Road Trip Disaster

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Natasha and Margie are on Day 3 out of 5 on their Antiques Road Trip, but everything turns upside down when they reach their final shop of the day...


Natasha and Margie are making their way to the final shop of the day, before the auction.

"So final shop of the day, before the auction. How are you feeling?" Margie asks, quickly glancing over at Natasha.

"I'm feeling pretty good. I have a decent chunk of money left and I only need to buy two more items." Natasha smiles, rubbing her baby bump.

"You need to take it slow, love. I'm surprised Joe even allowed you to do this road trip, you're about to pop." Margie sighs, keeping her eyes fixated on the road ahead.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm not even full term yet, I'm only 36 weeks, and besides we only have two more days until we are finished, then I'm on maternity leave for the next 9 months. What could go wrong?" Natasha shrugs, sinking into the seat.

"Okay, then. But don't say I didn't warn you." Margie says, her voice carrying worry. "Oop, we're here."

She pulls into the antiques shop, getting out, then helping Natasha out of the car too.

They walk into the shop, going to the camera crew, who were already waiting for them in the shop. Joe was amongst them, keeping a close eye out on his wife.

"Darling, if you feel anything, let me know, yeah and we can cut the cameras and leave." Joe whispers to Natasha.

"I'll be fine, Joe. Promise." Natasha reassures, looking at Joe with a twinkle in her eye and a slight smile. He smiles back and starts filming for Antiques Road Trip.

Natasha wonders around the shop, pondering at things to buy when she catches a glimpse of a silver bird shaped brooch in the glass cabinet. She carefully takes it out the cabinet, and starts talking to the camera about its origins.

"This is such a nice piece of Victorian history, with the intricacy on the bird's body and head." She explains, going quiet as she thinks about it more.

She feels a slight pop in her lower abdomen, then a tightening sensation shooting across her lower back and abdomen. She shrugs it off and carries on with what she was saying.

"This sort of brooch was worn probably by..." Her voices trails off as she feels something wet trickle down her legs, "Shit." She mumbles.

"Tash, are you okay?" Joe questions from behind the camera, concerned for his wife's sudden quiet and stillness.

"My waters. I think they've broken." She squeaks, her voice barely touching dog's pitch.

"Jesus Christ! Guys, cut the camera." Joe exclaims, flaring his arms about, instructing the camera crew to stop filming.

"No, it's too early. I'm only 36 weeks." Natasha gasps, as a contraction hits.

Margie comes rushing over after hearing shouting and the clattering of the camera crew moving things about.

"What's all the commotion?" Margie questions, looking around at the chaos in shop.

"Natasha's waters have broken." Joe replies, still flaring about.

"Shit! Right, I'll take her to the hospital." Margie says, offering a helping hand to Natasha. Natasha takes Margie's hand and begins to hold it tight.

"Not in that shitty car you won't! It might break down." Joe snaps.

Natasha Raskin Sharp One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now