Chapter 3 - No Name

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Y/N P.o.V.
I turned and saw this guy running past me in a black hoodie with the hood up, black jeans, and black boots. He ran to the corner before stopping and turning right. 'That couldn't be Eyeless Jack could it? What? Think Y/N, they aren't real. They're just stories. Even IF they were real, there are worse things out here like rapists and pedophiles.' I pulled up my hood at the thought. And took my keys and placed them in my fingers.

As I continued walking down the now darkish street. I tried staying in the light and took my earbuds out so I could hear better if anyone tryed to jumpscare me. It was getting colder since there was still snow on the ground. I hadn't slipped yet as I kept my head down so my face wouldn't show.

I then heard someone else's footsteps following me. I stopped and the footsteps continued to come at this I swirled around only to be met face to face with a guy taller then me by 3 or 4 inches taller then me, as I was only 5'6. He looked down at me from under his white hood. As brown strands of hair sticked out messily going in random directions. His skin was pale and his blue eyes stared down at me. His hands were placed in his pockets while he stood a yard from me.

I spoke up, keeping the distance between us. "Why are you following me?" I said slowly stepping backwards. 'Jeff?... No stop it brain it's just some random dude. I am not getting rapped tonight. I just have to get away fr-'

My thoughts were cut off when I bumped into something behind me. I reached my left hand back and felt it was a tree. I kept my eyes still on him as I maneuvered myself around the tree and slowly was stepping backwards so I could keep an eye on him. I currently had gained 2 feet away from him without him moving.

I was at the corner and bolted away only to step on another patch of ice and slip making my body fall forward. I felt the impact hit my left knee. I had stretched my arms in front of myself to protect my face. As I slowly started to get up. I still had my bag on so it was a little bit harder, ya know when you have a 45 pound bag on your back. I then heard him laugh, "Hahaha How many times are you gonna fall on your knee?" He had walked up to me and held a hand out in front of me as I was on my hands and right knee, trying to not apply pressure on it.

"Why..." 'are you being kind, to me?'

"Why what?" He said as he then crouched down in front of me. I then noticed he had black converse and black jeans on. He let his arms leaning on his legs as he looked down into my E/C with his blue ones. I shook my head and tried to stand up putting more pressure on my right then my left leg. I could feel my knee become wet. 'Great more fucking snow on me or is it blood? Whatever it is I'll deal with it later.' As I was finally standing up right. He had stood up from his crouching position. 'This stranger... Just reminds me too much of Jeff the killer.' I tried walking but at soon as I took a step I would've found myself back on the ground had he not held me up by my stomach.

"What do you want?" I spoke again in a firm voice and removed his arms from around me.

"My friend told me to find you since you had separated from them. So I helped, since I had nothing else to do." Something about his story seems... off.

"Okay... Then why didn't you say so before instead of staring at me like you just saw a purple flamingo." I said as I stepped back. He noticed my action and spoke.

"So you're gonna try running away again, after that hard fall. If you do try that, then you'll just make your knee bleed worse. But I am wandering, how did you walk normally after your first fall instead of having a slight limp? Not to mention this being your third, it would really be ill advised." He spoke as if he saw it happen.

"How do you know I fell 3 times?" This wasn't making sence. I only met him a little bit ago.

"I heard from a friend." He said as he placed his hands back into his pockets.

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