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[Just My Imagination]


"Here you go," Maddie said. "One spoonful of sugar or two?"

"Maddie, Daddy and I are ready to go to dinner now," Ms. Berman told her daughter. "So whenever you're ready, you just let us know."

"Sparkle and me aren't done with tea, mommy."

"Well... When you're ready."

"We have reservations," Maddie's dad reminded his wife.

"The RIE Manual says to be patient."

"So now we have to wait for her to have fake tea with her fake imaginary friend? Perfect."

"We can part forever, while mommy and daddy eat Cheerios for dinner!" Maddie exclaimed.

"It's cool, Maddie," Sparkle told her. "Go with your mom and dad. I'll clean up."

"I love you, Sparkle."


Sparkle was along reading The Velveteen Rabbit. The door opened.

"Hiya, Maddie!" Sparkle greeted. "-You're not Madd..." He was stabbed.


"Don't forget to brush your teeth, sweetie," Ms. Bergman reminded her daughter.

Maddie opened the door to her room. "Sparkle!" She screamed.


Sam's phone buzzed. He'd set an alarm for 6:30 AM. He got out of bed and went into the kitchen, followed by an unnoticed shadowy figure. He didn't notice the buffet of childish treats set out on the kitchen table - until he did.

"Surprise!" Sully cried before Sam, surprised, punched him.

Sam held Sully by the collar and demanded, "Who are you??"

"It's me, Sam! It's Sully!"


"You remember me, right? I made all your favorite snacks. We're friends. Like best friends. You remember?"



"No. You're not real."

"Oh. Well, how'd you punch me, then?"

Dean and Athena walked into the kitchen, seeing Sam holding onto empty air with a threatening stance.

"This can't be happening," Sam said.

"Dude, who you talking to?" Dean asked.


"Are you having a stroke? Do you smell toast?"

"He can't see me unless I want him to," Sully explained.

Dean looked at the table. "What is all of this crap? When did you start eating this stuff? Is that marshmallows on nachos?"

"Yeah, this wasn't me," Sam said.

Sully appeared to Dean. "It was me. And those are delicious."

"Wait a second. Can you two see him?"

"Uh-huh," Dean and Athena replied.

"Dean, this is, um... I think this is... Sully, my friend from when we were kids."

"You mean Mork from Ork here is your dumbass imaginary friend Sully?"

"Yeah," Sam confirmed.

Sully frowned. "Um, I'm not dumb or ass."

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