Chapter 4 - Sandwiched

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Present Time
Friday, March 11, 20XX

Y/N P.o.V.
It had been a normal-ish week for the most part. Alice had been pestering me to go with Rob, Dane, and herself out in the city after school but I have been resistant since what happened on Monday.


I was knocked out of my thoughts as he whispered into my ear. "What is your answer? Or do you already know?"

I elbowed him in the ribs before turning to face him but he was gone. I did a full 360 degrees but failed to find him... anywhere... I shrugged it off and walked towards that stupid house that I live in but not before grabbing by bag from underneath the porch.


I hadn't told Alice about what had happened and I'm gonna keep it that way but she could really lay off bothering me every second. As my phone went off again for the forty-second time now. I didn't open or respond to any messages that she was sending. It had been 10 minutes and she already had my phone binging continuously as she sent more messages; on Messages, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and my gmail. My phone screen stayed on due to the continuing list of messages that were sent and STILL COMING! I was sitting cross legged on the floor in my room staring at my phone that I had placed in front of me.

I was sitting on the floor wearing a black t-shirt with F/C shorts and black socks with F/C stripes on them.

I had been pondering if I should power off my phone or not because of how long she's been at it. I was about to when I had a call from Alice. I really, really did NOT want to answer it but I needed to because otherwise she'll call the cops and I don't need that again. I hit the call button and instantly regretted it as I had to pull my head away from the now screaming phone.

I had waited for her to stop yelling then spoke, "Alice. I've told you I am not gonna hang out with you. I have some things I want to do."

"Ppplllleeeeaaaassssseeee. I really want to hang out with Rob. And Dane and you of course. I'll ev-" I hung up before she could rattle on any further and powered my phone off so I wouldn't having the annoying notifications and ringtone going off in a string of continuous noise.

I placed the disk with the movie, Mama, in my PC and watched the entire movie and I felt slightly tired so I decided to take a nap, before doing something else.

I woke up to the blurry darkness of my room as the different colored shapes had been altered due to the night's blanket of shadows and my poor vision making odd, organic shapes that held no borders. I scouted around my room to see if anything had been the reason for myself waking up. I didn't spot anything though... I could feel some eyes on me but couldn't see anything.

I tried going back to the land of sleep and succeeded but also failed. I fell asleep for a few hours before I felt my dream stop and my conscious come back into reality. I still hadn't opened my eyes and was just listening to the peaceful silence that swayed in my room until I heard a creak echo out from the pressure applied to it.

I have this weird sence, where I'll wake up right before something happens, and mind that this has been happening for years so I have just learned to roll with it.

The silence lingered in the air again before I felt something poked my shoulder. I felt a second one and preceeded to play opossum. I felt awkward for a few seconds as nothing had happened and the position I was in. I was laying on my left side facing the window, with my right leg resting over my slightly bent, scraped knee. I had my arms supporting my head since I pushed the pillow off of the bed alongside the blankets. Not to mention my hips were facing down so whoever was in my room got a clear view of my ass. I felt like I was compelled to open my eyes but resisted due to not caring. 'It's probly just Lincoln checking in or mom. But didn't I lock my door?'

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