Chapter 8 - More Then Friends

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Current Time
Sunday, March 13, 20XX

Y/N's P.o.V.
I was running through the woods as I heard tree branches breaking behind me. I gave up, long ago to try and be quiet as they already spotted me. I felt something touch my heel as I ran, so I ran as fast as my legs would allow me. This forest felt like it was just an endless labyrinth, that forbid me from escaping. Though try as I might, I didn't give up. I felt my chest tighten as I still ran, though my adrenaline was starting to wear off. I started to stumble as my legs felt like noodles. I felt them try to grab my heel again and almost did, but they didn't have a good grasp as I ran and adventually I felt my foot hit a root, causing me to trip. I fell into the dark as I heard a voice calling out to me.

I woke up to a knocking at my door causing me to stir. They kept at it, so thinking it was Lincoln, I did the only logical thing and yelled at him. "What?!" The knocking stopped after that. I waited for a response but didn't get one. So I got up and unlocked my door, to see no one. "The fuck?..." Was my first reaction. I walked outside my door to see if anyone was just out of my vision but instantly felt something underneath my foot.

I looked down to see a sheet of folded paper, I removed it off of the floor and looked around but saw nothing. So I unfolded it and read the note:

Hey sis. I won't be around today or tomorrow so you'll be home alone. Mom and dad won't be home today either, but will be back when you get home after school. Take advantage of it and have some FUN. There won't be anyone to bother or interfere with your ACTIVITIES. But remember to use protection when you do it. So get laid while the parents are away as I lost virginity back at 14 and your 18 so it's just sad. You can start where you left off with that guy that came over last night!


P.S. If you need condoms, they are in the drawer by my bed. Don't be shy to guy.

I nodded my head. "I'm gonna kill him." I said to myself as I scrunched the paper up and threw it away. 'Wait a minute...' I stared at the trash can before quickly looking in all of the upstairs rooms, I didn't see anyone and quietly snuck down the stairs and into the living room before bolting into the kitchen and slipping on the clean floor. I landed on my back and got my whole back of my body wet with whatever was on the floor. As I looked down it appeared to be water.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, 'Since when is there water on the floor?' I soon heard footsteps behind me and quickly got up and opened a drawer that housed knives. As soon as the drawer was open a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my torso so I couldn't move. I looked down and saw the arms clad in black. I felt him hold me against him making my back press against his chest. And I could feel the water sink into my leggings and into my underwear, making me entirely uncomfortable.

I felt him lean something on my shoulder before he whispered in a deep voice into my ear, "Y/N." I froze not knowing what to expect. "You're going to fall again." I felt nervous and did the only thing I could think of as he held me in place.

I brought up my leg and whispered, "Sorry..." before nailing him in the crotch. He loosened his grip and I quickly grabbed a knife before bolting up the stairs. I heard him yell my name and I slammed the door shut and stood a good distance away from the door.

Eyeless Jack's P.o.V.
I saw her slip and fall on the puddle of water on the tile. I started walking towards her and she quickly got up but before she could grab anything, I wrapped my arms around her and held her against my chest as she was predictable for the most part. I could feel the back of her clothes were wet and leaned my head against her shoulder as I whispered, "Y/N." She froze in my arms, causing me to smile beneath my mask. "You're going to fall again."

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