Vampire Tragedy

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Natasha (vampire) and Joe (human) are expecting their first baby, a baby girl, defying all odds and Natasha starts nesting as she is very excited yet anxious for this new chapter in their lives. However, everything takes an unexpected turn and Natasha has to face a terrifying reality.


As the pregnancy progressed throughout the months, Natasha started nesting and preparing for their new arrival.

Natasha's in the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water, ignoring the slightly painful aches in her stomach that keep striking her every hour or so as she didn't want to admit to herself that she may be in labour as it was "too early". (She's 38 weeks pregnant.)

Joe walks in, noticing his wife's discomfort in her face.
"Are you okay, Tash?" He asks, worried.
"Hm, yeah. Sorry, it's probably just Braxton Hicks, I'll be alright." Natasha smiles, weakly.

"Are you sure? We can go to the hospital to get checked out, I mean it looks like it's causing you quite some pain." Joe requests.
"No it's fine, that what Braxton Hicks are. False contractions. They are meant to be painful. But I'm fine, I promise." Natasha reassures, even though she's lying as her waters broke in the shower a couple of hours before.

She walks to the sofa with her glass of water, placing it down on the coffee table next to her and sitting down on the sofa, putting her legs up to the side of her. Joe follows, sitting next to Natasha, putting his left arm around her and she snuggles into his chest.

"What if she's not human? What if she's a vampire like me?" Natasha sighs, rubbing her baby bump. Her cat, Midnight, jumps up onto the sofa and curls up snug behind her legs in the little gap.
"Then, I will still love her regardless." Joe smiles, kissing Natasha on her temple and placing his hand on top of hers on the baby bump.

"I feel weak and faint, Joe. I think she wants blood. Can you go grab the blood bags out the fridge please." Natasha mumbles, incoherently. However, Joe understood what she meant and he goes to the fridge to grab the blood bags.

But as he opens the fridge, there are no blood bags left.
"Tash, there isn't any." Joe shouts through.
"Shit, Irita was meant to stock up for me." Natasha tries to shout through but her voice went hoarse.

Joe rushes through back to where Natasha was on the sofa, he croutches down next to her and takes her hands in his.

"I'll go to Irita, and get some more. I promise." Joe says, looking longingly into Natasha's eyes, with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Promise you won't be long." She stares back, with a glint of red in her eyes. He pulls her hands to his lips and kisses them.

"I'll be as quick as I can, I promise." He repeats with a reassuring smile, "See you in a bit."
And with that, he gets up kisses her, and walks out the apartment, leaving Natasha by herself, weak and hungry.


She gets up off the sofa, Midnight following, and walks to her bedroom to try and get some rest. As she walks to the room, she is struck with a sharp pain across her baby bump.

"Fuck." She holds onto the back of the sofa with both hands, arching her back. The pain turns back into a dull ache, enough for her to walk her bedroom.

The bedroom lights start flickering as she let's out ear-piercing screams of pain. Midnight walks through the crack in the door, alerted by Natasha's screams.
"Midnight, not now." She mumbles, trying to shuffle her out of the room. Midnight left the room, obligatingly, and Natasha slams the door shut. However, Midnight sits outside the door waiting for Natasha to let her back in.

Natasha Raskin Sharp One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now