Chapter 7

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"So what do yu intend to do about it?" asked Narcissa. "Well, I kind of want to be in the house my parents first were" Fawna admitted.

Lily and James smiled. There was some hope left that they could take the darkness out of their daughter.

"But i do not want to be with those arrogant gryffindroks!" she fumed.

Shouts of protests were heard from the Gryffindor table before McGonagall had to shut the all up with a silencing spell.

"I do not wish to be in hufflepuff either, i will b considered weak; which leaves ravenclaw and slytherin,hmm... I guess the both of them could be decent options, but i kinda want to be in the same house as percy and kaidy, so..." Fawna contemlated. Narcissa sighed. She was clearly confused.

"Fawna, close your eyes" she said. Fawn did as her aunt told her. Now forget of all the rejudice, forget if your siblings and friend or elatives are in some specific house; just close your eyes and focus on which house you want, whcih atches your attributes the geatest" she said. after a minute or so fawna oened her eyes. "So, whats it going to be?" Narcissa asked. Fawna smirks as the scene changes.

"NOOOOOO!" sirius wailed. "We wanted to see which house she would go into..." marlene pouted. "Dramatic much?" Astra laughed. "Srius glared at her. "Piss off" he said. "Its actually really obvious which house se is going into" Evan said. Lily and james brushed off that comment but the couldnt ingore the snking feeling that evan might be right.

Fawna was now at her house. She and her godfather were makng a potion together. "Have you added everything?" he asked. "Yep. Lacewing, a few leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass and fluxweed" she replied, looking into her potion. "Now we have to add in shredded boomslang skin" he replied. his lips cured into  smile once he saw fawna making a face while adding the ingrediets to her pot.

"No way!" Barty sighed dramatically. "Did he really!" gasped Evan. "He smiled!" they both finished together in mock surprise beore bursting out in laugheter. "oh shove off" Severus glared playfully.

"they should be here any minute" he said while stiring his potion clockwise. The floo roared. "They came" fawna said as she ran to the floo. "Dont run" snape instructed. "Okay" he heard her reply, but run nonetheless. "Fawna" Anka said excitedly as fawna wrapped her little sister in a hug.

Lily smiled at their encounter.atleast along with black and malfoy, fawna was treting anika as her own.

 "hello fawna" remus greeted warmly. "hello uncle moony. "aah lupin" snape said from behind the two girls. both of them jumped from his sudden appearance. "Thank you so much for this" remus said, tiredly. "of course lupin, though i must advise you to hurry, i can already feel it happen; i shall send Anika by tomaroow afternon" he said. Remus thanked him once more before leaving. 

the Mauraders looked at each other with a knowing glance. the others looked confused. "What could you possibly hav et do that you would leave yor daughter with snape!" marlene said outrageous. "This is the future marlene. how could i have a clue?" remus retorted.

Fawna cleared her potion and put her cauldron in the storage cupboard. "Which potion were you making? anika asked. "Polijuice" she answered simply. "Wicked" anika grinned. Fawna gave her a look, clearly seeing through her. NO! before you even ask, i am not going to give you some so that you can lay pranks on the nieghbourhod kids" she said. "Aw" anika siged sadly. 

"Ladies and gentleman... We hae a prankster!" James announced prudly while the three boys behind him dd jaz hands and the prewett twins did the drum roll.

"So, what are you up to these days" Fawna asked while the both of them headed upstairs. "No good" anika relied causing fawna to roll her eyes. "I figured that" she dryly said. "i meant apart from that."

Anika immediately lowered her voice. "Ok this is a secret, do not I repeat DO NOT tell anyone!" she said. Fawna groaned. This couldn't be good. "aright what is it" she asked thinking i must be another trick of hers. Anika gave a deep sigh. "I want to be an animagus" she said. 

Euphemia gasped in horror. "An ANIMAGUS! NO NO NO Absolutely not!" she said. James could only pale, thinking of his mother's reaction when she finds out that her son is an animagus.

Fawna choked on her own spit. "AN ANIMAGUS! Anika how could you possibly even think that! it is highly dangerous, not to mention illegal" she snapped. Anika groaned. "Oh come on! dad was an animagus too, and uncle Sirius and uncle wormy" she said. 

"Oh really!" she said, looking angrily between the three boys. "I can not believe you! Yu completely tainted our family name by doing this boy!" Wallburga said. Euphemia's demeanor completely changed.

"I don't see what is so bad in that. i think being an animagus is very honorable, after all only a few manage to accomplish it. And the fact that my boys could do it at the mere age of fifteen!" she exclaimed. James gave a sigh of relief. He whispered to Sirius. "Padfoot, mete, look I know you don't want to admit it, but you mom just saved our asses!"

"look i just want to help uncle Remus in any way I can" she said. Fawna looked thoughtful. "fine" she said after a few solid minutes of thinking. "yay" Anika squealed as she jumped on Fawna. Fawna grinned. "I was eve reading a book about it today, i think i remember all the instructions" she said. 

"Wait I am confused, how will being an animagus help Remus?" Marlene questioned. Remus paled. the marauders began stuttering. seeing that lily immeadiently whispered her friend to let it go.

"Suddenly Anika thought of something. "sis, do you want to be an animagus?" she asked. Fawna looked at her in surprise. "What? me? no way!" she said. "Oh come on please" Anika begged. Fawna smiled at her little sister who was trying her best to make a dog pout. "Ok, but when will we do it, i will be leaving in a few days for Hogwarts" she said. Anika's face fell. "Oh yeah, i forgot about that" she said moodily. 

"Aw, Anika is sad that her big sister is going to go away" Alice said. Lily smiled at the scene.

"Fawna looked sadly at her sister. "Why don't we do at one i am home for the summers, hmm?" she said, trying to lift Anika's mood. "Ok, but i am going to miss you so much!" she exclaimed. Fawna smiled at her sister and wrapped her in a hug. "Hey do you want to see something?" she softly asked. with a nod of her head, Anika went up to Fawna to see what she was pointing at. Anika gasped. "The new record player which you got for your birthday!" Fawna grinned as she played a song of Abba.

She stretched forward her hand. "want to dance?" she asked. "Hell yeah! Anika exclaimed. The record player started laying 'dancing queen' while Fawna twirled her around a few times, causing her to giggle as the scene faded away.

"They are so close" Alice said to Lily happily. Lily smled at the bond between the sister. Seeng that she started wishing that the bond between her and her sister would get better. Litle did she know that in the ext chapter, she would start wishing her sister was never born...

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