Chapter 2 - Nicknames

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Y/N P.o.V.
I face palmed myself and started. "When we first met, we were paired up with each other for a Biology project by the teacher. It was a pretty open project with the rulebric that we had."

Date: September 29, 20XX
Two years ago...
Sophmore year

Y/N P.o.V.

"Tanya and Wilson..." The teacher had said as she was putting people into groups. 'Please, Please don't put me with Carly. I'll go with anyone but her.' "And Carly and Y-"
Carly had raised her hand resulting the teacher to pause for a second before speaking again, "Carly and Y/N." 'Dammit.'

The teacher had then went on explaining on how the project would work. Afterwards the teacher had gone and sat in her desk and Carly had gone up to her and said, "Mrs. Edwards, I think you made a mistake putting me with her." She spat the word out of her mouth just like you would do with chewing gum. Carly had placed a hand on her hip and was pointing at me from across the room.

Mrs. Edwards had looked up from her papers only to meet a hot tempered, blonde teenager. "I did not make a mistake but if you both want to change partners," she said fully knowing I heard, "then find someone to switch with."

This came easily as she went over to one of her friends, Jessica Mueller and spoke, "Jess, I'll go with you, and Salv you can go with the bitch." She said it low enough so that the teacher wouldn't hear.

"But I got assigned to be put w-" Salvia had tried to defend herself as to not get placed with me.

"Salv you can either go work with her or do you want off the volleyball team?" Carly knew how to push people's buttons. Not to mention that her father was, in short, knew everyone and that resulted in her getting her way all the time. 'Pulling the father card again, can't you just fight your own battles?' I thought as I had my head resting on the palm of my hands looking down at my paper.

At this she buckled and agreed before it got any uglier. She grabbed her stuff and came and sat in the chair beside me and tried to speak, "So... What do you want to do the.. um project on?"

"Whatever you want to do will be fine." I said, not really caring.

"Okay, then can we do it on bacteria dying?" Salvia said with some excitement in her voice, I glanced at her through my glasses. "Or we... could do it on... um.. the structure of..." She faltered as soon as she saw that my eyes were on her and tried to come up with something else. 'They don't really give you much to bend on, but that's the risk of being popular, just like everyone else. Let's see how this will play out.'

"I am fine with bacteria dying." As I said that she had her eyes grow slightly in astonishment. "What? Has no one allowed you the option to pick what you want?" It was a genuine question I had already knew the answer to.

"I-" she shook her head in belief. As she wrote down the words 'Bacteria Dying' on the subject line.

Salvia Kimmly's P.o.V.
Jess had decided that we would be doing the project on smooth skin. I nodded my head in response and had wrote the words 'Smooth Skin' on the subject line. Once I had wrote that down Jess was going to speak but Car had just walked over here from Mrs. Edwards desk with a smirk on her face like she won.

"Jess, I'll go with you, and Salv you can go with the bitch." I shrank when she called the goth girl a bitch. 'But we already picked our topic and I don't want to go with the goth girl! She's weird with always wearing black and how she does her makeup! Not to mention she probly could kill with her glare!! I have to stand my ground.'

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