His body was no longer tired just because he didn't want to fall asleep and have a train crash through. All he could think of was the train. The train. The train. He sighed, wiping his eyes under his helmet.

After hours, he looked It was 11:45. PM. What a Valentine's Day. Until Medkit emerged from the room. He had a bit of blood on his surgery gown, taking off his gloves and walking up to Hyperlaser. Hyper jumps up, his breath heavy as he clenches the bouquet. "Katana...is he...w-was it--"

"Yes. It was bad. He's got a few broken bones from the train. We guess a few people landed on him too." Hyper could feel a sigh of relief leave his lips as he looked at the roses. Medkit looked to the side in a bit of shame. "But...just come see." Hyper nods rapidly, missing his love. Medkit leads the way to Post-Op. After a few doors, Hyper sees him through a crack in the curtains. Katana. He was lying in a hospital bed. He instantly pressed his hands and face against the door, seeing him alive. He was covered in wrap-around bandages on his arms, chest, torso, and most noticeably, his eyes. He prayed he wasn't blinded.

"Is he...blind?"

"For now. But in time, his vision will improve. It's a simple matter of time before his vision comes to. Though it might be worse in the left eye because of where a previous injury was." Hyper looked into the room a bit more before hearing a key jingle and a click of an unlocking door. "By the way...those flowers. Did he give those to you?"


"He is a sweet man for that. But they are wilting."

"I couldn't just stick them in a water vase and move on from what happened."

"I can fix them."

"You can fix the dead?" Medkit takes the roses, a teal aura surrounding his hands before the flowers look like they are repairing themselves, the petals reappearing as if they were freshly picked after being in a field. Maybe even before they were picked.

"The dying. I'm a doctor. Not a miracle worker. Now go. Go see your friend."


"I see. Go see your lover, if that's the case." Hyper nods and steps into the room. Katana responds with a brief look around to find where the footsteps are coming from, not being able to see.

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