Chapter 1

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A certain raven haired boy could be seen jumping in excitement. "This movie is gonna be about me!" he said in glee. all the Slytherin groaned. the last thing they wanted to do was waste their time watching movies about potter. "Not necessarily, the last time i checked, your name was not harry potter" said Sylvie Malfoy, younger sister of Lucius Malfoy.

All the slytherins snickered while Regulus smirked at his soon to be wife. "Now, Now, lets settle down and watch the movie" said Dumbledore, silencing them. On the outside, he may have looked like a pleasant man with a ridiculously long beard and a grandfatherly smile.

But on the inside, he was smirking, 'This would be a good way to see if my plans work and if I can get rid of any interference' he thought. And with that, the movie started.

The scene started with a long figure walking down a muggle lane, his twinkling blue eyes was hidden behind his half moon spectacles.

A certain redhead by the name lily Evans recognised the street and stiffened against her friends grasp. "Lily are you alright?" Asked marlene. "Yeah, I am ok" She quickly responded. Lily could only hope that this was a coincidence.

"What is dumbledore doing in a muggle area? " Questioned Sirius. "Maybe the old coot has finally lost his sanity" Remarked Abarax Malfoy. Many of the purebloods, including Cygnus black agreed with him, ignoring the outrageous looks they were receiving by the gryffindors.

Dumbledore searches in his pocket and brings out a lighter.

"Didn't know you smoked headmaster" Said sirius

The lighter once switched on, absorbed all the lights that glowed in the lamps

"Never mind" He said, making the people around him laugh.

Once the street was blanketed by darkness, Dumbledore turned gonthe wall to face a tabby cat. He had an amused expression.

"Is it just me or does that cat seem familiar?" Asked Evan rosier to his best mate, regulus Black.

"I should have known you would be here professor McGonagall" He greeted.

"MINNIE!" Screamed all the marauders. "It's professor McGonagall to you mister black and Potter" She said with a fond smile.

The cat shifts into a woman dressed in wizard garb and her mouth set into a firm line. "Dumbledore" She greeted. "How did you recognize me? " She asked.

"Why I have never seen a cat sit so still" He said humorously. "You'd be still too if you were sitting on a brick wall all day" She snapped

"Why on earth was she sitting on a brick wall all day" Asked Callista to her sister, narcissa. Narcissa simply shrugged. "The real question you should be asking, sis, is that why was she wasting her time spying on lowlives such as those" Bellatrix lestrange sneered. "I haven't a clue" Rudolphus replied. Sirius shot a glare at the both of them.

The mood seemed to have taken a turn for the worst as McGonagall asked, "are those rumours true? Are they really dead?".

The mood in the great gall had drastically changed as well. The students were immediately saddened because even in their current time there were s lot of reports of deaths due to the death eaters.

It seemed that McGonagall had finally reached the point she wanted to desperately discuss. Why she had been sitting on a brick wall the whole day.

"Then tell us, why is this bloody thing so secretive" Grumbled sirius. Orion groaned, already knowing what would happen next. Whaleburger glared at her son. "If you would be quite, then they would get to tell us" She remarked.

Sirius glared at her. "No one asked for your opinion, shut up!" He said. Whaleburger gave a loud and exaggerated gasp. "How dare you-" But was cut in between by her husband as he pulled her down. She grumbled as she sat on the beanbag.

Dumbledore nods and solemnly says, "voldemort was there minerva, he killed lily and James Potter".

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