Chapter 7 - Sketchbook

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Y/N's P.o.V.
As I looked at my lap where my sketchbook resided, I saw... that stupid little boy who was peastering me before had in fact followed me into the woods, and took my sketchbook and started at the drawings that were in there. I have to admit that not all of the, cross that, a good majority of the pages inside where horror based. The little boy had started to come across the more grotesque ones, as I could see tears start to pour down his face as he continued to look through. As you got into the middle of the sketchbook it got way worse with the images looking more and more realistic.

He was already halfway in when a woman with dark brown hair and hazel eyes came running down the trail with a worried expression etched into her face, but then came one of relief as she ran towards the little boy who still held my sketchbook, saying, "Oh Johnny, I thought you hurt yourself since you didn't..." Just as I was an inch away from retrieving my sketchbook, she looked at me, then down at what her son was holding. Her face turned from relief, into one of pure horror. The woman looked at the images but not before turning her son's face towards her own and saw he was full on bawling. "Mommy... Mommy... I... L.... Mommy..."

She instantly snatched the book out of his hands and hugged her son before glaring at me but little did she know I didn't care. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself allowing a child to see these images! Didn't God give you the talent to draw?!" 'Oh she's one of those God loving people.' She stood up with my sketchbook still in hand while her son was still bawling his eyes out from the images he just experienced while hugging her legs. I saw her hand reach the page and my thoughts ran through my mind. 'She better not... She fucking better not!' As she took her right hand and started tearing pages after pages out of my sketchbook, ripping drawings that took hours upon hours to complete, only to drop them into a pile. "I think God needs to help you out with seeing the beauty, in real art." Then she dropped the sketchbook that now held no pages in it on top, before grinding her foot into the pile of papers making more wrinkles and tears in the pile. "I think God will give you another chance if you start anew and draw things as they are, instead of making them into nightmares."

As the woman took her foot off the papers and started to walk away with her boy in hand. I just sat there staring at the pile of paper that used to be my sketchbook, then glared at her. I could tell she felt my glare as she walked back the way she came. 'You fucking bitch! You'll pay! You'll pay! You'll pay! I wish that you could see what is real and what isn't!' As soon as that thought crossed my brain she looked left and right, then all around with sheer shock and fear painting her face as she ran towards me holding her still crying son in her arms. Making the sheets of paper fly in different directions with some getting stepped on.

She shouted, "Take her! Take her! Just not my little Jonny or me!" I looked at her in bewilderment as she pointed her finger at me. Then, I heard what she was talking about. I could faintly hear a musical song playing in the background. 'Is that Pop goes the weasel?'

"All around the mulgary bush... the monkey chased the weasel... The monkey thought it was all in good fun..." A deep, dry voice sang out but stopped, while the melody slowed to a stopping point right before it's climax.

It was deathly silent. No bird dared to sing their songs. No grasshoppers made their symphonies. No animal dared to take another step. Nothing...

I knew all to well, who it was.

'Laughing Jack.'

The woman had spun around trying to see exactly where the voice came from. I kept my eyes on her and as soon as I blinked, there stood Laughing Jack towering behind her. She looked left and right only to turn around to see the monochromatic clown standing above her. "Pop goes the weasel." He sang as she turned around while her fear heighten.

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