Shadows of Legacy

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Deku moved with a renewed determination. His goal was simple yet audacious: take over Re-Destro's villain league. The mission weighed heavily on him, even more so after the traumatic event with All for One. His past, now forcibly intertwined with Bakugo's quirk, haunted him. But there was work to be done. He had a league to take over.

The group he had assembled was formidable. Twice, with his cloning ability. Toga, who could imitate anyone. Mr. Compress, with his capture magic. Spinner, whose loyalty and combat skills were unmatched. And Muscular, who was a force to be reckoned with. But then there was Stain. The Hero Killer. Offered a chance to join, his decision was unpredictable.

Stain looked at Deku, his gaze piercing, "All Might's fall was inevitable. But you, young one, are different. The atrocities committed against you... even heroes have blood on their hands." The weight of Stain's statement lingered, especially since Deku’s recent ordeal.

The plan was straightforward: infiltrate Re-Destro's main base, incapacitate his lieutenants, and corner the man himself. The league had informants that provided detailed intel about the base's layout and defenses.

His team gathered in a dimly lit, spacious room, a rough blueprint of Re-Destro's base spread across a large table. Deku outlined the plan.

"Twice," he began, "we need duplicates, but not just of us. I want decoys that can draw the enemy's attention away from our real objectives." Twice nodded, understanding the implication.

Toga, with her impish grin, piped up, "Who should I become? A lieutenant? Or Re-Destro himself?"

Deku considered it, "Someone less noticeable, but who can cause chaos from within. That’s where we will find our edge." Toga smirked, already thinking of her prey.

As for Spinner and Muscular, they were to cause overt distractions. If Re-Destro's forces were focused on them, they would miss the subtler intrusions. Mr. Compress was tasked with capturing the key lieutenants, effectively reducing Re-Destro's defensive strength.

Stain's role was crucial. "You're our wildcard," Deku asserted. "Your reputation will draw them to you. Use that fear."

The assault began at dusk. Twice’s duplicates acted as scouts and decoys, drawing the initial wave of guards away from the main entrance. Toga, in disguise, strolled through the facility, subtly sabotaging their internal defenses.

However, as Muscular and Spinner made their loud and brash entrance, they were quickly met by two of Re-Destro's elite. A massive behemoth, built like a tank, and a nimble, blade-wielding assassin.

The ground quaked as Muscular approached the behemoth, his antagonist, matching him in size and sheer raw power. The behemoth, known as Goliath, had dense skin resembling armor plates. His fists alone were the size of boulders.

Across from Spinner, the blade-wielding assassin, Kiri, moved with an ethereal grace. Her silhouette was accented by the glint of countless knives and daggers strapped to her. Spinner's reptilian eyes tracked every subtle movement, knowing that any misstep could be fatal.

Muscular’s grin was wild. "Ready to play, big guy?"

Goliath responded with a guttural growl, charging forward with surprising speed. The impact was cataclysmic, with both exchanging blows that created shockwaves, tearing the ground and sending debris flying. Muscular, driven by his relentless nature, began wrapping his muscle fibers around Goliath, trying to constrict and restrain him. But Goliath, with a roar, expanded his chest and broke free, sending Muscular crashing into a nearby wall.

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