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Marie woke up to a panicked Angie, "Wake up! Please... I need help!" She cried, Marie shot up and looked at her confused "Please... Donna." Angie then hit the floor suddenly, Marie panicked and quickly got out of bed, flying through the house at full speed she couldn't find Donna anywhere, going downstairs and making her way through the downstairs she rushed into the bedroom at the end of the hall, confused when she wasn't there either.

She then found the bathroom, water ran, and flooded the floor. She opened the door quickly and got to the tub, finding Donna inside, she turned the water off and picked up the doll maker. Blood streaked the wall like she tried to get up but failed, "No... Come on Donna." Marie laid her naked body on the floor, laying a towel over her and holding one on her bleeding wrists she kissed the woman's head.

She panicked and leaned into the woman's heart, hearing a slow response she started to hold her wrists tightly, taking the blade out of the dollmaker's hand, throwing it anywhere else and she began to try to save her life.

Miranda had been up most of the night, before getting a call, answering the phone she heard a panicked Angie on the other line and all she could make out was that Donna was in trouble before the doll hung up, Miranda had transformed immediately and made her way to the Benevientos household, skipping the elevator ride and going straight for the door. She transformed and walked in frantically, the house was quiet.

"Marie!" Miranda shouted, looking around the house trying to find the dollmaker and her maid, "Anna Marie?" She called, sighed, and went to the elevator pushing the button and going downstairs Miranda heard the frantic heartbeat and the slow one and made her to the bathroom, finding Marie doing her best to the doll maker to wake up, water covered the floor as she knelt down.

"Let's get her upstairs," Miranda said, picking up Donna and taking her to the elevator, Marie was right behind her with an emergency kit and some other things, they made it to the dining room and Miranda gently laid her on the table, she worked on her wrists while Marie was trying to get her to wake up. "Come on... Please." Marie whispered. Gently tapping her and getting her to at least move, Donna's finger twitched and Miranda sighed "Hand movement." Miranda said, going back to the stitches she was currently working on. "Good... Good come on Donna... Fight it."

Donna looked around, finding herself in a dark room. She looked over and saw Angie, following her she took slow steps and looked around, "Why did you do this?" Angie's voice rang in her head, "You have me... You don't have to listen to whatever voice told you to do this. Donna, I love you... I've always loved you, I can't lose you to some hallucination." Angie sounded upset, as she sat on the floor, "Don't listen to her... No one likes you. That's why all the kids laughed at us, that's why mommy and daddy left us all alone."

Angie growled "Don't listen to it, follow me back... I'm here."

"She's stupid, those scars are ugly."

Donna stood and followed Angie's voice the little girl behind her was loud despite Angie's weight in her arms telling her it was okay.

Donna opened her eyes to the darkness around her, her eye was blurry, thinking she had her veil on she went to grab it, only to notice she didn't have it on. Around her were footsteps, she could hear Miranda's voice talking to someone through the floor, she looked over and flipped onto her stomach, lifting her head up to find Marie holding Angie tightly, pacing the room. She winced at the sharp feeling and looked down, she was lying on the cushions from yesterday underneath the fort they had left up.

Noticing the rays just poking through the window, the sun must have just started rising. Donna hissed as she tried to get up again to feel more pain. Marie looked over at the sounds and knelt, "Donna!" She cried and quickly hugged the woman, Angie landed softly on the cushions next to her. "Oh thank fuck... You're okay." Marie whispered, she let out tears as she cried and hugged the doll maker.

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