Chapter 2

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The hall was dead silent. silence was soon broken by euphemia who sobbed loudly, clutching her son as if he were too disappear that very moment. fleamont slowly pulled her to his side as she started sobbing on his chest.

"My poor baby boy"

The marauders were aghast. they did not know how their lives would turn out with the absence of james. After all he was an integral art of their lives. Peter broke in soft sobs, remus was heart broken and sirius... Sirius would not accept it.

"No, you are not dying, you are simply n-not, t-these movies a-are lying, yes, These movies are a lying piece of shit"

Meanwhile lily's friends stood around her, as if to guard her from death itself. It was a heart breaking scene.

Minerva broke into sobs, "Oh Lily and James,! I cannot believe this" she said. Dumbledore took out a handkerchief and gave it to her. "I know, it is very sad" he said without a single sight of remorse.

Dumbledore paled. Fleamont looked at him suspiciously. 'why is the movie exposing me' he thought miserably.

"Oh! But that is not a that they are saying" continued Mcgonagall. "They are also saying that their children survived and their middle son, Harry is the cause of it" she said.

The great hall was filled with confused faces. how was that possible. Lily and james, so skilled and talented, were dead. while their children were alive. 

"They say that there was a prophecy about him. When you know who went to kill him, it rebounded and killed you know who himself" she said.

There were surprised gasps. the slytherins were outrageous. After all the deaths, their dark lord was killed by a mere baby? "How is this even possible!" screeched walburga. Orion, who was sitting next to her, simply covered his ears. "This is bullshit" said Cygnus. "These movies are lying" declared abraxas. there was a lot of chaos. "STOP IT!" roared callista.

The while great hall fell quiet. "sonorous" Callista said, pointing her wand at her throat. "These movies were sent to us for a reason. I suggest we watch them peacefully, without making unnecessary comments and opinions" she said. there were murmurs of agreement as everyone calmed down. Druella on the other hand looked at her daughter with pride. Rabastan and his brother looked at her with admiration.

"What are we going to do about the children, Albus?" Professor Mcgonagall asked dumbledore. "Hagrid is bringing them" he replied casually, ignoring her gasp. "How could you possibly trust hagrid with something as important as this!" She said. "Ah professor Mcgonagall! I would trust Hagrid with my life" he declared.

"Yeah but just not your secrets" said Evan cheekily. Regulus shook his head at his friends antics. James on the other end of the room could be seen frowning. Sure, he was fond of the big, friendly giant. But he did not trust Hagrid with something as delicate as a baby, especially if it were his.

There was a sound of the roaring of an engine. The scene revealed a big and shiny, black flying bike.

"Cool I want that" said Sirius, jumping in his seat. "NO!" Said Remus, Lily and Euphemia at the same time. Sirius heaved a disappointed sigh. Walburga watched son and shook her head while muttering something about blood traitors.

Hagrid, the half giant could be seen riding the bike. He slowly brought the bike on the ground, causing a lot of noise.

"Oh yes! Go on! Wake the whole neighbourhood, you oaf!" Narcissa exclaimed. Sirius gave her a sharp look, while lily simply shrugged. After all, Narcissa was right.

"Professor Dumbledore, professor Mcgonagall" Hagrid nodded. "Evening Hagrid, I trust you had no issues with your journey?" Asked dumbledore. "No sir, the little tyke and his little sister fell asleep as we passed Bristol. Fawna however was wide awake, the poor think did after all witness her parents die" he replied.

James and lily looked at each other sadly. Fleamont, however, narrowed his eyes at Hagrid and Dumbledore.

The three of them turned to the bike. An outline of a little girl was visible, which revealed to be the three year old fawna.

James and lily inhaled sharply. This was their little girl. "Oh my god, look at the state she is in" said Marlene with a gasp.

Fawna had emerald green eyes and blood red hair, up to her shoulder which broke into soft curls. Her small face was now pale and white and the only thing that was going in her head were the screams and scenes that happened just a few hours ago.

"Oh darling" gasped professor Minerva as she carefully picked the child out of the side cart of the bike. Fawna immediately started sobbing, as she couldn't hold it in anymore. "Its okay, don't worry little one, you are safe now" she said.

Lily was heartbroken. She wanted to run up too her daughter and give her a tight hug and reassure her that everything would be fine. Oh how fate plays cruel games.

"My poor baby" sobbed Lily. James held her close, as to give her a sense of comfort.

"What will happen to them? Where will they go?" Asked professor Mcgonagall. "Harry will stay here" said dumbledore, indicating to the house beside them. Mcgonagall gasped.

"You can't possibly think of sending him here" she said incredulously. "Oh I'll tell you Albus, these are the worst sort of muggles, I have seen them myself the whole day, impossible, Harry cannot stay here, they-"

"Are the only family he has" Dumbledore said, cutting her off.

"Hey! What about us" shouted Sirius. "Why am I getting a feeling that most off us are dead in the future?" Asked Marlene.

"What about Fawna and Anika?" Asked Mcgonagall. But Dumbledore wasn't listening to her. He had picked up baby Harry from the side cart and was busy observing his scar. "Ahem, Ahem" Mcgonagall cleared her throat.

"Yes?" Dumbledore finally looked at her. "What about Fawna and Anika?" She repeated. That is when Dumbledore finally noticed Anika's presence.

Fleamont yet again narrowed his eyes at the so called 'leader of the light'. He wasn't pleased that Dumbledore was acting so indifferently with his grandchildren.

He picked her up and handed her to Hagrid. "Why! Fawna will go to her Godfather, Mr. Snape, while Anika will go to her Godfather, Mr. Lupin" said dumbledore.



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