Fractures and Unspoken Vows

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The discovery of the bug had sent shockwaves through the League. The news had spread like wildfire, and the base was abuzz with whispered conversations and not-so-subtle glances. Trust, already a fragile construct among this group, was now under a microscope.

as Shigaraki stormed down the corridor, his red eyes glaring at any who dared meet his gaze. It was clear the discovery had taken a toll on him, not just strategically, but also personally. The League was his creation, his family, and now his position was in jeopardy.

In the main hall, the fragmented groups all stopped their hushed conversations as Shigaraki mounted the makeshift stage. "Listen up!" he barked, his voice echoing through the cavernous room.

"I don't know who put that bug on me or how they did it, but I promise you this: they will regret it." He was trying to maintain a facade of dominance, but a hint of desperation leaked through.

Dabi, leaning against a wall, raised an eyebrow. "So, you're saying it wasn't you? That you didn't plant it yourself?"

Shigaraki's glare could've incinerated the room. "You dare accuse me?"

Dabi smirked, "It's just a question, Tomura. After all, with everything going on, it's not unthinkable for someone to want to switch sides."

Toga, always quick to jump into the fray, added, "Dabi has a point. How did the bug get there? Who had access? Who's been near you?"

Shigaraki's hand twitched, fingers itching to decay. "I would never betray the League. This is my life's work. Why would I throw that away?"

Toxin interjected, trying to diffuse the situation, "Guys, we're getting off track. Arguing amongst ourselves is what the heroes would want. Instead of pointing fingers, we should be focusing on the bigger picture. Finding out how and when the bug was planted. Ensuring this never happens again."

Deku, silent until now, stepped forward. "Toxin's right. Right now, we need unity, not division. If we start doubting each other, especially without proof, we're playing right into the heroes' hands."

A heavy silence filled the room. The tension was palpable, but Deku's words had hit home. Everyone knew the stakes were too high for internal disputes.

Shigaraki, exhaling slowly, seemed to pull himself together. "Alright. We'll tighten our security, review our protocols. But remember this," his voice dropped to a chilling whisper, "anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks of betraying us will regret it. And if I find out someone in this room is responsible for the bug..." He let the threat hang in the air.

Spinner nodded, trying to regain some semblance of order. "Alright, team, you heard him. Let's get to work. We have a lot to do."

The League members began dispersing, heading to their respective tasks. But in every corner, doubt and suspicion lurked. The discovery of the bug was not just a breach of security; it was a blow to the fragile trust that held them together.

As Shigaraki left the stage, he paused beside Deku, his voice low. "Keep an eye out, Midoriya. There's a traitor among us, and I intend to find out who."

Deku simply nodded, watching the scarred leader walk away. The game of deception had taken a new turn, and the path ahead was fraught with danger.

The League's base, normally a bastion of collaboration (albeit a twisted one), was now rife with suspicion. Accusations and side glances were thrown like daggers, each member subtly watching the other. Amidst the distrust, Deku sat in his quarters, studying the bug that had been found on Shigaraki.

He knew it wasn't planted by Shinso or anyone from his group. These were people he trusted deeply, each having demonstrated their loyalty time and again. But the discovery, as much as it alarmed him, also presented an opportunity. By drawing suspicion away from his allies, it made their cover more credible.

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