[Don't Call Me Shurley]

A dog was in an alley watching rumbling in a dumpster. Metatron was getting up from the dumpster with a sandwich he found. He quickly opened the wrapper and looked inside the sandwich. "Oh! Pastrami... maybe."

The dog reached up wanting to have some of the sandwich, and started to whine as Metatron motioned to take a bite. He stopped and looked at the dog with guilt. He took some of the "pastrami" and gave it to the dog. The dog started to eat it and Metatron was happy that the dog was eating. He threw the bread away and started to look for more food in the dumpster. He quickly became agitated.

"I GIVE UP!" Metatron grunted repeatedly.

Metatron suddenly appeared in a bar with the dog who was resting on the counter.

Metatron looked at the dog. "Yeah, Toto. I got a feeling we aren't on Earth anymore, either." Metatron turned around and noticed someone sitting behind him and walked to him.

"Hello?" Metatron asked.

Metatron noticed that it was Chuck Shurley, a.k.a., Carver Edlund. Chuck waved at him. Metatron stared at him with a surprised look.

"Carver Edlund?"

Chuck took out his glasses and put them on.

"What the hell is going on here? What is this place?"

"It's a bar," Chuck replied. "Actually—"

"It's not just a bar, genius. This is one of the Big Man's constructs. I'd know His work anywhere. We were besties, you know."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say—"

"This is some kind of punishment, isn't it? For my sins. A limbo where I get to spend eternity in a crappy bar with a hack writer."

Chuck looked at him, offended. "Dude—"

"Sorry, Chuckles. Not just any hack writer – a Prophet of The Lord. Give me a break." He walked away. "Tell me, at least, the beer is real in here." Metatron picked up a cup and filled it with beer.

"You really think I'm a hack?" Chuck asked.

Metatron walked back to Chuck. "I have trudged through your complete oeuvre. – published and unpublished. Of the metric ton of books I've read in my lifetime, Supernatural didn't even crack the top ten... thousand. Respectfully."

"You didn't like any of it?"


"Not even Home?"


"Or All Hell Breaks Loose?"

"Ugh! Way too much melodrama. And then you put yourself in the story? God!"

"Okay. That's fair. Mildly constructive. Still, It doesn't justify you... burning one of my books though." He chuckled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Tall Tales. You were monologuing to Castiel and you threw one in the fire."

Metatron spoke to Castiel, holding the book Tall Tales by Carver Edlund and throwing it in the fire in Meta Fiction.

Chuck shrugged.

"How do you know about that?" Metatron asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I always forget. People can't see me unless I want them to see me." Chuck took out a pair of sunglasses. "Here visual aid. Put these on. It will help."

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