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[Alpha and Omega]

In the power plant, everyone was unconscious on the floor. Sam went over to Dean and helped him up.

Dean grunted. "Check on him."

Sam knelt next to Chuck. "Hey. Chuck?"

Dean knelt next to Castiel and put a hand on his shoulder. Castiel stirred and looked up at Dean. "Dean."

"Cas? Hey, is that you?" Dean asked.

Sam asked Chuck, "Hey, can you hear me?"

Chuck woke up and rolled onto his back, groaning and scrunching his face in pain.

"Lucifer is gone," Castiel informed. "Amara ripped him from my body."

"To where?" Dean wondered.

"I don't know."

Dean helped Castiel up. "Come on."

Castiel and Dean walked over to where Sam was kneeling next to Chuck.

Sam asked, "Are you, uh... H-How do you feel?"

"Ohh." Chuck groaned. "You know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield? I'm the bug."

"So, what Amara said about you..."

"Dying. Yeah, whatever she did to me, I can feel my spark, my light fading. And when it's gone..."

"Okay, well, t-tell us how to fix you," Dean said.

"You can't. I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen."

A door slammed in the background followed by footsteps. Dean stood, pulled out his gun, and pointed it in the direction of the sounds. Chuck was hanging on to Sam as they all looked expectantly at the door.

Rowena walked into the room. "So that was a gun in your pocket."

"Well... that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?" Crowley replied.

Castiel frowned. "I didn't know dogs had breakfast."

"Cas is back," Dean stated.

"Just curious — has anyone bothered to look outside?" Rowena asked.

There was a siren wailing in the distance as the door to the power plant opened and Rowena, Dean, Sam, Chuck, Castiel and Crowley walked outside. They were looking around as Rowena tapped Dean on the shoulder, turning him around and pointed to the sky. They all looked up and saw the sun burning brightly. The sky around it was bright red/orange, as if it was on fire.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"It looks like the sun is—" Sam began.

"Dying," Castiel finished.

Dean frowned. "Why would Amara do that?"

"The sun is the source of all life on earth. Without it, everything just... just wastes away."

"Let's get the hell out of here."

Chuck snapped his fingers and they were all transported to the War Room in the bunker. Athena jumped, seeing everyone appear.

Athena frowned. "What the hell happened? The sky looks like it's a fiery blaze."

"God's dying," Dean replied. "Thanks to Amara."

"You," Crowley said.

"Still got a few tricks up my sleeve. I'm not dead y..." Chuck pulled away from Sam's support only to collapse against him again.

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