Chapter 8

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On the other side of the woods, Damien walks around until some birds fly around him and all land on a log. "Azure," Damien whispers, looking at the birds intently. "Keep an eye on her, and come back if something happens," Damien tells the birds, earning chirps of confirmation and they all take flight.


"Are you done yet?" Hansel asks Mina, as he sits shirtless with bruises littering his body. Mina sits beside him, cleaning his forehead tenderly, as he continues speaking, "I've got to find my sister, Azure and Damien."

"This may take a while," Mina says, as she continues cleaning the cuts on Hansel's cheek. "And if we don't have this cleaned properly, you'll get the fever. And would you rather be in good health when you find them or would you rather have an angry Azure, who would kill us both?"

"The fever, huh?" Hansel says dismissively, but then chuckles at her question, "an angry Azure? I think I'd rather have an angry witch rather than an angry mother storm. And what makes you so scared of mother storm?"

"Well to be fair I sort of deserved her wrath when I tried offering my help to you, even when it was clear that she knows how to handle the sugar sickness. But it appears you've really taken a beating, haven't you?" Mina says, as she moves onto cleaning Hansel's forehead.

"Yeah, well I think the real damage was to my dignity, which I left somewhere back in that tree," Hansel admits, "and she is overprotective of me and my sister. Ever since we met them."

"And how did you meet her? And her husband, Damien?" Mina asks.

"Gretel and I had been hunting witches for a year, when we came across one. We were in over our heads, trying to fight off this witch," Hansel recalls, "and Gretel was sprawled out on the ground, the witch standing over her about to kill her. Then Azure came in, firing shot after shot before finally blasting the witch's head off. Damien came in and freed me, and after that Gretel and I spent a year with Azure and Damien, learning everything we could from them, how to use weapons, how to track, and how to communicate with birds. After we went our separate ways, we kept in contact with them by using birds."

"Wow, well if you're still in a rush, it's probably gonna be faster if you just get in," Mina tells him, gesturing towards the water.

"Oh, no, no. No, I can't," Hansel begins protesting.

"The water is healing," Mina says, standing up allowing Hansel to get up as well. She begins walking towards the water, glancing back to Hansel.

"I don't swim well," Hansel says, waving off Mina's idea.

"Then I'll go in with you," Mina says, not letting Hansel dismiss her so easily. She unfastens her dress, allowing it to slide off as she steps into the water.

"Oh okay, oh boy," Hansel says, trying to avert his gaze away from Mina as he tries to be a gentleman. Hearing the water splash around, he takes a glimpse over his shoulder, seeing Mina fully submerged in the water. "So, it's healing waters, did you say?" Hansel removes the rest of his clothes, climbing into the waters himself. "You know the last time I was in waters like this, I came across a formidle Serpent witch."

Mina glides through the water, as Hansel continues speaking, "she mostly looked like a toad, but she could breathe underwater. Which made her difficult to track. She was deadly."

Mina glides over to Hansel, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Hansel stares at her as they look at each other's eyes deeply, "you talk too much." Mina leans in and softly presses her lips to Hansel's, the two of them getting lost in each other.


Damien walks through the woods, looking in every direction. He stops when hears a woman giggles. Damien pulls out his gun, and slowly begins making his way towards the sounds. He only pauses when hearing familiar mans chuckles. "Really Hansel, at a time like this?" Damien says to himself, picking up his pace. "Hansel!" Damien shots out, rounding the corner but immediately adverts his eyes, "woah, hey."

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