Chapter 1 - The Duo

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3rd P.O.V.
A S/C H/L H/C was curled up in a ball underneath her blankets, hugging her knees wishing she could fall back to sleep and was about till her alarm went off signaling her to wake up for the school day. She uncoiled herself from her warmth and stuck her head out of the blankets to see the screen of her phone lighting up her pitch black room. She hit the snooze button, resulting the lock screen to appear with the time and date: Monday, March 7, 20XX, 5:46 A.M. 'Too early...' She thought as she hid back under the covers. Her alarm went off two more times before she got up to get ready. She moved her hand around the table trying to find her glasses before putting them on. She went downstairs jumping in the shower for 10 minutes. Then walked back up to her room and got dressed for the day. She put on black bra and matching underwear, socks, a pair of black jeans, and a random t-shirt, which had a picture of Ghostface on it.

Y/N grabbed some makeup and threw some on. The main thing she tended to do was place eyeshadow all around her eye to make her face look kinda like a skull, but mainly to look undead. Of course this is one of the reasons not many people really like her. Everyone at Elverment High School was either popular or just annoying to say the least, but there was a few people whom she liked to hang out with.

When her alarm went off signaling it was 7 A.M. she grabbed her F/C bag and a black hoodie and black sneakers, double checking she had everything. She shut the door behind her and walked through the hallway passing a spare bedroom, what used to be Prius's old room and her Lincoln's bedroom and headed downstairs. She snuck past her parents room as to not wake them, into the living/kitchen area, and out the front door. She lived some miles away from the school and it took only 30 minutes really to walk there.

As Y/N had arived at the school she was early since it was 7:34 A.M. and school didn't open it's door until 7:45 A.M. so she sat on the ground near the area and got out her sketchbook and started drawing some random things.

Y/N P.O.V.
I stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder then walked to my first period, Forensics, and sat in the middle. The period had started after a while. The teacher, Mr. Lenct had handed out a worksheet and I was halfway threw when a student from some grade came in through the door. I had glanced up to see it was a guy with pale skin, short light brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of a beard growing on his chin, a yellow hoodie, blue jeans and red sneakers. 'New student, I guess. Probably just another fake.'

I then felt one someone nudge my shoulder from my left so I turned my head to look at my friend. She had pale skin with long black hair that reached around her waist and brown eyes. The black haired girl was known as Salvia Kimmly otherwise known as the person whom I call Alice. She wore a blue t-shirt and blue jeans. "Hey Chez, do you know the answer for number 3?"

"Oh yeah, its the blood types." I showed her my paper for what I meant. Then got back to work only for the teacher to speak to the class, saying that this was a new student and to treat him nicely. The teacher then said for him to introduce himself.

The new guy then spoke by saying, "My name is Dane Lucas it's nice to meet you all." I could tell he had admirers already from the popular girls behind us. 'Why do they always do this...'

I heard Alice sigh before whispering, "I wish that Michael Myers would come and give them a good scare then maybe they would have some brains." I snickered in amusement at her comment.

I set my pencil down as I was done with the worksheet and stretched my arms back, while whispering, "In all honesty, I think it would be far more interesting if he killed them instead. Seeing as if he left alive they would just irritate us further."

She looked at me with a serious face as I held a smirk, "Are you serious?" My smirk had quickly dropped into a mirror image of her own.

"Deadly." We stared at each other for a few seconds before we both started laughing. Everyone looked at us in confusion, even the teacher, not to mention the new guy.

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