World War II HeartBreak Part 2 (Post-War)

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*6 years later.*

Izzie had moved in permanently after Joe's death to help Natasha with Lillian, and she had become Lillian's unofficial auntie. It's a few days before Christmas and Natasha's struggling even more to come to terms with Joe's death, as Lillian keeps asking about her father and how he was.


*Few Days Before Christmas.*

Natasha's finishing putting the rest of the baubles on the Christmas tree, when Lillian comes running in, excited about something.

"Lilli, slow down, you could trip up and hurt yourself." Natasha laughs, with a tone of seriousness. Lillian doesn't stop.

"Lillian, I said stop, please!" She snaps, slightly. Lillian stops and sits on the sofa.

"Sorry, darling. I didn't mean to snap." Natasha sighs, sitting next to Lillian on the sofa, "Why are you so giddy?"

"Because, it's nearly Chwistmas and Auntie Izzie has gone to get presents." Lillian giggles, with her slight lisp, high pitched voice. (Her two front teeth fell out a few weeks back.)

"Doesn't mean you get to snoop, when me and Auntie Izzie are wrapping them." Natasha chuckles. She starts tickling Lillian, making Lillian squeal and giggle uncontrollable.

"Mummy, stop." She says through her fits of giggles.

In that minute, Izzie comes in with her arms full of net shopping bags, filled with presents for everyone.

"Auntie Izzie!" Lillian squeals, wriggling free from her mother's grip and running into a hug.
"Hi." Izzie smiles, putting the bags down and bending down slightly to hug Lillian back.

Lillian lets go of Izzie and starts rummaging though the bags, trying to see if she can find her presents.

"Lillian!" Natasha shouts, with a slight laugh, "What did I say about snooping? Now go get ready for your bath. I'll be in in a minute to run the bath."

Lillian nods, stops what she's doing and goes into her bedroom.

"Sorry, Izzie. Just hide them under my bed and we can wrap them when Lilli is in bed." Natasha apologies, picking some of the bags up and walks to her room.

"It's okay, she's six. She's just excited for Christmas." Izzie laughs, following Natasha with the remaining bags. They put the presents under the bed.

Natasha sits on the edge of her bed with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Izzie asks, sitting next to Natasha on the bed, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's Lilli," Natasha sighs, "She keeps asking me about Joe, and I just don't know what to say. Like how do you explain to a six year old that their dad died in a horrible war before they were even born. It's just so difficult." She starts crying and Izzie pulls her into a gentle hug.

"Mummy!" Lillian shouts from her room.
"I need to give Lilli her bath." Natasha sniffs, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her dress. She stands up off the bed and straightens herself up before walking to Lillian's room.


Natasha's sat on the bathroom floor leaning over the side of the bath as she watches Lillian play around with the bubbles.

"Mummy, what happened to Daddy?" Lillian asks, tracing her fingers around the bubbles in her bath.

"Um..." Natasha starts, taking a sharp intake of breath, "There was this horrible fighting going on between loads of countries and your Daddy had to go and fight with them."

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