Chapter 4

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Hansel and Damien sit at the bar waiting for their drinks, while Jackson, Azure and Gretel sit at the table. Receiving the drinks the men walk over to the table, passing the women their drinks. "What are we talking about, mihi pythonissam?" Damien asks, kissing his wife's cheek.

Jackson speaks up, pointing to the map, "there have been abductions here and here on both sides of the river. And on this last one we believe a troll was involved."

"A troll?" Gretel asks, shocked that this was brought up so late.

"Trolls are extra," Hansel says, holding up his mug.

"Venator meus, look at this," Azure says, gaining Hansel and Gretel's attention, rifling through the missing children files, "a father and three children were attacked. One child was taken but she didn't touch the other two."

"That's weird," Gretel admits, looking confused on why the witch would only take one and not all three.

"That's so weird," Hansel sarcastically replies, feigning shock. He receives a smack to his ear from his sister, and an annoyed look from her as well. "It is strange. It's strange, okay."

"Then again we all hunt witches for living, what's normal really," Damien says, gesturing to himself and everyone around him.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back. I'm going to go refill my drink," Jackson says. Once he is far enough away Azure looks over to Damien, who gives her an encouraging nod.

"There is something we need to discuss," She says, looking over to the siblings and gaining their attention. "The last time we were together we taught you about witches, but we never told you there are two different types of witches."

"What are you saying, that there are good witches?" Hansel asks, chuckling at the idea, while Gretel looks interested as Azure nods. But before anyone can speak, they're interrupted by Jackson sitting back down and a boy about the age of 17 walking up to their table.

"Uh, excuse me, Hansel and Gretel? Azure and Damien Wolfe? Oh my God, I can't believe you're here," the boy rambles excitedly missing the slightly annoyed looks from the four hunters. "I'm Ben. Benjamin Walser. I am really quite a fan of you all and your work."

"That's great," Hansel says, rubbing his hand together, not really interested.

"It's nice to meet you Benjamin," Gretel says, smiling kindly at the boy.

"Listen, if it's not too much trouble, would you please sign this,"  Ben says, placing a giant book down on the center of the table.

"Oh no," Damien says trying to stop him, but Ben opens the book revealing a bunch of paper clippings about their past hunts. "Okay."

"Oh wow," Azure says, pulling it a bit closer to her.

"Yeah that's from when Hansel and Gretel found the witch of Antwerp and sank her in the moat. And this one is from when Azure and Damien found the woodland witch and hanged using her own trees," he explains, pointing to certain articles, "I mean, you guys, you certainly taught those witches a thing or two."

"Wow, this is amazing. And weird," Gretel tells him, glancing up at the boy.

"And creepy," Damien says.

"You really keep all this stuff," Azure says, looking at the pages but stopping at the report of a missing man from 12 years ago. She gently grasps Damien's and they share a weary glance between each other knowing who the missing report is about.

"Yeah, I just have so many questions, do you mind?" Ben asks, looking between everyone at the table.

"You know, we have.." Hansel begins, trying to send the eager boy away.

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