Bargain Hunt Shock

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Natasha's on her way to film an episode of Bargain Hunt in Southwell in Nottinghamshire, cradling her small but bulging full-term baby bump.

She arrives at the location, exhausted but revving to go. She is greeted with the usual camera crew and crew members. Her favourite one, Nick, walks up to her and greets her.

"Tash, you need to take it easy. You shouldn't be here. We can easily get Roo or Christina to take over. You need to rest before she comes." Nick whispers his concerns to her.

"I'll be fine, Nick, I promise. She's so snug in there I don't think she wants to come out." Natasha laughs, rubbing her bump.
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Nick sighs, reluctantly going back to his crew.

Natasha walks to the whereabouts in the fair she needs to be to start the episode, ignoring the becoming more sharp pains in her lower abdomen.

"Let me just get through this episode, please baby." Natasha whispers to herself. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before the cameras start rolling.

"And cameras are rolling in" The cameraman, James, announces.
"Hello and welcome to Bargain Hunt, where today we are at the Racecourse Antiques Fair in Southwell, Nottinghamshire." Natasha smiles warmly at the camera. She carries on with her usual rambling before saying, "Let's go bargain-hunting."

"And cue the intro." Shouts the crew-member, Emma.
"Natasha, are you okay? You look a bit uncomfortable." Asks a concerned looking Emma.
"Yeah, just Braxton-Hicks maybe, I'm fine, don't worry." Natasha lies, knowing full well her waters may have broken before the start of the show.

James shouts back though, "Cameras are rolling again in"
"I'll be fine, okay." Natasha gives a reassuring smile to Emma and Nick.

She carries on with the episode, " know the rules by now, each team will have £300 and only one hour on the clock to buy 3 items, one in which must be at least £75, preferably more, and the other to fulfill my challenge. Then all will be off to be sold at the auction."

As the episode filming continues, Natasha's discomfort became more apparent to everyone in the crew and the contestants. One of the experts, Kate, goes up to Natasha while the cameras are on the red team.

"Tash, are you sure you're okay? You look like you're in quite a lot of pain." Kate queries, as she herself knows the signs.
"Yes, I'm fine, Kate. Promise. Now can everyone please just fuck off and leave me alone, I'm fine!" Natasha huffs, with an agitated tone.

"Fine," Kate rolls her eyes, sarcastically, "I was just asking, jeez."
"Well, I'm sick of people asking if I'm okay!" Natasha raises her voice a little bit more, "I'm perfectly fine, now can everyone just get off my back."

Tim runs over after hearing the shouting.
"Ladies, please calm down, it's not good for either of you, especially you, Tash."
"Well, she started it!" Natasha gasps, pointing to Kate then sticks her middle finger up.
"I only asked if you were okay!" Kate gasps, dramatically then sticks her tongue out.
"I don't care who-" Tim starts, but get interrupted by the a scream from behind him.

"I knew you weren't alright, you're so bad at lying, Tash." Kate says, walking over to Natasha, placing her hand on Natasha's shoulder.
"I said I'm fine." Natasha slaps Kate's hand off her shoulder and backs away.
"Owch." Kate mumbles under her breath.

"You're clearly not, Tasha. You just screamed in pain." Tim points out.
"I said I'm fi-." She stops halfway as another sharp contraction hits her. She takes a deep breath, acting like it wasn't causing her pain, but Tim and Kate weren't buying it.

"Can we just cut the cameras, please. It's quite obvious that Tasha is in labour." Kate orders the crew to do.
"I told you, I'm fine. I'm not in laaaa...bour." Natasha insists, while she was having another contraction.

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