Chapter 6 - Marly?

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A/N: there is a part within this chapter that may trigger some people so I marked the beginning and end, feel free to skip if you want.

Y/N P.o.V.
I checked my phone to check the current time, 1:42 P.M. 'It's already that time?' I thought as I walked down the pavement. I looked ahead to see the trees looming overhead. It oddly gave me a relieved feeling, just to see the branches swaying in the wind. Although the branches bore no leaves, I felt at ease knowing that spring was coming. Just at the beginning of the week I had slipped on some ice resulting in a scraped, bleeding knee. But as you now looked around, there was no ice to be seen, just some small snow piles that the sun has yet to melt but there were puddles of water everywhere you looked.

I was currently walking to the park but then saw a garage sale going on just a block down. I would've checked it out had it been some random person whom I had never ran into. But I knew the loud, snobby, high pitched voice that was a few houses away. 'What is she doing here of all places?' Just ahead stood Marly Emits, my brother's Ex.

Marly had long, brown, afro like hair that reached down to the middle of her back, but she had it tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. Her brown eyes had contrasted with her carmel skin tone. She wore a white hoodie, purple leggings that showed off her butt, dark purple heels even though she was already 5'10, a gold necklace that dangled around her neck., and was carrying a pale purple bag on her left shoulder.

I had once asked Lincoln why he went out with her, when he was in high school, and he said that it was because of popularity. But he dated so many girls but they were all daddy's girls and none of which I really liked. They never lasted long, some would last as long as a month but most of them lasted around a week. Once the coach saw potential in him he became so stupid that he doesn't even speak to me anymore nor do we hang out like we used to. The free time he does achieve is devoted to either getting better at sports or picking up girls from wherever he finds one that matches his criteria. All he looks for is a girl with a pretty face so he can have sex. I'm pretty sure he's dated over 100 girls in the past 2 years at least.

I saw that Marly was still looking through the garage sale that was in front of a tannish yellow house. I wanted to puke at the sight of her. She had been with my brother for two weeks before he dumped her, but she had known him ever since elementary and had a huge crush on him, that lasted years.

I was a few houses down and was about to run in the opposite direction but she turned and saw me... I felt like I should just walk away but she started walking towards me. 'Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!' I could feel my heart having an anxiety attack at that moment. "Oh, hey Y/N. How's it going? It's been so long." She spoke in her high pitch voice.

I scratched my head and looked past her to see an old lady come out and smile at me. I smiled back before dragging my eyes back to her brown ones. "Um... Good. How about you?" I said trying to make it less noticable that I wanted to just make a run for it. Luckily, she didn't notice but then again she wasn't the brightest, even though she was older then Lincoln by a year.

"I've had my ups and downs. Although I have gained a few pounds in these last couple of years. It's been around 3 years since I last saw you. You definitely have grown up but you didn't take my advice, Y/N." 'She hasn't brought my brother up yet, I wander why? She will usually bring him up in at least the first 5 sentences.'

I put on the best smile I could muster, "W-what advice are you talking about, Marly?" From the farthest of my mind she's never said anything that retains to advice that was meant for me.

"I am talking about the clothes you wear, Y/N. If you keep wearing the clothes you do, you'll never get laid." I wanted so badly to slap her across the face and walk away. I totally forgot about who I was going to be meeting up with because of the interaction with her. She didn't even give me a chance to speak before she grabbed a hold of my left hand with her right. "Don't worry I can help you with your conundrum." Marly had dragged me into the tannish yellow house that held the garage sale.

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