[Our Little World]


Two young girls were sitting on benches. A girl was laughing.

Girl one sat on the back of a bench holding a bag of potato chips. Girl two was sitting on a bench across from her eating a chocolate bar.

"So, she says dating's gonna break my focus for academics, but that I'm allowed to date over summer break," girl one said. "How does that work? Like, "Hi, I'm Goldie. I'm only romantically available from June to August, but want to go steady?"" Girl two laughed. "I hate her. Like, look at me. I have to hang out by the tracks just to get my snack on."

"She won't let you eat chips?" girl two asked.

"Well, she'll let me, but just so she can make this face the whole time." She scrunched up her face and a cellphone rang; girl two laughed as she checked her phone. "It's like, "Sorry, mom, I can't survive on menthol and diet soda like you can.""

Girl two stood and pulled her purse over her shoulder as she continued to look at her phone.

Goldie, upset, protested, "What? No."

"Look, I hate my parents too, Goldie," girl two said. "They suck. But I got a curfew. Bye." She walked away as Goldie watched.

"Fine. Bye." She turned and a young girl stood in front of her. "Whoa. Hey." She looked around. "Where are your parents?"

"I don't have any parents," Amara replied.

"Sorry. Um... Are you okay? Do you want something?"

Amara stepped closer to Goldie and placed both hands on either side of her face and smiled. "I want to be like you."

Amara tilted hers and Goldie's heads back as a whispery light came from Goldie's mouth and into Amara's.

A girl walked barefoot down a concrete hallways. She was wearing Goldie's jacket. The girl walked further down the hall. She was a few years older than the girl with Goldie. She looked down as she walked into a room and didn't see Crowley sitting in a chair next to a small table to her right. As she passed, Crowley turned on a lamp that was on the table. Amara startled and turned.

"Midnight snack?" Crowley questioned. "Don't think I don't know what you've been up to. You can try to deny it, but the evidence is... Well."

"You told me to stop feeding on your demons," Amara reminded him. "Well... I stopped feeding on demons."

"I thought I was clear. Going out there, where they can see you - it's too risky."

"I'm a growing girl. I need to eat."

Crowley stood and walked towards her. "Actions have consequences around here, Amara. You've had the run of the court. We've seen what you've made of it. Believe me, this is going to hurt me way more than it hurts you. I'm sorry, my dear. You're grounded." Amara went to walk out of the room, but Crowley waved his hand and Amara was flung backwards into a sofa. "You're strong. But you need to remember -- I'm stronger."

"For now."

"Yeah." He turned and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind him, leaving Amara on the couch.



Sam, Dean and Athena, in FBI suits and dress, walked away from a home in a wooded area. A man stood on the porch, watching them walk towards the concrete stairs.

"Said you had a good feeling about that one," Dean said.

"Yeah, well, it seemed like a solid lead, Dean," Sam replied. "Only a soulless psycho would kill the family cat."

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