Echoes of Trust

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The underground base's typical hum was drowned out by the electric tension in the air. Members of the League surrounded the uninvited guest, weapons poised, ready to strike. The dim, clinical lights overhead threw dark shadows, making the scene all the more ominous.

Spinner, his reptilian eyes narrowed, tightened his grip on his blade. Toxin stood a few feet away, fingers twitching, ready to release a barrage of projectiles. From the sidelines, Toga licked her lips, her knives glinting with anticipation. They all waited for a signal, a reason, a single gesture to pounce.

But the central figure of this confrontation was Deku. He stood merely a few feet from the intruder, his expression calm yet calculating. The green hue of his eyes was darker, more intense, as he assessed the figure before him.

After a few moments, which felt like hours, the mysterious hero slowly reached up and began to remove the mask obscuring his face. As the mask fell away, revealing the familiar face beneath, several members of the League gasped in recognition, their weapons lowering slightly in their shock.

It was Hitoshi Shinsou.

His lavender eyes, usually guarded and wary, met Deku's directly. The silence was deafening as the two locked gazes, a myriad of emotions swirling between them. The others could only guess at the depth of the unspoken communication taking place.

Toga was the first to break the silence, her voice dripping with mischief, "Well, this is a surprise. Never thought we'd see a hero, especially you, down here."

Shinsou, keeping his eyes on Deku, responded, "Times change. People change."

Spinner, his suspicion evident, growled, "What do you want, hero?"

Shinsou hesitated for a moment before replying, "To talk. Only to talk."

Deku finally spoke, his voice cool, "Then talk."

Shinsou took a deep breath, "The hero world... it isn't what it seems. I've been sidelined, marginalized, all because of my quirk. And I'm tired of it."

Dabi, emerging from the shadows, sneered, "So, what? You're switching sides? Or is this just another hero tactic? A spy in our midst?"

Shinsou looked down, "I just want a place where I'm not judged by my quirk, where I'm not seen as a future villain."

Deku took a step closer, their faces inches apart, "And you think you'll find that place here? With us?"

Shinsou's voice was a mere whisper, "I don't know. But I had to try."

Dabi's laughter, harsh and cynical, broke through the thick tension in the room. "Oh, isn't this rich? A pro-hero crying about being misunderstood?"

Toga smirked, her finger circling the tip of her knife. "Maybe he's not so different from us after all."

Shinsou's face flushed with anger, and he took a step forward. "You think this is a joke? All my life, I've been boxed into a role I never asked for. Every glance, every whisper, every doubt – they all said the same thing: 'Watch out for Shinsou. His quirk's too dangerous.'"

Deku's gaze remained unwavering, urging Shinsou to continue.

With an almost desperate intensity, Shinsou went on, "The heroes I looked up to? Half of them kept their distance, afraid I'd use my quirk on them. Students at U.A.? They whispered behind my back. All of them treated me like a ticking time bomb."

Spinner seemed almost sympathetic. "So, the heroes treated you like we were treated by the world. Cast aside, judged, deemed dangerous."

Shinsou's voice quivered, "Yes, but I was on their side! I played by their rules, wore their uniform, and tried to fit in. But the more I tried, the more it became clear: in their eyes, I was always one step away from being a villain."

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