The Ghosts Part 2

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"Natasha..." Emilia gasps, spinning around on her heel.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Natasha walks closer to Emilia, narrowing her eyes. "And..."

But before Natasha could finish her sentence, in a blink of an eye, Emilia spins around, kicking the gun out of Natasha's hand.

"Fuck!" Natasha cries out, clutching at her wounded hand, bleeding from the scratch of Emilia's heel. Emilia kicks Natasha's ankle, causing her to fall to the ground. Natasha groans in pain, lifting her arm up, pulling Emilia down by the ankle.

Emilia falls to the ground with a thud. Natasha scurries toward Emilia, pinning her down to the ground.

"Tell me how you know me, or I'll slit your throat." Natasha threatens, pushing her arm down onto Emilia's throat.

"You're bluffing." Emilia wheezes, with a slight chuckle.

She lifts up her leggings, revealing a knife, and pulls it out, it's sharp, shiny surface meeting Emilia's neck.

"I never bluff. Now, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." Natasha hisses, digging the edge of the knife into Emilia's neck.

"Please, my daughter is here, don't." Emilia begs, struggling to talk.

Without warning, Natasha lungs at Emilia, her swift moves barely allowing time for a gasp. A flash of steel, and Emilia felt a searing pain in her shoulder as Natasha's knife connected. Emilia lets out an ear-piercing screech, echoing throughout the alley, the birds crowing in disbelief.

Natasha pulls the knife back out of Emilia's shoulder, putting it back to Emilia's neck, the blood from it dripping down her neck onto her shirt.

"That isn't fucking good enough!" Natasha snarls, digging the knife deeper in Emilia's neck, causing blood to draw.

"Please, Natasha. I..." Emilia struggles, tears now filling her eyes.

"Answer my fucking question!" Natasha growls through her teeth, "How do you know me?"

"Never!" Emilia winces as Natasha digs the knife's blade in further, "Ow, ow. Okay, okay I will. But please, get the knife away from my neck."

Natasha, reluctantly, moves the blood covered knife away from Emilia's neck, allowing Emilia gasping for air.

"You were my bestfriend in school, but once I joined MI6, we lost contact. That was nearly fifteen years ago." Emilia breathes, still slightly wheezing, "But I saw you again, two years ago. When I realised it was your husband that we kill though, I avoided you. I really am sorry for killing him. Just please, don't kill me. My daughter, she's only six. Don't let her grow up without a mum." Emilia begins to cry, her tears falling onto her chest.

"How do you think I fucking feel!" Natasha puts the knife back to Emilia's neck. "I lost everything because of you, and your little pathetic gang of so-called spies."

"I'm sorry, I really am. Please don't kill me." Emilia begs once again.

"Because of you..." Natasha starts, trying not to cry as she didn't want to give Emilia the satisfaction of seeing her cry, "Because you killed my husband, my daughter will grow up not knowing who her biological parents were. So don't give me the "oh, my daughter will grow up without a mum" bullshit, because I've heard it all before."

"What do you mean?" Emilia says, her voice now straining as Natasha leans harder on her neck, digging the blade's edge deeper and deeper into her throat.

"I mean, the second my daughter was born, she was taking away from me, because I was deemed unfit to care for her, since I fell into a deep depression." Natasha cries, tears now falling from her eyes onto Emilia's face.

"Well, you're not doing much to prove you're not." Emilia wheezes, a smirk appearing on her face.

"You bitch."

A single stroke and the world went black for Emilia...

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