Chapter 11 Aftermath

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I check to make sure that Viviana is still asleep before carefully sliding out from under her and going to the living room, shutting her bedroom door behind me .  " Is she ok boss"?  I shake my head  pulling a joint from my pocket and lighting it .  " I'm not sure ,I tried to grasps what she is feeling but she is everywhere". I sigh, taking another puff before passing it to Theo.  " I didn't even ask her what happened yet just letting her have some peace before I do".  Theo nods " So what do you want to do about Lucian ''?   My fist clench the sound of his name pisses me off.  I sit down across from Theo putting the spliff out in the ashtray Infront of me. " If that blood on the carpet is from the result of what I think he did then I need you to find Lucian and end him. He doesn't deserve to walk this earth.". " When Viviana wakes up I'll ask what happened but until then I'll just let her sleep.". Theo nods, getting up and heading towards the door." Yes boss."  Theo shuts the door and I get up starting dinner hoping that Viviana would be hungry when she woke up.  An hour or so passes and I go to pull the roast out of the oven, stirring the potatoes before turning off the stove and checking on Viviana.  She looked peaceful sleeping, I crawled beside her kissing her forehead pulling the covers over her when I noticed an old bruise shaped like a footprint on her back. At that moment I decided I was never leaving her again.  I tuck her in leaning down to whisper in her ear" I Nisiah Zales claim Viviana Matthews as my mate!" She smiles in her sleep and I sit there watching her .  My phone goes off. I get up walking back into the living room and it's Theo. " Yes?" " Sir, I think you may want to get down here to the pub." I groan in frustration " why what is it"?  Theo hesitates" it's Lucian he just robbed Ivan Dulang at gunpoint and took his truck and Ivan is In the pub pissed." I take a deep breath trying to calm myself " send someone to find Lucian and I want you to come keep an eye on Viviana, and tell Dulang to wait for me ".  I hang up the phone sliding it back into my pocket writing Vivi a note telling her I would be back and not to open the door for anyone except me or Theo.  I grab my keys and speed to the pub walking in to find Dulang slamming shots at the bar. I sit down beside him lighting a cigarette. Ivan just stares at me curiously before speaking. " Mr.Zales what can I do for you"? I blew the smoke in his direction " where was Lucian going"?  Ivan laughs " you mean the idiot that just robbed me ? I don't know, I didn't think to ask with a gun pointed at my head." Anger rises and I put my cigarette out in his drink.  " Il pay for whatever he took on the condition that you leave and never come back." Ivan smirks something evil behind it . " No need I've got my own plans for getting what I'm owed Mr.Zales, but once I'm finished I have no problems leaving this shit town".  I nod getting up to leave. " Good sooner the better ".  I barely make it to the door when Ivan yells " sometimes you have to crush the weak to make room for the strong ,aye Nisiah"?  I turn to look at him ,he winks and my stomach drops. I leave rushing back to Viviana knocking twice before walking in to find her on the floors scrubbing the blood out of the carpet. I shut the door but she doesn't notice. " Viviana?" She doesn't look up, just scrubs harder. I get down In Front of her reaching out, touching her arm and she backs away.  "No! Please don't touch me ". I sat down In Front of her holding my hands up to show that I meant no harm.  " Ok vivi, ok but what are you doing"?  He doesn't reply, just starts rocking back and forth mumbling " have to get rid of the blood". Before bursting out in tears. She suddenly stops ,looking at me "He took it from me No, just took it just violated me and left". She puts the sponge back into the bucket curling up into a ball and crying harder.  I get up moving the bucket pulling her up on the couch with me." I'm sorry I wasn't here Vivi, I'm sorry I never told you the truth." She hugs my neck " no Ni I'm sorry about the argument I just didn't know how to take it ." I place a kiss on her head " shh don't worry about it Vivi I understand , I just want you to be ok". She wiped  the tears from her face and smiled a little.  " I am now that you are here".  I hold on to her as tight as she allows . " I'll never leave you again. I promise, you want me to burn this rug? I'm kind of worried we're going to rub a hole into the floor".  A giggle escapes her " yes please and thank you for the food, it was delicious ".  I let her go getting up " glad you enjoyed it." I follow her to the kitchen watching her put away the food when she turns to look at me . " Will you stay tonight?"  I look at her observing her bruises and beauty. " Yes, as long as you want.". She goes to the bathroom grabbing her clothes and throwing them away.

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