Behind the Scenes stuff I couldn't include

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Hello, this chapter is brimming with content that I couldn't include for various reasons. Explanations are provided above each segment. I wanted to incorporate this as a means of addressing the thoughts in my head like, "What would they have thought about this or that?" It also gives me the freedom to play around with ideas I had. Additionally, I delve into some writing decisions and share my thought process behind certain choices made during the creation of this book.

deku and togas blood bank heist:

I found it challenging to incorporate the idea into the narrative smoothly. It served as more of a filler element, diverting attention from the main plot, and my attempts to integrate it seamlessly into any chapter proved unsuccessful. I didn't allude to this concept until the latter part of Chapter 24, where Deku mentions, "You're running low on blood pouches, aren't you?" The idea, in my conceptualization, occurred in the background post-Chapter 14.

In Chapter 25, I delve deeper into the rationale behind this plot point, providing additional context and elaborating on why I chose to include it. I utilized Deku's interaction and analysis of Toga's situation as an exposition tool, despite acknowledging that my approach deviates from the canonical workings of his quirk. I appreciate creative liberties when weaving the storyline.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the unconventional scenario of Deku and Toga conducting a blood bank heist.

In the heart of the city, where the pulse of urban life echoed through the streets, Izuku Midoriya and Himiko Toga found themselves in an unusual predicament—one that challenged the boundaries of heroism. The sun hung high in the sky as they stood before the unassuming building of a blood bank, its white exterior belying the chaos that was about to unfold within.

Izuku, his expression determined yet conflicted, turned to Toga, who was fidgeting nervously with the edge of her jacket. He had noticed the subtle changes in her behavior, the flickers of anxiety and unease that danced in her eyes. It was a side of Toga that intrigued him, and now, he found himself standing at the precipice of a decision that could change the course of their relationship.

"Toga, we need to talk," Izuku said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Toga glanced at him, her eyes betraying a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "What's on your mind, Deku?"

Izuku took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I've noticed... changes in you. And I can't ignore it. I want to help. What's going on?"

Toga hesitated for a moment, her guard slipping as she looked away. "It's the blood, Deku. The blood I consumed during the raid on the Meta Liberation Front's base—it's wearing off. I can feel myself slipping back, losing control."

Izuku's brows furrowed in concern. "What do you mean, Toga?"

She sighed, the weight of her confession heavy on her shoulders. "The blood, it keeps me sane. When I drink it, I can be myself, at least for a little while. But now, it's fading. I can't let myself go back to how I was before. I can't lose myself again."

Izuku nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "We'll figure this out, Toga. You're not alone in this."

With a newfound determination, Izuku took Toga's hand, leading her toward the entrance of the blood bank. As they approached, he noticed the lack of security—no guards, no visible obstacles. It was almost too easy.

Izuku, a mischievous glint in his eyes, turned to Toga, who wore an excited grin. "Ready for some... unconventional fun, Toga?"

Toga nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Oh, absolutely, Deku! Let's make this heist one to remember!"

Donning masks to conceal their identities, the duo entered the blood bank, only to find the staff and patients staring at them with a mix of confusion and disbelief. Izuku cleared his throat, attempting to adopt a serious tone, though the situation was anything but.

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