Chapter 5 - Stalkers x2

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Current time
Saturday, March 12, 20XX

Y/N's P.o.V.
I woke to someone banging on my door. "What?" I said not wanting to get up while powering on my phone. I then look at my phone to see its 9:34 A.M. 'Can't I just get some sleep?...'

"Is there anything you want?" Lincoln said throught the door. 'Yes, some sleep.'

"How about... F/Snack and don't forget cream cheese." I then heard footsteps walking away so I took the opportunity to fall back to sleep in my nice warm bed.

After a while I woke to the sound of someone knocking at my door. My phone said it was 12:05 P.M. so I placed my G/C glasses on my face and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my broad figure because of the cold and walked downstairs to hear the knocking coming from the front door. As I grew closer to the door I peered out of the window to see Alice and some others so I tapped my finger on the window and said, "No. I am tired so I am going back to bed."

I was half way up the stairs when I heard knocking on the door again. Since I was the only one in the house, I yelled, "NO." towards nothing in particular. Then I felt a arm lay lazily over my left shoulder on top of the blanket. I saw a white hoodie sleeve and didn't even have to turn around to see who it was. "Get out." I said in a threatening manner. I didn't see his arm leave my shoulder so I brought my right knee up before kicking him in the stomach and causing him to fall down the stairs while I continued up to my room. I then got into my room and locked the door before laying on my bed and trying to fall asleep but the consistent knocking at my door declared itself more prominent by the minute.

So I got back up, unlocked my door, to see a brown haired guy in a white hoodie standing there, just about to forsakenly knock. He dropped his hand down and looked at me. "Aren't you gonna answer that?"

I looked at him with a 'no-shit-sherlock' face and said, "Shut up." Before walking down the stairs and telling him to stay on the stairs. Luckily for me he listened and just sat down while I walked to the door and looked out the window, again. There stood Alice, Dane, Rob, Wallis, Eena, Oreo, Scarlet, Luke, Arthur. I cracked the door just a bit so I could speak clearly. "What in the seven hells do you need that requires all 9 of you to come and continuously knock on the door at noon on a flippin' Saturday?"

Arthur was the first to speak. "Well Alice had tried to get in contact with you to ask you about coming with us to St. Morgan's?" He had brown hair with blue eyes with a bit of a brown beard along with tanned skin. He wore a lettermans jacket with the school colors which are orange with purple and the year we graduate on it, some sports shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of expensive shoes that costed way too much. He was a nice guy overall but was extremely stupid when it comes to anything that wasn't sports or girls. He was on the quarterback on the football team and was very popular, so much so that no girl could say no, well except for one.

"No. I am not going."

Luke then tried, "If you're s-" I then cut him off by saying no again. Luke had blonde hair and hazel eyes with pale skin. He wore a green plad, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark blue jeans similar to Arthur's, and a pair of sneekers that looked expensive, but worn a bit more than Arthur's. Sure he was smart but he wasn't going to be getting me on a trip on Saturday when my family is gone.

Scarlet was next, "Come on Y/N, pleaseee..." She had long straight bubblegum pink hair that fadded to a bright orange with pink and orange cat ears and amber eyes that looked kinda like some red wood with some simplistic makeup to make her eyes look bigger then what they were with medium brown skin. She wore a white t-shirt with a pink design that read 'powerful' on it, a orange and purple school jacket, with some pink gloves, a white belt wrapping around her pink skirt, a pair of orange knee high socks, and white shoes with beads on them. She was popular around the guys as she was on the cheerteam for school. She tried using her cat eyes to try and guilt trip me into going.(A/N: When I say cat eyes, try thinking of when Puss and Boots uses his big cat eyes) But her cat eyes wouldn't get her way with me as I said no to her to.

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